Perfect Balance

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    • Perfect Balance

      How to make perfect balance?

      The answer is no such possibility. Why?
      Because every character is good at something and will always be superior to everyone. The current nerf likan will make likan not be strong in pvp or in pvm. The character will become useless.

      Look attention to the ninje.
      - The character does not have extra boosters for attack value, but is very strong due to attack speed and large damage from bows and knives. Bows in marble something beautifull.

      - Sura is a strong character thanks to the absorption of life in the blade.

      Sura black magic has a very strong and durable protection, so it can stop longer than other characters (it has protection but weak hits because it only beats with magic).

      - The warrior has a strong body that gives him strength by which he is strong despite his long beating and thanks to his increased defense he can withstand more than any other class of characters.

      - Warrior's body has an additional attack skill and a skill to increase the speed of beating

      - Likan has no strides outside of purplish and indigo. Indigo is a very poor skill only until the perfect horizontal means something.

      And Purpura, everyone thinks it's through the lush purple beat so much in pvp and that's the problem. Because although the purple gives a lot. It should be noted that the strength of the warrior increases his strong body and aura. Just as intelligence and every level of this class raises the value of the blade.

      In the case of purple, the level of lvl means nothing because it is always at the same level, only under the influence of intelligence.

      In my opinion you should leave the purple that is on the official version, that is at level 585 damage and give it 150 - 175 seconds duration.

      Only what is suitable to change u lucid is the force of skill beating.
      These values can only change nothing else.
      However, this should not be a significant change as Likan is not a strong character compared to warriors and suras.
      You only need to be able to do the right equipment.
      !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY IN UPDATE 18.4 !!!!!!

      Mój kanał YT: Metin2.PL - Wetar - GamePriv [YOUTUBE]
    • Since you referred to perfect balance i would like to point some things.

      (i am a dagger ninja so i am very neutral for what i am about to say)

      Let's start.

      Archer: Only downfall with the new update is that he needs INT to maximize some effects of his skills. I think the whole aspect of the INT brings negative results. Anything other than the INT is really good.

      Dagger: Insidious Poison should be influenced from halfhuman bonus as any other attacking skill in the game (not sure about Dispel with halfhuman and won't check now) or maybe have an upgrade in it's dmg and maybe some poison chance reduce (IMHO). Also Stealth. For all the time that you are invisible you SHOULD be Invincible. Why ? Is it logical that you are invisible (means that no one should be able to track you) but you can be attacked ? In pvp Stealth is 99% useless because by the time you activate the skill and it is complete and you become invisible the enemy has come face to face with you and hits you like there is not tomorrow and drags you. Case is it is ONLY usefull in large groups when no one targets you, that you can use Stealth effectively. Instead of the invincibility something other could be applied. When you use Stealth there could/should be something like a smokescreen that helps the enemy to lose track of you. If the enemy is close he is pushed back and takes some dmg. Logical right ? Other than that i do not have any complaints from the other skills. (only <<dream>> was to have something like Enchanted Daggers in example like Asuma's blades from naruto in case you know of the anime, well something like that Ok back to <<reality>>

      Mental warrior. Stump should have more AoE and cause something like a mini quake that makes everyone around the caster immobile for 1-2 seconds from the <<tremor>>. Also Strong Body should not increase the damage taken with piercing. What is the point of using a skill that makes you so strong that piercing makes fun of you. No Strong body should have a small pierce defence. For example if a warrior has (numbers are for example) 950 def then his pierce dmg would be around 1200. With Strong body his def jumps to around 1300 then with simple math the pierce dmg jumps to around 1600. That should not happen. What should happen is something between the two that i will explain. 1) The normal dmg taken should be equal to the 1300 def but the pierce dmg should be for a 950 def (like without account the Strong body) and less since he has a strong body, it means he can take much much more dmg. There are cases that i pvp a strong warrior with strong body in Battlefield and normal hits are less than 100 and pierce are like 4k, although it favors me and makes it easier to kill my opponent, it should not happen. 2) Or exept from the 328+ (at P) it should give chance to avoid pierce dmg or resistant to pierce dmg, it is illogical to use strong body in enchanted forest and die from the monsters because of the pierce, but without the strong body you are alive and well because there are not tremendous dmg from the monsters. Other than that i think mental warrior is ok.

      Body warrior. Dash should exceed the speed limitations and be like 200 speed (cap) which let's say the user has of his own (nothing difficult, rather pretty obvious). Dash gives 150 move speed temporarily. That 150 speed should exceed the speed limitations and the user should approach his opponent with a speed of 350. Normal right ? I mean you pvp with a speed of 200 and there is no change but you press dash should you hit your opponent. No it should give a max acceleration to the user to the point of being so fast that it collides and causes <<massive>> (cough cough 75++% sword def close to 0 dmg) dmg to the enemy. Simple right ? Imagive 2 cars that travel with a speed of 150 km/h and they collide (sad but it is just an example). The dmg is the same because they were travelling with the same speed. But think that now. The second car was traveling with 250 km/s. The dmg distributed from the second car is much bigger than the first car that was going at 150 km/s. Pretty logical. Next is Berserk. Berserk is like a mode that makes you so mad with <<rage>> (ok back to reality) that you are focusing only on attacking your opponent so yeah you are faster your attacks are faster, but you somewhat abandon some of your defence. Logical but 33% at P is a really bit amount. Imo dmg taken acording to berserk should be distributed like that. 1-> 17/20 (1->10), M1 -> M10 (12->20), G1 -> G10 (25->33), P (20) because when you perfect this techique you can utilize it to the point that you minimize it's flaw and let's be rational 20% is a better percentage than 33%. But in my opinion berserk is the only skill that has a flaw (other than strong body and pierce, but that is the way of how the game works, more def more pierce) and the Purple Indigo sould that gave -47 def (which if i remember correctly is negated with the new update)

      Dragon Shaman's buffs percentages should not be changed, the changes that were made with the attacking skills are ok in most cases. Many players have been making issues about the dmg bonus from bells/fans. As i cannot play for a month i cannot experiment on this. I will give an example. Before the beta shaman does 5k on metin and 15k on player (with halfhuman and amr). Has the amr been changed ? Like from 15k to 10k ? I am asking because i cannot see it myself as i cannot play. Ok in the beta with the weapon bonuses a shaman does 6k on metin and 18k on player ? (i am also asking because there are so many many many posts on shamans that i saddly had to pass on viewing them because it would take many many hours of my free time). If my questions about the example numbers above are correct, then ok dragon shaman may not have pvp bells, but it is not like that because they are using pvp fans, that their damage became smaller because of the use of fans. And again i am saying this only in the case of my questions above have a no (for the amr) and a yes for the dmg calculation in the beta.

      Healer shaman is a lot better in the beta from what i am reading in the 1st PvP Balancing Optimisation. What i do not know is the dmg he deals in the beta. But i would like the Lightning throw to have a similar charge effect to what i am talking about in the next paragraph for the Dark Orb skill.

      Sura BM should have fire lasting effect on Flame Strike. Also Flame Spirit should hit the user's target and not randomly. Also it should be usable from the mount because that way it would really help a BM to break a metin a lot faster since he does not do as much dmg as other players (i have tried with same gear a sura and a ninja, the sura does a lot less dmg than the ninja, ok there were some diferences in attack value from bio and alchemy BUT 3k on metin every 3 sec is 9k more dmg in 9 seconds, which in most cases is 2-3 more hits in those 9 seconds if we think that a normal bm sura does around 3-5k crit dmg on a metin, i have not experimented a lot on BM's so my numbers may vary from the truth, but you get the point). Dark strike should have chance to immolize the opponent for 1-2 seconds (similar to Stump). Think of a movie or something else you have watched that had a dark/evil magician with dark magic. He/She most of the times, had a skill/move that could immolize the target for some time. That would be COOL. Dark Orb should not have this effect because it is a very strong skill, or it could have an immobilize chance but with less chance because it focuses on dealing dmg to the target. But what i would like to see in Dark Orb, is a charge bonus, that maximizes the dmg outlet of the skill if you charge the skill for 2-3 seconds. Let's say the normal dmg of Dark Orb is 3k. With crit it goes up to 6k. If you charge half of the needed time (to maximize the effect) you can take the normal dmg to to 3,5k and the crit to 7,5k (not 7k which is 3,5x2) which is a little crit charge bonus. If you charge the maximum time needed then the normal dmg should go way up to 4,5k and the crit up to 10,5 (if you see i am adding the difference of the non charged dmg to the charged dmg, to the 4,5x2 which makes 9k that is the crit dmg plus the 1,5k, which is 4,5k-3k, that is the normal charge bonus)

      The lycan should be a LITTLE nerfed in the crimson wolf soul, but what you did is a 40-50% nerf, the nerf should be kept in a 10-15% to stay in logical places, like the crimson should be increased by 5 points for every point of int instead of 6. That way the 585 attack would become 495 and the 1014 would become 845. Very logical numbers. But you went and reduced the 1 INT to 3,4 [ 3,4 / 6 = 0,56 => 1 - 0,56 = 44% nerf ] points of attack which makes the nerf of the ammount of 44%. But if you make the 1 INT to 5 points the nerf will be 17% [ 5 / 6 = 0,83 => 1 - 0,83 = 17% nerf ] which is NORMAL. for such high numbers.

      That is all, i tried to be a little bit creative and neutral for all the cases.
    • You have right.

      If one character class moves, the others should also be aligned.
      What you wrote makes sense.
      I would just add to the wolf so that the purple is longer than, because 92 seconds is not enough.
      Your option is very nice.
      I would add that the aura, the enchanted blade, and the purple would last as long as 150 seconds.
      And to be able to launch them at any time (except of course, the effect of scattering).
      !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY IN UPDATE 18.4 !!!!!!

      Mój kanał YT: Metin2.PL - Wetar - GamePriv [YOUTUBE]
    • Hmm good money ..
      Everything started with Costumes.
      Costumes killed the PVP community.
      First Magic skills 0 DMG ..
      After AntiMagic. every Magic char player woke up, but melee players leave te game.
      After "we decrasing the AM for the Black Magic Sura.
      After "we change weapon skin bonuses "
      But hey lvl 55 healers killing 105 players with 55% Magic Resistance. WTF? Its not normal. . . It does not exist another game where lvl 55 chars kill max lvl chars in PVP...

      Webzen only goal is InGame buying ...
      You need to buy Costumes when You Will resist Magic attacks .
      We get Sash, Pendant, everything to make damage higher Just because Costumes selling must be profitable. .
    • Everything revolves around money.
      This balance also spins around money.

      You will not be surprised how likan will be useless because what they do with them is funny.

      Reducing the purple skill and time of its duration is ridiculous.
      They do this character, and then they claw their heads that the character suddenly is too strong.
      And now the players will suffer through the administrative blame it is ridiculous.
      If something like that is done there should be some compensation.

      And now however, to make it easier to switch to another item in the itemshop, they will occasionally give items that are 100% successful in extracting alchemy to put on another character.
      !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY IN UPDATE 18.4 !!!!!!

      Mój kanał YT: Metin2.PL - Wetar - GamePriv [YOUTUBE]
    • GamePriv wrote:

      Everything revolves around money.
      This balance also spins around money.

      You will not be surprised how likan will be useless because what they do with them is funny.

      Reducing the purple skill and time of its duration is ridiculous.
      They do this character, and then they claw their heads that the character suddenly is too strong.
      And now the players will suffer through the administrative blame it is ridiculous.
      If something like that is done there should be some compensation.

      And now however, to make it easier to switch to another item in the itemshop, they will occasionally give items that are 100% successful in extracting alchemy to put on another character.

      Yes thats true that everything revolves around money, but some companies put people first, and some like gameforge put money above everything else. People are crying about lycan because he was able to kill bosses and metin stones with the smallest amount of items from IS or even without any. And this is the reason why there is so much lycans on the lvl 90+ not so much on lvl 55 or 75. You can destory basicly every boss up to 84 lvl with 55 lvl body/wp/lycan(with other characters to but it requires way better alchemy and equipment) without a problem. Not so much bosses like razador or nemere. My friend has 105 body warrior and despite 9k+ hits on razador (weapon on 75+9 48 avr dmg, perf razador really good alchemy 100% crit, ring from is that give 30% attack power aura P) he wasn't able to kill him. And he has eqipment that is worth beetween 7-9k PLN (in PL most young people are making beetween 1500-2500 PLN on month). I have suggestion to resolve the "lycan suddently being OP problem". Make every boss like razador, nemere, or meley killable for most good characters and not only for the elite that is spending 50% of their time and money for this game. People woud not be angry at all if after the nerf you coud kill every boss and metin stone without a problem (assuming good equipment and alchemy). But this is not the case. Example: Killing razador in or 3,5 or 4 min on official server vs 5 min on beta server with the same equipment and with the same effort. But this nerf is more like this: Killing razador on official server in 5 min vs not being able to kill razador on beta and even with IS being extremly diffcult becoause of changing eq for INT and to low duration time of wolf sould. I watching everyday the place where people selling accounts or equipment for PLN when they end the game and I'm telling you it was almost impossible to find good lycan before rumors about nerf. And now? On every server you can find one without a problem. And i'm not even goint to talk about how much eq for lycan suddenty appeared on market in the game afer rumors about lycan nerf became really loud. And you know why? Becaouse they know that webzen/gameforge goind to do this despite every negative comment on beta, or every forum from all of the countries. Webzen/gameforge thinking is like this: we are not making enough money so we are going to nerf characters that is the strongest so people will start buing stuff form is or going to buy even more then they already do besouce they wan't give up thier beloved lecans after they spent so much time and money to build them. Players thining: Wrong !!! We are not going to spend so much money only to kill boss in the game, after all I have rant to pay, food to buy etc. It clearly can be seen that slowly but still people are ending with this game and there is not much new players becouse in those times there are better games, with better graphics, that gives you way more fun and the most important when they don't have to pay 50% of their earned money or using plenty of bots bo build good character. I hope that unforgiven will read my post and at least think about all of this. And if agree at least to some extend that he will pass my messege to the webzen/gameforge. He may have diffrent view on this case but i talk with lot of people about this nerf, approaching changes to buffs and overar current state of the game and they agree with me in almost 100%.

      P.S. I am sorry if I was offensive to someone but if I was I want you to know that it wasn't intended.
    • C'mon...EVERY and ANY company in the world is looking for money & profit, otherwise it'll go down and close. Nothing is wrong here. So I don't see a point for us as players saying this over and over again. If YOU would have a company, I am 100% sure you'll try to do the same. Let's not talk about this because is pretty simple economics and you don't have the tools nor the knowledge or figures to asess that.

      What I've seen in many years is that people tend to throw guilt for everything on anyone else EXCEPT themselves...maybe this is human nature I don't know. I know I'm not becoming popular with this post but I don't care either. Somebody has to say this as well and officiall staff are more limited and maybe unable to respond as they would like due to company policy (they have to be "friendly" with the players). I don't.

      So my point is...STOP whining about companies that try to make profit out of you because every single one on this planet does. And you don't go shouting to the nearby market to say they're interested only by getting your money. You want to complain or you want to do something for this game to be better for us the players? If the answer is YES (as it hould be), you should concentrate on the things that matters in the gameplay and make constructive criticism not shouting about things that will never change and are obvious. That "money" is the one that allows other players to play without investing a dime...and proudly say "I haven't paid 1 euro since I play". Good for you...somebody else did. Because if it wasn't you would not have played for so long, this game would have been ditched years ago as not being profitable.

      This whole "speech", don't get me wrong, is not for all of you. Most people here try to do good things for the game and rest of the players...but I see many others that do more harm than good by coming and instead of effectively helping, complaining about things that they can't and never change. You want to play and have a good time and help on that, or you want to complain all the time?...Decide

      Have a wonderful weekend
    • Dear friend.
      This is not a question of grumbling, but the possibility of normal play.
      It's about honesty in relation to all classes of characters.
      Look at it realistically.
      This is nerf likana. This nerf is bad.

      The reduction in likany consisted in:
      - reduce the purple to 360 (that is 225 dmg)
      - Reduce 2 times the amount of damage done from Intelligence
      - Reduce skill level by 10%

      Reduced level of purple - about 40%
      Reduced level of damage from intelligence - about 50%

      This is beta balans very bad.
      !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY IN UPDATE 18.4 !!!!!!

      Mój kanał YT: Metin2.PL - Wetar - GamePriv [YOUTUBE]
    • Rapier wrote:

      C'mon...EVERY and ANY company in the world is looking for money & profit, otherwise it'll go down and close. Nothing is wrong here. So I don't see a point for us as players saying this over and over again. If YOU would have a company, I am 100% sure you'll try to do the same. Let's not talk about this because is pretty simple economics and you don't have the tools nor the knowledge or figures to asess that.

      What I've seen in many years is that people tend to throw guilt for everything on anyone else EXCEPT themselves...maybe this is human nature I don't know. I know I'm not becoming popular with this post but I don't care either. Somebody has to say this as well and officiall staff are more limited and maybe unable to respond as they would like due to company policy (they have to be "friendly" with the players). I don't.

      So my point is...STOP whining about companies that try to make profit out of you because every single one on this planet does. And you don't go shouting to the nearby market to say they're interested only by getting your money. You want to complain or you want to do something for this game to be better for us the players? If the answer is YES (as it hould be), you should concentrate on the things that matters in the gameplay and make constructive criticism not shouting about things that will never change and are obvious. That "money" is the one that allows other players to play without investing a dime...and proudly say "I haven't paid 1 euro since I play". Good for you...somebody else did. Because if it wasn't you would not have played for so long, this game would have been ditched years ago as not being profitable.

      This whole "speech", don't get me wrong, is not for all of you. Most people here try to do good things for the game and rest of the players...but I see many others that do more harm than good by coming and instead of effectively helping, complaining about things that they can't and never change. You want to play and have a good time and help on that, or you want to complain all the time?...Decide

      Have a wonderful weekend

      I am afraid you don't get the point. I have question for you man: Why people love CDPROJECT RED and why they hate UBISOFT? Both of the companies do not give their games for free, both make profit but still there is so much posstivie opionion about CDPROJECT and negative about UBISOFT. Why is that? I want you to go to the web and find out and when you will mayby you will understend what i meant.
    • I don't know how much hate is against one or the other (and to be honest I don't care either). My point was that some people complain in vain about things that they cannot and won't change. Instead of concentrating at things they might influence. It is a beta server...we are here to test these things and give our constructive feedback not complaining about the fact that GF cares about money.

      Let's face don't like it, you don't play it. Plain and simple. But you still play it right? In 8 years I heard so many times that "I won't play this game anymore" and "you will remain to play this alone" I could not even count. There are alot of people after each and every new addition to the game that say this. The result? After so many years there are still soo many users that play. And you know the most funny thing> Alot of them are the ones that were shouting earlier that they'll never play again...yet here they are (shouting again ofc)
    • Rapier wrote:

      I don't know how much hate is against one or the other (and to be honest I don't care either). My point was that some people complain in vain about things that they cannot and won't change. Instead of concentrating at things they might influence. It is a beta server...we are here to test these things and give our constructive feedback not complaining about the fact that GF cares about money.

      Let's face don't like it, you don't play it. Plain and simple. But you still play it right? In 8 years I heard so many times that "I won't play this game anymore" and "you will remain to play this alone" I could not even count. There are alot of people after each and every new addition to the game that say this. The result? After so many years there are still soo many users that play. And you know the most funny thing> Alot of them are the ones that were shouting earlier that they'll never play again...yet here they are (shouting again ofc)

      How can you possibly know if you can change something unless you acually try to? Like honestly how? Do you know the future? Because i don't and i don't know if i can change something with my post or not buy i do know that i can try at least. Its like saying that i can't quit smoking before i even try... I was speeking about CDPROJECT because they are great example that company can be user friendly vs UBISOFT that is definitely not and still makes a good money. There was made a lot of changes in Witcher 3 but mostly beacuse players wanted them and they were willing to ask for them on the forum. And on the other side there were devs that were listen to them and made changes that players wanted. After all why wouldn't they? They know that they are depending on the people that are paying for their games and they have chosen deliver acually good product in good price with good support. And i believe that this is how it shoud be done. I will summarize my posti in this phrase: You can make money while being good for others or not. And i didn't saw the post from Unforigven or anyone stating that writing about anything else outside balance or zodiac temple is forbidden on this forum.