Stats mount/horse BUG

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    • Stats mount/horse BUG

      I've reported HERE another BUG related to horse/mounts and I was told it is not the purpose of this beta to solve it.

      Today I've noticed another one as can be seen in the below video:

      There are differences in VALUES for certain status characteristics if you are mounted or un-mounted. To be more specific, while you ride (horse or mount that does not give you HP) you get more VIT (that rise your HP and Defence) and a lower Magic Resistance. You can easily see in the video that with the exact same equipment, I got different values for HP, Defence and Magic Resistance

      EDIT: I've tested the same on Live server and the VIT remains the same regardless if I'm mounted or not so there are no changes in HP or Defence. Though, the Magic Resistance decreases same way it is on Beta.

      Anyways, this is not normal and it should be corrected

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rapier ().

    • Here you can see that the stats change when you mount because if you have horse 21 lvl then you get vit 36 int 18 str 53 dex 71, so that means if you have a stat less than what is written in this sentence then it increases to what i gave written if you mount on your horse/or any mount that you use. And i think that you already have some vit from your equipment so the 36 vit goes to 57. You can check it without any equipment or alchemy and see if i am right (i think i am).

      Edit: In other words from you character stats you have like 16 vit and you go to 37 (from equip and alchemy), so from 16 -> 36 with mount, you go from 37 (unmounted with equipment and alchemy) to 57 (mounted with equipment and alchemy).
    • It shouldn't matter what equipment, alchemy, pet or whatever I have activated. There should be no difference in stats when mounted compared to when you are not. I haven't changed anything just up/down and it has different values.

      OK. I tried without is still changing. I get +20 VIT while on mount/horse. Is this a new "feature"? I got 6288 HP and 192 Defence when not mounted versus 7088 HP and 258 Defence when mounted

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rapier ().

    • But why is not the same on the live server? There my stat doesn't change when I mount / unmount

      EDIT:'re a savior. I got it finally and know why on live I don't have it. Here on beta I wanted to test the influence of INT so I've taken all points from VIT to put them in INT so I remained with only 16 VIT. But as you said, the horse is giving you 36 VIT but ONLY if you don't have MORE. So here on beta it raises the VIT from 16 to 36 but on live server I have VIT maxed out (that is 90) so it cannot give more. That should be the only logical explanation.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rapier ().

    • Rapier wrote:

      But why is not the same on the live server? There my stat doesn't change when I mount / unmount
      You're right, i tested it for myself now. On live server there isn't a difference. I don't know why this happens on beta server now. My explanation for this could be that the real bug is actual on live servers, because it doesn't matter if you're sitting at a horse/mount or not. In my eyes there should be a difference between mounting and unmounting, maybe this issue is a silent fix of korea?