Pinned Zodiac Temple - Bosstypes

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    • Zodiac Temple - Bosstypes

      Hey guys,

      this thread is about the different Zodiac-Bosstypes:
      1. Boss who spawns Metins
      2. Boss who can transform you into a wilddog
      3. Boss who can transform you into a statue
      4. Boss who does not have any specials

      1. Boss who spawns Metins

      • As long as a Metin is on the Map you can't damage the Boss
      • The Boss-Stage spawns Metins after a few time.
      • They more time pased they more Metins will spawn.

      As you can see in the Video, we managed pretty good to kill the first boss.
      But the Second Boss-Stage where imposible.

      The spawn of the Metins is way to high.

      • Let the Bos spawn some Metins if he reach XX% of his life.
      • Like Jotun spawns his healers.
      • OR the amount of Metins stay as the same.

      2. Boss who can transform you into a wilddog

      • The Boss can transform you into a dog with a skill
      • While you are a dog you deal only 1 DMG
      • After a while you will be transformed back
      • There are 2 different Bosses who can do this
        1. You just need to escape his transformation skill/spell
        2. You need to reach a safe zone
      Is a interrestion mechanic but has some improvments because:
      • Because of Lags and Desyncronize problems you can't reach the safe zone (escape the skill) in time
      • The Duration of the transform is pretty long
      • The Boss cast the spell very often

      • Increase the time you have to get to the "save zone" (or out of the skill)
      • or/and nerf the cast time from the skill from the Boss (longer intervals)
      • or/and reduce the time you are transformed
      • Display the real transformation time. It shows 0 minutes but it is 60 seconds.

      3. Boss who can transform you into a statue

      • The Boss can cast a skill wich transform you into a statue
      • You can only get out of the statue if a other player hits you
      • If all players are in statues the run is over
      I personally really like this type.
      Here a bow ninja will come in handy.

      No suggestions, keep it like it is.

      4. Boss who does not have any specials

      • No "special" skills
      • But in return the bosses deal a little bit more skill DMG
      Well, just normal Bosses, wich are still pretty hard because with the condition not to die.

      No suggestions, keep it like it is.

      Back to the overview: Zodiac Temple - Overview/Collecting Thread (no discussions)

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Yemon ().


    1. 1. Boss who spawns Metins
    2. 2. Boss who can transform you into a wilddog
    3. 3. Boss who can transform you into a statue
    4. 4. Boss who does not have any specials