Pinned Zodiac Temple - Is the Temple manageable for average player?

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    • Zodiac Temple - Is the Temple manageable for average player?

      Hey guys,

      this thread is about the following question:
      1. Is the Temple of Zodiac manageable for lv 20-89?
      2. How good must my Equipment be to get something out of the Run?
      3. What has a level 20-75 player from this run?

      1. Is the Temple of Zodiac manageable for lv 20-89?

      • I would say no.
      • It is super hard/nearly imposible for lowlevel Chars

      Example: Lv 41 weapon sura with quite good gear can't even manage to get throuw the few first stages.

      Maybe if you are a full group with very nice equipment and alchemy you can get a few stages.
      But the Zodiac Temple is definetly not for avarage low-mid level players.

      2. How good must my Equipment be to get something out of the Run?

      You should have at least:
      • over 25K HP
      • over 10% resistance agains skills
      • a lot of DMG (over 10k critical on metins)

      3. What has a level 20-75 player from this run?

      So as I tould bevore it is very hard / nearly imposiple for avarage low level players to get on the higher flours.

      Sure maybe a group out of 6-8 Players (in low level) with brilliant/excellent alchemy can reach reach some higher flours.
      But, what do they have from the run?

      Sure a 105 Weapon or Armor will be a lot worth in the first few Months/Years. But a level 20-90 player can't where thouse items.

      It is like Meleys run where 16 Players from the same guild can do a run.
      But just a few players wich have brilliant+ alchemie and nice gear can really use this run.

      Yeah it is hard to get a good limit/balancing between "very good players" and "avarage players".
      The main Problem will be, that the Run will be for some players way to hard.

      So, they could make the runs easyer sure, but then the reward will be to easy to reach for the players who have exzellent/brilliant alchemie.

      That's also the Problem on Meleys.
      In my opinion they should make some Runs a bit easyer but in return reduce the reward.

      • Make the run a little bit easier, so that the avarage player has a change to use this run.
      • in return decreas a little bit the reward

      Back to the overview: Zodiac Temple - Overview/Collecting Thread (no discussions)

      The post was edited 5 times, last by Yemon ().


    1. 1. Is the Temple of Zodiac manageable for lv 20-89?
    2. 2. How good must my Equipment be to get something out of the Run?
    3. 3. What has a level 20-75 player from this run?