Hey guys,
this thread is about the following topics:
Some Problems:
The mechanic is nice/ok against a few Monsters or bosses.
But like I said above as soon as there are a lot of Monsters you will die in most of the cases.

Bonus Stage: "Stone statue":
This mechanic has a few positive sides and a few negativ.
Positive sides:
Negative sides:
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this thread is about the following topics:
- Unmounting
- Items are not storeable + tradeable.
- Bonus Stages
- Stages where you are not allowed to die.
1. Unmounting
- Currently you can get knocked off your mount.
- It takes a while then you will automaticly on the mount again.
Some Problems:
- BUG: -> Lycan: when you turn on crimson wolf soul while you are unmountet then the cooldown will be set but you do not get the buff!
- If there are many monsters it can get super hard because:
- The monsters knock you down on the ground
- The monsters stun you
- you can't escape
- The monsters knock you down on the ground
The mechanic is nice/ok against a few Monsters or bosses.
But like I said above as soon as there are a lot of Monsters you will die in most of the cases.
2. Items are not storeable + tradeable.

- As you can see if you have all 20 "reward" Items then you have 20 slots less in your inventory
- you can't store them
- you con't trade them
- but you can sell them by an NPC
- also the "Resurretion Stone" is not tradeable, not sellable, not storeable
- We loose a lot of slots/space
- Make them at least storeable
- Or a new "invetory" where you can see them (so that they don't even need space)
- maybe tradeable
- Make the "Resurretion Stone" like Marble of Life
3. Bonus Stages
I have seen 2 different Bonus Stages, one is done super fast and they other one takes a lot of time:Bonus Stage: "Stone statue":
- They more players they faster you can get throu
- You need at least 2-3 Players to finish the stage
- You can't skip the stage
- Make it possible to skip the stage (of course you don't get any reward them)
4. Stages where you are not allowed to die.
There are some stages where you are not allowed to die. (What I kind of like)This mechanic has a few positive sides and a few negativ.
Positive sides:
- It is harder to exploit the fact that you could invite secondary chars into the group wich just stand on the side and still get the rewards.
- It is a good challange.
- You need to think twice what you should do. You need to be patient/carefull.
Negative sides:
- If you are a guild/group and have some strong players and some "weaker" once then the weaker players probably need to stay out.
- You get a 1-Hit and its over
- You need to "tank" a lot of monsters, then you got unmountet + stuned + knocked on the ground --> you can't escape
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