{SUGGESTION]Unlock stats points after lvl 90

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    • {SUGGESTION]Unlock stats points after lvl 90

      Yes, I know it was discussed somewhere and an answer came that said this is not possible because will introduce more un-ballance. Still I would like to hear some more opinions on this topic and to know why it is considered like that.

      Especially now when character skills will be influenced in a different way and stats have changed their importance, limiting the points up to lvl 90 is not a good thing. I don't propose to increase it to the curent lvl cap...so I don't say to add another 30 x 3 usable points (90 total), but they should be added at least for 10 lvl more (30 total). Say to raise it from lvl 90 to lvl 100 for ex.

      You have talked alot about "ballancing" you've added some good things, we understood that you've added also some things to make the game more challenging and have more options for developping our chars....but you haven't touched the stats points for ages. It is like this from the very begining, ten years ago. And I am totalluy sure that this is a minor modification, nothing to be developped...it's just a matter of some settings that should be altered. 10 years ago level cap was 99...now it is 120. An increase there should be logical. And it won't break anything and won't bring more un-ballance...there were certain changes that influenced more the gameplay than this change.

      Could you please consider this request and see if can be fitted in the current change set? I am sure this will be something all players will acclaim and need. What do you say @Comkra, @unforgiven?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rapier ().

    • I totally agre, now some characters need more points to be able to deal maximum dmg and do not los hp nor defense and as for example str in shamans only powers up some skill and not the dmg (and the boost is not that much) same with ninjas, that would be a great point to make a little more balance.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • What must be done which i have proposed many years ago in my community is that we must get stats after 90 lvl until the end. This means that we will get extra 90 status points (3 status points per lvl, for 30 lvls). That means that for the last status from 16 we would get it to 106 if possible, but all in all we would not have ANY problem with status points anymore.

      In addition with your idea, if the cap from 90 goes to 100, then that would mean that instead of 360 status points we would need 400 status points. But if we calculate the idea above, then we would have in our disposal 376 points, which in conclusion would give as 100 + 100 + 100 + 76.

      Imagine your last status being 16/90 and being 76/100.
      Even for archers that now need the INT to maximize their skill chances, being from 16 to 76 (for an 120 lvl player, but that is logical) it really really helps.
      Even for shamans that now need the str it would really help, because shamans have/had the str to 16 because it had little to no effect in their skills before the beta.

      So if these two ideas combine, then the status problem will be (almost) solved.
    • RabbitRun wrote:

      Yea 180 int, Blessing gives then above 60%. Nice. Just give 2 stats half the points and problem solved
      If that is your problem (because that is not a valid negative opinion, based ONLY on one skill) then they can lower a bit the blessing to keep it in the same percent and problem solved like you said :).
      With these two ideas many problems will be solved. Look at the bigger picture and not only on blessing.
    • With the changes in the stats this I see it necessary to allow us to get more points until level 100, I really do not know because this issue has not been touched during all this time during the balance since they are mainly changing as the skills increase according to stats and I think that this would also be a way for the game to progress in something that has not changed more than 5 years.
      It is more to add something, currently little motivation to be a little more level since you do not gain anything in return more than accessing new equipment, you do not have any new mission of biologist, nor new stats or other things that during the trip you get 90 and this motivated much at the time that it was difficult to rise to those levels.

      But if I see it right that this is added because it seems unfeasible for a character to sacrifice a large portion of hp to be able to have good damage.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Metin2.es Server: Nemesis.