Zodiac Temple - Bugs

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    • Zodiac Temple - Bugs

      Hey guys,

      this thread is about the following bugs:

      1. Monsters animation is not syncron with their attacks
      2. You get attacked as soon as you revive
      3. Targeted monsters did not spwan
      4. Pendant - defence bonus
      5. Can't see Boss and some Players after transformation ends
      6. Aos turn off after you get our of the stone statue
      7. No Boss on Stage 8F on the run Rat (or Ox)
      8. Metins did not spawn after Monster dies

      1. Monsters animation is not syncron with their attacks[no bug]

      • Player gets damage even when the monster has not reached him (Mostly at higher floors).
        --> Impossible to avoid attacks of monsters or to pull monster away from metin stone etc.
      • Problem also exists at meleys lair.
      To describe the issue better we made some videos of it:

      • It seems like it are just some Monsters who are not syncron.
      • It could be, that the moveanimation from the Monsters is slower then their value that is behind the code.
        Like, they look like they move like an ice golem, but in the server files they are programmed as fast as a spider.

      2. You get attacked as soon as you revive[no bug]

      • The monsters are able to attack the player immediately after resurrection. It does not matter if the player is invisible or not.
        --> No chance to avoid attack of monsters or to coordinate the next team tactic, because every player has to fight alone.

      This video should describe the issue better than a lot of words:

      3. Targeted monsters did not spawn[translation is wrong]

      • Stages with task: "Kill tageted monster. (X/Y)"
      • Affecet every dungeon.
      • Happens when the targeted monster is spawned by the metin stone. If the players make "too much" damage not all spawns of the metin appear that includes that the target monster also not appears. Result is a empty stage and players can not complete the stage.
      We made two videos of the stages after all metins and monsters were killed:

      Possible solution: Add an "or" to the mission. Example: "Kill 0/3 targeted monsters OR kill all monsters."

      4. Pendant - defence bonus does not work[bug reported]

      • At the new equipment pendant bonuses can be added.
      • Bonus "Defence +X%" can be added.
      • The defence in character sheet does not change after equip the pendant.
      Small video to show this:

      5. Can't see Boss and some Players after transformation ends[on investigation]

      Video says all: (Pig Run and maybe Dog Run):

      6. Aos turn off after you get our of the stone statue[no bug]

      As you can see, the cooldown of Aos is still on and the skill is also on.
      Then the stone staute skill hits and after he got out of the stone staute Aos is gone.

      7. No Boss on Stage 8F on the run Rat (or Ox)

      I am not 100% sure wich run it was, it is Rat or Ox

      But as you see there is no Boss on the Stage:

      8. Metins did not spawn after Monster dies[no bug]

      • There are Monsters at the beginning on the Stage
      • Usually if you kill some of the Monsters a Metin will spawn.
      • But the Monsters did not spawn Metins
      • --> The run was over, no Monsters no Metins
      Dog Run Stage 15:

      Back to the overview: Zodiac Temple - Overview/Collecting Thread (no discussions)

      The post was edited 6 times, last by Yemon ().

    • Yemon wrote:

      1. Monsters animation is not syncron with their attacks.
      2. You get attacked as soon as you revive.
      3. Targeted monsters did not spwan.
      4. Pendant - defence bonus.
      5. Can't see Boss and some Players after transformation ends
      Hey Yemon,

      thanks for your great report! :love:

      1) That is intended and happens because of the "godspeed".
      2) That is intended and called "godspeed". Monsters can give you damage before they reach you.
      3) That is a wrong localization. We fix that already inhouse.
      4) I can't confirm that issue but We will re-check that on our internal system. Thank you!
      5) For that report is the syserr.txt helpfully. Could you please provide that if it's happen again.

    • The word "lol" is right on the place here indeed.

      It really feels like "lol, what the :love: is going on" when the Mosters have such a "godspeed"/"speedhack".

      Yeah sure, it is no real "speedhack" or "godspeed" it is "just" bad programmend.
      So it can be fixed, I know it will take some time, but it is, like you see imposible to see where the DMG is coming from etc.
      --> you have 0 chance to escape and there is no "taktic" what you could use. It is just the end of the run.
      --> Also a Problem there, the monsters can allready attack you, but you can't attack them, you will hit nothing.

      Maybe this sounds like "mimimi" but well, I am just a player, I play the game to have fun, but those "goodspeed" aka. "speedhacking" Monsters does not make fun.
      They are pure evil and will kill the gameplay.

      As you are here can you check out this:
      Display Spoiler
      It would be nice to buy the ressurection stones from an NPC.
      And also that we can enter every Run while during Beta. (Because we can just test 2 per Day and not that much)

      We are running out of ressurection Stones so there will be just a few feedback from our side.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Yemon ().

    • Comkra wrote:

      I will request to remove or reduce that kind of mechanic
      Yes, please.

      Please remove this kind of mechanic.
      We already need to deal with server lags and so on.(What is already frustrating enough)

      Just for example:

      Some times the skill hit the player before it is done. (sorry for the bad english)
      and so on...

      I can understand that Webzen want to test some new mechanics and some of them are interresting and bring some new gameplay style.
      But this kind of lag/desync/ "godspeed" Mechanic is imposible to deal with.

      We allready got unmounting + longer stun time + when you are unmountet you get knocked over (to the ground) and can't hit or do something else in this time.
      The runs are allready hard enough without the goodspeed monsters.
    • 10. quest "Get materials for Resurrection Stone" not every metin counts

      • the daily quest "Get materials for Resurrection Stone" from NPC Milbon Monk
      • you have to kill 10 Metin of Zodiac
      • only the "green Metin of Zodiac" counts, all different colours don't count allthough they have the same name like the green one

      stone which doesn't count:

      stone which count:

      suggestion: Let all Metin of Zodiac stones count independent of their collour or their stage they are spawned. A group with 8 players won't have the chance to complete this quest for all group members.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Bruce ().

    • Yemon wrote:

      1. Monsters animation is not syncron with their attacks[no bug]

      Player gets damage even when the monster has not reached him (Mostly at higher floors).
      --> Impossible to avoid attacks of monsters or to pull monster away from metin stone etc.

      Problem also exists at meleys lair.

      Yemon wrote:

      Yeah sure, it is no real "speedhack" or "godspeed" it is "just" bad programmend.
      So it can be fixed, I know it will take some time, but it is, like you see imposible to see where the DMG is coming from etc.
      --> you have 0 chance to escape and there is no "taktic" what you could use. It is just the end of the run.
      --> Also a Problem there, the monsters can allready attack you, but you can't attack them, you will hit nothing.

      Yemon wrote:

      We already need to deal with server lags and so on.(What is already frustrating enough)

      The point that the attack of the monsters is not synchronized means that there is no way to counteract that measure, even with the difficulty that the dungeon already has and with all the new effects there are, which already add a rather high difficulty.

      You arrive a moment higher in the dungeon in which you revive and those monsters without approaching you already kill in few attacks and without having approached to you as it happens in the video of Yemon.

      Bruce wrote:

      10. quest "Get materials for Resurrection Stone" not every metin counts

      the daily quest "Get materials for Resurrection Stone" from NPC Milbon Monk

      you have to kill 10 Metin of Zodiac

      only the "green Metin of Zodiac" counts, all different colours don't count allthough they have the same name like the green one
      This mission is important to be able to complete the dungeon with which I think that as we are doing that dungeon is done in a group way. it would be well to do the following.
      -These missions should be able to be done in a group like the enchanted forest. Which should count the metins that breaks the group for everyone.
      "I should count any kind of metin that comes out in the dungeons, and not just the green metins."

      This should be changed and fixed.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Metin2.es Server: Nemesis.
    • @Comkra

      Please don't edit the headtitels without saying it to me. (Or just don't edit them at all, just reply to the thread) :)
      Because I don't get noticed if you just edit them and nobody will understand whats going on.
      Also all the links that are made from the headtitels are gone/invalid now, because if you edit the headtitels then they will generate a new link.

      3. Targeted monsters did not spawn[translation is wrong]
      Uhm, translation is wrong?

      In my opinion the translation is right.

      The problem is, that the targeted Monsters do not spawn out of the metin some times.
      This happends if you deal to much DMG --> less spawns --> the targeted Monster did not spawn.

      7. No Boss on Stage 8F on the run Rat (or Ox)
      No reply.

      8. Metins did not spawn after Monster dies[no bug]
      Uhm.... well....

      The run is over when this happends.

      There are no more Monsters, the time wil just go.
      So what are we supposed to do?

      It is imposible to finish this stage if this happends.

      So could you explain why it is no bug?
    • Hello Yemon,

      3. Targeted monsters did not spawn[translation is wrong]
      Actually it is a translation problem, with targeted monsters are the Zodica bosses meant.
      Players are not allowed to destroy the Metin Stones.

      8. Metins did not spawn after Monster dies[no bug]
      Again we have the problem, the players kill the monster so fast that the system can not trigger the spawn of the Metins.

      I have both now reported to WebZen. In hope these can change something on the system.
      I have tested both very often. And I had no problem under normal circumstances.
      The players cause too much damage or kill the monsters* too fast.

      *the monster that should trigger the spawn.

      Quality Assurance Specialist für Metin2.

      Meine Aufgabe ist es Metin2 auf Probleme und Fehler zu prüfen, bzw. gemeldete Fehler zu reproduzieren.

      Habt Ihr dazu eine Frage, schaut hier vorbei und fragt mich.
    • A question for you, @Comkra.

      White Flags are useful, as they allow you to "take a breathe" when things are not going well and need to restore your HPs. It's not something a player may really abuse of, since if he/she's not strong enough to withstand the dungeon, he/she will die anyway, regardless of the Flags.

      However, it's kinda nice having the chance to use them, in particular circumstances, if you've got a decent character.

      I wanted to point out that White Flags are not working in Zodiacs Temple. Is it intended this way or did the developers forget about them?


    1. 1. Monsters animation is not syncron with their attacks[no bug]
    2. 2. You get attacked as soon as you revive[no bug]
    3. 3. Targeted monsters did not spawn[translation is wrong]
    4. 4. Pendant - defence bonus does not work[bug reported]
    5. 5. Can't see Boss and some Players after transformation ends[on investigation]
    6. 6. Aos turn off after you get our of the stone statue[no bug]
    7. 7. No Boss on Stage 8F on the run Rat (or Ox)
    8. 8. Metins did not spawn after Monster dies[no bug]
    9. 9. dead player can't reach next stage[no bug]
    10. 10. quest "Get materials for Resurrection Stone" not every metin counts