17.5 update Zodiac Dungeon and Changes to the Magical weapon.

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    • 17.5 update Zodiac Dungeon and Changes to the Magical weapon.

      Hello friends. Today I wanted to share a beta server with some of the places I was attentive to, I said I would make an entry.Finger strikeThe most striking point here is the status, as well as the characteristics it gives, that can be strengthened. That is, Strengthened by INT, STR.Dragon SwirlStrengthened by INT, STR. I have not seen a change in this.Enchanted BladeStrengthened by INT.Enchanted ArmourStrengthened by INT.FearIt has not been specified to be strengthened by any status. But the most notable change has been Chance to dodge arrows. I think it's a spelling correction. We will see its effect in the future. In a different fix, a phrase is used as it can not attack lower characters. As a change, we can say these.DispelStrengthened by INT.
      I will now criticize these situations as a magical weapon against fears;While we are not given more statues and we can not give a score to str, why is the skiller strengthened with str. On the other hand, I still can not solve the situation, which means that I want to do both physical and magical attacks. A character makes a magical attack or physical. I do not understand the purpose of combining the two.The result I get out of here is;Magical silage has been tried to integrate both magical attack value and physical attack value together. This is a very big mistake. Another mistake is why Runic sword still does not turn. I am now forced to make a dragon female sword from scratch. And the new weapon's magical attack value is higher. They have to change.
      I came to the zodiac dungeon 1 floor, but there are huge problems here. You are doing the assigned task on the floor, but you can not pass the top. Also when you get to the bridge, the character comes down from the rider himself, makes a flat attack and then rides himself back to himself.These are my observations for now.
    • Merhaba. Her şeyden önce sihirli silahlar, yetenekleri 2 duruma kadar hasar görüp gösterebilirler.
      Str durumumuz bizim için etkili bir durum değil. Durumu zaten veremeyiz. Bu durum bizi çok zor durumda bıraktı.

      Sihirli silahlarda iyileşmeyi beklediğimiz şeyin çok altında olmasını beklemiyoruz. Karakteri hala çok zayıf. Bu karakteri bir çiftlik olarak yıllardır kullandık.

      Şimdi savaşta aktif olarak görmek istiyoruz.
    • What he meant is that sura weapon is physical class and he uses physical wepons (weapons that give more physical then magical attack) and it make no sense that dispell is magical skill while 2 other skills are physical . Also what he meant is that dispell (and other skills to probably) should be strenghten by the INT and DEX not INT and STR because sura need to max out DEX before STR. He also want that dispell would be the range but physical not magical attack. Its quite similar situation to the ninja with Poisonous Cloud being magical skill while all others are physical skill.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by grzybtue ().