Please change the way of entering the Blue Dragon's Lair

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    • Please change the way of entering the Blue Dragon's Lair


      although I already know it's not the scope of this beta, I need at least to share my opinion with players from all the foreign communities, now that I have the chance to communicate with them - so please do not lock this thread at once.

      I already tried discussing this matter on my community but the proposal has not been accepted: after some brief discussing, it didn't produce any effect.

      I noticed you are putting much effort into updating the game and proposing us new contents, and I thank you for this, but it seems you are forgetting of a current problem afflicting official servers: that is to say, Beran Setaou monopolization.

      There are some players who actually devote themselves daily to it - and they farm a considerable amount of yangs. However, since the access is fast-click based, they always get the chance to enter first, much probably because they have faster internet connections.

      You probably are not aware of this - at least, I hope so - but many of these yangs are actually illegally sold, even if - laughably enough - on our servers, every hour an automatic message pops up, reminding all the players that illegal activities shall be severely punished.

      I believe you should modify the way of accessing the Temple of Dragon, reducing the number of Blue Dragons that can be slain by a player, per day. Many other bosses display a time-block of about 3-4 hours (think of Meley and Nemere, for instance).

      The current system promotes illegal activities, I'm sorry to say this, but it's the truth. Is Webzen ok with this?

      You should also consider that placing some restrictions to older contents, makes new contents more interesting to everyone: this way, monopolizers will have to switch their gameplay, so everyone will have the chance to actually try ALL of the contents of the game available.

      Please let me know your opinion, I've been having the feeling that I'm the only Metin2 player who's thought the current system to be unfair. :P
    • This is true. There is a real monopolization with the blue dragon although the problem lies in the players and how the dungeon is designed, as this boss is something that only 1 per server can be done per hour many people are excluded from this boss (but look at everything new, everything can do it simultaneously next to another for example enter 2 different groups doing jotuns and etc).
      I never understood well what was the purpose of doing that you can only go 1 per server since this happens what our colleague says here, where a group or a person gets to monopolize said boss and the rest is excluded from going, mainly because it already has hours, keys and everything calculated.
      This still does not happen on my server because even people, not all are able to kill the blue dragon as simple, maybe 60% or 70% of players, but if they do it would be to kill 1 or 2 times. But they do not do it all the time because they have other goals like going to a nemere or jotun or meley or another boss that exists. But I sense that in a short time this type of monopoly can happen and we are very likely to be in the same situation in the .es.
      But I think we have to take into account this same as in the future with the updates will be easier to do with increasing damage from new weapons and etc and it would not be rare for this to occur more frequently and in certain form although it is an incentive the drop of yang to go but it generates in counterpart this situation of the people who sell yang for real money and foments this type of illegal businesses that unfortunately it seems that they never never ceased to exist at least for now.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.
    • On my community, there are some players who are actually able to do it in solo - yes, even after the update recently occured. Every hour, their names pops up in the general chat and they always manage to enter first.

      There are several power-ups, including DSS, items providing players with extra damage and so on, so it's not surprising at all they succeed in this feat. So, making the monster harder to kill is not the solution - after all, that's what Webzen made and... well, we're back where we started.
      It has worked just for few weeks, but now things are back as they were before. Monopolization all over the way.

      The problem is, as you said, that all of the "normal" players who are willing to TRY a Blue Dragon every now and then, are always cut out from the chance of entering, because there's always the same player (or the same two players) who retain the monopoly.

      And by the way, I also believe it's unfair that a lv.120 may drop the same amount of Dragon Chests a lv.100 can. I mean, drop should be adjusted according to the character's level, it works like that for every mob.

      This is balancing as well, you know.

      I agree with you, Bleseth, when you say that these phenomena will never cease to exist - but that's where game mechanics kicks in. If Webzen arranged things in order to prevent these abuses, fraudolent players will have a harder time to farm yangs - and moreover, every other player may have a chance to face a dragon.

      It's two birds with one stone. I seriously wonder why they're not going to fix it.