Are you happy with the new updates?

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    • Are you happy with the new updates?


      it may be too early to make any judgment, I know - but I've got a feeling these updates might seriously change gameplay. I'm also afraid I won't make myself clear enough, as I'm not a native english speaker - still, since we're here, I thought it was good to share our opinions.

      You've probably seen there will be several new pieces of equiment and that pendants will have a new impact on PvP. While new contents are always exciting to experiment, I'm somewhat disappointed by the way things seem to be going.

      I remember an interview released by a Gameforge director, in which it had been said that they would put more attention on older players, as the game itself is relatively outdated, so it would make sense to offer them new challenges.

      However, I get the impression they interpreted things in their own way, as always - basically making older weapons less effective and devaluing older equipments.

      What's the point into reducing overall damages for PvP if you're going to introduce weapons with noticeably higher attack values, while the level cap is still the same? Where's the much-vaunted attention to older players, if there's not a way to upgrade older weapons?

      This game requires much time and a slow progression to improve the characters - unless you are willing to invest a lot of real money. An update like this, might seriously cancel out most of the efforts done until now.

      You're already somehow forcing Dragon Shamans to change all of their fans into bells, Ninjas to leave their STR item and acquiring new DEX pieces of equipments.

      Things may change, I know, but don't overlook the perspective of older players. We're just not wallets who can talk, you know.
    • BlueShade wrote:

      What's the point into reducing overall damages for PvP if you're going to introduce weapons with noticeably higher attack values, while the level cap is still the same? Where's the much-vaunted attention to older players, if there's not a way to upgrade older weapons?
      Basically Gameforge is testing our stupidity by reducing overall damage and then making us pay to get it back. :S