Stats differences to favor Lycan?

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    • Stats differences to favor Lycan?

      I've observed a strange thing today, I cannot compare with live servers since we don't have there the new "details" page from character page.

      What I've noticed is that, without ANY items, alchemy etc, we have (or at least ninja have) 8 "strong" against Suras, Ninjas, Warriors, Shamans and 10 "evasion" against the same classes. Agains Lycans we have ZERO. Why is that? OK it was a new character, it was "gifted" with some advantages at that time to convince people play it...but now? Why Lycans still has advantages compared to other classes?

    • RabbitRun wrote:

      You get those bonuses from 85 and 90 bio missions. To get the lycan bonuses you have to talk with Baek-Go and select the first option. He will give you the missing bonuses.

      They are missing because Lycan was introduced way later than the missions

      unforgiven wrote:


      This was warned at the time but cannot be done automatically. In the live version you have the same option though to restore these bonuses.
      bloody hell , even if it was warned at the time there should be information about this somewhere! this is the first time I'm hearing this!
      I also tested it on beta , without equipment I have 10%against all races except for lykan, did that quest and relogged. And now I have that 10% against Lykans too.
      Since the Characters are from the Live Server , that basically means I have 10% Lykan missing there too! That would explain ALOT! Im gonna do that Quest on the Liveserver and test with a Lycan if I can notice any changes in the Damage. If yes, you should REALLY pin this Topic somewhere so players will realize that!
    • Yep, even if it was announced somewhere, I could not find that announcement on our official forum. And this should have been pinned for anyone to see. Having 10% less resistance against a class and 8% less attack is something noticeable. And since we don't have the stats new screen on the live server we didn't even noticed that