Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

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    • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

      Hello everyone,

      I (like 80% players i guess) have a sash whit Phoenix bow +9 2x half Humman's etc...
      Now when new weapon will be added this item will be useless. According to the interview, position of GF was : '" what was good, hev to be good".
      I hope player's become possibility to remove that weapons and upgrade.

      I ask everyone to support my post, becouse it's not fair weakening the best item's in the game...

      It was be also nice,when somebody from team expressed his opinion.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ATV ().

    • BooomFlo wrote:

      Albus wrote:

      No, of course old sashes will still be valuable, and there is already an item to delete the bonuses so it is possible to improve sashes if needed.
      Really? a Phoenix bow+9 you have to Pay money to upp this Item. So your money is Now wasted. this is Why people didnt play any more, because every Time there gona be a Update, which make your Items useless and does it worthless.

      You can also buy a new sash and put the new weapon into the new sash
      So your money from your Phoenix Bow sash is not wasted :)
    • Springmain wrote:

      BooomFlo wrote:

      Albus wrote:

      No, of course old sashes will still be valuable, and there is already an item to delete the bonuses so it is possible to improve sashes if needed.
      Really? a Phoenix bow+9 you have to Pay money to upp this Item. So your money is Now wasted. this is Why people didnt play any more, because every Time there gona be a Update, which make your Items useless and does it worthless.
      You can also buy a new sash and put the new weapon into the new sash
      So your money from your Phoenix Bow sash is not wasted :)
      and again Really ? you have again Invest money for the same bow you had invested. And also much "Yang/win" Investment for the sash/shoulders.
      So what you will equip for shoulders new weapon or für new one?

      Resume money were wasted. Only way you to do it normaly is to get a Item which Takes the bow out of the Slash/shoulders.

      I know a company is every Time looking for money but it seems go much again..

      New Items again only will be upped by the itemshop and create new Items only with the itemshop and delete the weapon in shoulders only with itemshop.

      So it doesnt look for me for an balancing Update, again it is only itemshop investment for balancing it. and we all know how much money the 105+9 weapons cost...
    • You guys are crazy to put those 105 bows full bonus +9 on the sash, by that said you guys choose to do that at your own risk to have advantage over other players, it was always possible and predictable that new weapons eventualy would be implemented, so, now what should be done?

      After you upgrade the new weapon +9 then you should do it again at your own risk and clean the sash and put that weapon there and be the guy with the perfect sash on the server.

      One of the first things that even the npc says is that if a equipment is destroyed on the sash is no longer recovered.
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • To be clear, I'm not talking about % absorption of the sash. And realy ? new sash ? delete bonuses !? When i was putting the bow into the sash, phoenix bow was the best weapon ( and until 17.4 still is). Why im say it will be useless? Becouse of new bow which surely will have more dmg. I'm sure, that every owner of similar sash will not be happy from existence more powerful bow. I consider it will be fair give possibility recover the bow (no, not clear the bonuses) then I can upgrade it to the new weapon, upp to +9 and put again in the sash.
    • ATV wrote:

      To be clear, I'm not talking about % absorption of the sash. And realy ? new sash ? delete bonuses !? When i was putting the bow into the sash, phoenix bow was the best weapon ( and until 17.4 still is). Why im say it will be useless? Becouse of new bow which surely will have more dmg. I'm sure, that every owner of similar sash will not be happy from existence more powerful bow. I consider it will be fair give possibility recover the bow (no, not clear the bonuses) then I can upgrade it to the new weapon, upp to +9 and put again in the sash.

      hugoW wrote:

      One of the first things that even the npc says is that if a equipment is destroyed on the sash is no longer recovered.
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • hugoW wrote:

      ATV wrote:

      To be clear, I'm not talking about % absorption of the sash. And realy ? new sash ? delete bonuses !? When i was putting the bow into the sash, phoenix bow was the best weapon ( and until 17.4 still is). Why im say it will be useless? Becouse of new bow which surely will have more dmg. I'm sure, that every owner of similar sash will not be happy from existence more powerful bow. I consider it will be fair give possibility recover the bow (no, not clear the bonuses) then I can upgrade it to the new weapon, upp to +9 and put again in the sash.

      hugoW wrote:

      One of the first things that even the npc says is that if a equipment is destroyed on the sash is no longer recovered.

      Years ago U can't change body <--> mental. Now it's possible, so i don't see any problem's with changing sash system. Or maybe disable possibility to put new weapon's into the sash will be a solution...
    • Albus wrote:

      No, of course old sashes will still be valuable, and there is already an item to delete the bonuses so it is possible to improve sashes if needed.
      Yeah, do you know how hard it is to make a phoenix bow +9? No one in their right mind would just delete the bonuses...

      A friend of mine tried to create a 25% sash from 19%. Took him 50 sashes to be able to put it ate a 25% absorption.

      Either give us the chance to get the item destroyed back, even by IS, or just reduce this ridiculous chance of upgrading the sashes!
    • while ago somebody has showed a new two handed weapon : 20% half human's and 8% monster's and about 100dmg more... so it means if somebody just buy a phoenix bow whiteout 10% half human's, upgrade it to new weapon, upp to +9 and put in to the sash he will have the same % half human's, more monster's ans more dmg... As I sad before the old sash will be useless! When I have more time I will make the new bow, put into the sash and test the dmg different. Of course the results I wil write in this thread.
    • In the interview, they said, an item which is more valuable than another item will stay more valuable. That is still true. A sash with a phoenixbow is still worth, there will only come an Item with is still more worth. Thats no big Problem I think, it is a Logical Process.

      The only Thing I care about is, that such new sashes will destroy the low-level area completely
    • I don't agree whit you... for me it's like adding new level in exelent alchemy, but whiteout chance to positive removing... if you want upgrade it, you have to make new stone and the old one you can only keep as souvenir or reject...

      I can understand if that bow will be really new weapon, which you can get from bosses for example, but in this situation its a extended version of the phoenix.
    • ATV, although you have some logic, unfortunately there is something else that you must understand/accept. Game IS evolving. Your existing Sash will remain good, it's bonuses won't be changed, you'll deal the same amount of damage with it regardless of the new weapon. Just it won't be the "ultimate" Sash, it will be another one better than yours. "What is valuable remains valuable" is still true. Your damage won't be decreased, it'll be just another item that will be better than yours. You don't like someone else having a better item than you do? Make one too. Being better than others always supposed to be challenging in Metin2.

      Someone above say we're all crazy to put a Phoenix Bow +9 (with or without double HH) in a Sash...See? For some people this is crazy...for you and many others is just having a better item and having something extra to dominate your opponents.

      Now that Sash is a top level item and what you ask is to keep it a top level item. That is not right. It was the same with the blue armors that went in a dead end instead of being able to evolve in something else. That's it. You want something better, something to be a top level item? OK, then you could replace the existing bow with the new one. If you don't want to invest in it, remain at current level. Having ultimate items is not a "must" just each player's decision if he/she wants to be like that and accept the costs or not.

      What if tomorrow Webzen decides to implement a Super Double Sash that you have to craft it separately? Or any other new item that could replace the existing Sash with something would request the ability to transform your existing one into that?
    • Rapier wrote:

      What if tomorrow Webzen decides to implement a Super Double Sash that you have to craft it separately? Or any other new item that could replace the existing Sash with something would request the ability to transform your existing one into that?

      Actually yeah, because given the fact that we were introduced with sashes at first with 20% and then to 25%, we knew from the begining that the phoenix bow would be the very best weapon to have. And there are a lot of players that actually have it already. The problem is that we have been asking for some years to make new weapons (actually for pvm with avg though) but the answer was no ofc. AND GF throws the bomb << hey guys we will <<AT LAST>> do something about the balancing that we promised since last year (actually i am not accusing GF for the late introductions of the balancing but it is as i say) but hear is the thing, we are going to give you new weapons so yeah
      after a little thought people are going to understand that their sashes will not be so OP since there are new bows introduced. So the 100-200-300 euros they spent to make one 65 lvl bow +9 with 10% HH and good bonuses to 90 lvl +9 and then to 105 lvl +9, they will have to do so again and then make the 105 lvl +9 bow to the 115 lvl weapon +0 and then to +9 also. So doing this over and over again is actually really crazy from the GF. What would be fair is to make an IS item that will enable to take back the weapon you used on the sash. That way everyone can skip the 65 +9->90 +9 -> 105 +9 -> 115 +9 and start from the 105 +9 which would be fair.
    • Rapier wrote:

      ATV, although you have some logic, unfortunately there is something else that you must understand/accept. Game IS evolving. Your existing Sash will remain good, it's bonuses won't be changed, you'll deal the same amount of damage with it regardless of the new weapon. Just it won't be the "ultimate" Sash, it will be another one better than yours. "What is valuable remains valuable" is still true. Your damage won't be decreased, it'll be just another item that will be better than yours. You don't like someone else having a better item than you do? Make one too. Being better than others always supposed to be challenging in Metin2.

      Someone above say we're all crazy to put a Phoenix Bow +9 (with or without double HH) in a Sash...See? For some people this is crazy...for you and many others is just having a better item and having something extra to dominate your opponents.

      Now that Sash is a top level item and what you ask is to keep it a top level item. That is not right. It was the same with the blue armors that went in a dead end instead of being able to evolve in something else. That's it. You want something better, something to be a top level item? OK, then you could replace the existing bow with the new one. If you don't want to invest in it, remain at current level. Having ultimate items is not a "must" just each player's decision if he/she wants to be like that and accept the costs or not.

      What if tomorrow Webzen decides to implement a Super Double Sash that you have to craft it separately? Or any other new item that could replace the existing Sash with something would request the ability to transform your existing one into that?
      You don't understand what im going to say. I don't expect that my shash will be the best ever. I just expect that if we can upgrade the phoenix then I also can upgrade the phoenix which is in my sash. I'm not against the new weapon ect. But when you can for example upp the phoenix then why not give the same chance the players whit the phoenix in the shash (maybe something like upgrade and upp the bow whiteout taking off from sash?).