Feedback about the PVP balancing from a player with 10 years exp.

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    • Feedback about the PVP balancing from a player with 10 years exp.

      Hi everyone, I have been playing Metin2 for nine and a half years. I started in and then I played for a little in and In this almost 10 years I had the oportunity to play with all clases and up them all to lv 100+ (PVP and PVE, but more PVP) so I know a little what I'm talking about.


      1.- The first problem came 10 years back since today. All these years the players have been doing suggestions about de shaman dmg and all these suggestions have been ignored by GF/WebZen.

      2.- The second and the real problem came with the anti-macig stones. Why? Because ninjas and suras did not need it (at this time my assasin lv 90 and my dark magic lv 106 don't have these stones because I really don't need it). So eliminate this stones will be a huge step in the balancing purpose.

      The simplest solution for the shaman problems was to up their dmg and don't touch noting else.

      3.- LYCAN: The real problem about the "new" character are the bonus of skills. Blockout x1, 20% chance of critical hit x2, bleeding x1, x2 skill body to body and x2 skill long range. The dmg of the aura is correct (speaking about the official servers), the dmg of the skills are correct, but the % of bonus in the skills are OP, without doubt. My lycan is lv 100 PVP and the % of skills with critical hit are super OP.

      The normal % of critical hit should be 7-10% max. and the % of bleeding should be the same as the poisonous arrow from the beta server. (70% aprox. in P)

      4.- % of magical resistance: talking about % of resistance, there is not any balance about this. Is more easy to get 120 magic resistance than 80% sword defence (for example), thats not a balance.

      Having said this, I have to tell that no all the servers are as advanced as the german, .uk, .pl or .ro servers. For example: in the pvp/wars at lv 105+ the equipment are HH+ HP + 2 or 3 defences maximum. In .de or .ro the pvp/wars at lv 105+ the equipment are HH + 4 or 5 defences and the HP they lose in equipment is recuperated with alchemy.

      In S.51 we are just now seeing excelents alchemys for sale (just 2 for sale in the 3 kingdoms), the 95% of the players who have alchemy only have matt alchemy.


      3 Steps to balancing easy and quick the PVP:

      1.- Delete the anti-magic stones and upgrade the shaman dmg.

      2.- Reduce the % of bonus skills from Lykans.

      3.- Delete the % of defences from costumes.

      The costumes should be dop only with PVE bonus and HP. The PVP stop being PVP when one player can reach x2 o x3 +100% defence (almost inmortal)


      Now I will talk about more specific 17.5 changes:

      Archery: The reduction of the cooldowns are too much, 10 sec. less (fire arrow) are too much time. My archery is lv 94, and I reach 96% (196 in stats) cooldown without buff or potions, only with % in the eq. so its really possible to be a fast archery if you purpose it. I think fire arrow should only will downgrade 5-6 sec. no more, no less.

      Skills like feather walk should not be a dmg skill.

      The changes in repetitive shot and the fire in fire arrow +1 for GF.

      The canges in the stats (int for ninja) -1 for GF.

      Dragon: The downgrade and upgrade of the dmg skills are OK but the % and the cooldowns of the buff are too bad. The range of the grupal buffs are too bad too.

      Light: I understand that the leadership % of skill duration was reduced, but the % of blockout of the skill summon lightning should not be downgrade.

      The upgrade of the cure +1 for GF.

      The upgrade of the fire % in Dragon skills +1 for GF.

      The changes of dmg in bells and fans -1 for GF.

      The changes of stats in shamans (str) -1 for GF.

      Lykan: The dmg of the aura and the dmg of skills should not to be downgrade. If you want to touch the lykan just adjust the % of bleeding and critical hits from his skills.

      The form to calculate the critial hits and the piercings hits are good like are right now on official servers.


      Now some suggestions about necessary changes on Metin2 (only talking about PVP):

      Berserk should describe the % of dmg recived on the skill description.

      Strong Body should get less defence and some % of dmg resistance/reduction.

      New bonus like defence against HH or strong against defence (pendants) should not exist. This only create more diference in pvp, more desbalancing.

      Warriors (body) should be the unique class that can pass the 200 vel. atak. (berserk)

      Ninjas (archery) and Shaman (light) should be the unique class that can pass the 200 vel. mov. (feather walk & swiftness)

      Shaman (light) should be the unique class that can pass the 200 magic speed (swiftness)


      I think I have ended. If I remember something more I will edit the post.

      Now if you want I will do another post talking about the PVE but I decided started with the PVP because is the thing I like more about Metin2 and by now is the most important because is the more desbalancing.

      STOP 18.4

      The post was edited 8 times, last by uknowwhoiam ().