Pinned [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

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    • Maybe my English is not so good so I couldn't explain well. There is a bug that INCREASE your damage if you put away your Khan/Porkie and take it out again. Say you are using marble and have your Khan ok? And deal 10k damage per hit....then you just put away your Khan and then take it out again. You should have the same damage right? Because nothing is changed, same items, you're still using marble and so on...ok you have bigger damage this time, like 17k instead of 10k. This is the bug. You should not have an increased damage just by calling your pet and activating it again
    • Rapier wrote:

      Maybe my English is not so good so I couldn't explain well. There is a bug that INCREASE your damage if you put away your Khan/Porkie and take it out again. Say you are using marble and have your Khan ok? And deal 10k damage per hit....then you just put away your Khan and then take it out again. You should have the same damage right? Because nothing is changed, same items, you're still using marble and so on...ok you have bigger damage this time, like 17k instead of 10k. This is the bug. You should not have an increased damage just by calling your pet and activating it again
      he is playing lycan and thats why he dont see any problem with it xd

      GamePriv wrote:

      I still do not understand what you have a problem with.
      With lycan everything works as it should in marble.
      so why aura and enchanted blade cant work like it was working in the past hm? be objective
    • Description : Trading Glass
      Video :
      sometimes while using it , the game crashes and there isn't a possible solution for this now , this item instead of helping you sometimes it gets you mad

      Description :
      Silk Bundle
      Video :
      as same as the problem above , while using this item and once you finish putting everything in your store , you get disconnected as well

      Description : putting potions in your belt
      Video :
      what happens is once you wanna put potions in your belt , it doesn't respond till you close the belt window and open it a couple times

      Description : mounts speed
      as we know the max speed has been 200 , so why some mounts are faster than the other when you are at your max speed ?
      Description : pet books
      as we know there are so many ways of getting pet books , and the problem is you can't put them on each other if you got them from a different ways

      Description : you can't see some spiders in the 3rd floor
      what happens is once you use bravery cape , you wont be able to see some spiders attacking you where there is none around you , you gotta move around a bit to be able to see them attacking you , this usually happens in the 3rd and 2nd floor of spider cave

    • Location: Groto der exile2
      Bug: The monster give to low experience you need weeks or days to level from 90-95 Do you really test it WEBZEN? to see how hard is to level up from 90-95 is a pain in the a...s i think the experience table should be increased in groto der exile2. Why every player Run away from groto2 and go meley hort to level because is hard hard to make from 90-95....
      @Comkra @meh @Firelli @unforgiven @threea

      Healer Shamy: This skill is totaly useless Attack Up
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy

      The post was edited 1 time, last by LionKing ().

    • LionKing wrote:

      Location: Groto der exile2
      Bug: The monster give to low experience you need weeks or days to level from 90-95 Do you really test it WEBZEN? to see how hard is to level up from 90-95 is a pain in the a...s i think the experience table should be increased in groto der exile2. Why every player Run away from groto2 and go meley hort to level because is hard hard to make from 90-95....
      @Comkra @meh @Firelli @unforgiven @threea

      Healer Shamy: This skill is totaly useless Attack Up
      In addition, when a monster resurrects (magistrates, commanders, archers and soldiers), they don't give EXP.
    • Greetings @meh, these are the issues I've been experiencing:

      Description: missed hits still dealing side-effects. For instance, even if you've lot of chance to avoid arrows/evade physical hits, and you actually dodge the hit, you can still get poisoned/stunned/bleed.

      How to verify it: you should just summon (or somehow isolate) a Setaou Magistrate, while wearing full Chance to avoid arrows. You will see that, every now and then, you'll still be stunned/poisoned, even when the Magistrate's attack MISSED. I believe the same goes for physical hits.

      I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but it's actually really annoying. What's the point into evading a hit if it still causes side-effects?

      _ _ _

      Description: thank you @Bleseth - I was forgetting there are some issues related to polymorphing. There hasn't been any entry concerning that matter in the changelogs, so I wonder if you had a chance to fix it.

      Polymorphing really retains several issues. Attack damage is not properly calculated, extra attack values do not seem to work at all. And it's also painful not being able to switch equipment, nor to wear an Exp.Ring if you forgot to, just a moment before polymorphing. I definitely think you should try discussing about it.

      Since the list is quite long (and since I do not want to monopolize this thread as well, since I already got a chance to talk about it), I'll just link my thread.

      NINJAS: Dragon Soul Alchemy atk-value NOT WORKING while using transformation!

      In particular, PLEASE have a look in particular at post #24 (it's a test provided with screens, which should help you to test the bug) and try to discuss about it with tester @Aworan, who followed the matter diligently.

      _ _ _

      (C) Some items are not stackable.

      There are still several items which do not stack, like Pomegranate juices and Fireworks, for instance. However, there are also some Green Potions, Violet Potions which do not stack. Please try to fix those issues.

      And since we are here (even if this is not really a bug) try proposing to make much more items stackable, like 3h-full duration Double Drop Gloves and Experience Rings).

      _ _ _

      (D) Brewing potions window isn't really user-friendly

      Brewing potions by Yu-Hwan or Huahn-So may prove to be quite annoying. You probably are aware that you can "fast move" an item from the storeroom to your own inventory just by right-clicking on it. Same goes for DSS window: you can just load the stones you wanna to upgrade with a right-click.

      However, brewing system is kinda old and it did not get any update.

      In particular, brewing Young Water and Bo Water may really be annoying, because you have to drag every single potion in the brewing window.

      > My solution would be to enable the "fast-right click" feature to the brewing windows as well.

      > Also, it's quite boring not being able to interact with your own inventory while brewing potions. Could you unlock it?

      _ _ _

      (E) Some items cannot be stored in the GUILD Storeroom

      I've been experiencing this issue just with the Protein Snack.

      _ _ _

      (F) Mining and upgrading the Pickaxe is beyond any human limit.

      This probably is not really a bug, but with some friends we've been theorizing how much time is needed in order to get a +9 Pickaxe. Believe me, it's too much, there's no way a normal player - actually, a human being - may be able to LIVE for so long to upgrade it.

      I don't know if it's intended this way, but you should definitely make collecting mining points easier.

      Also, do Mining Books provide any tangible effect? I can't see any real difference after having maxed out this passive skill.

      _ _ _

      (G) Fast-moving (right click) does not work for GUILD storeroom.

      In the normal storeroom, you may move items from the storeroom to your own inventory just by right-clicking on them. It's very useful and nice.

      However, this feature DOES NOT work for GUILD storeroom. You may give it a try yourself, it's easy to demonstrate.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by BlueShade ().

    • Card System:

      -Some transformations are wrong: Cung-Mok, Mu-Rang, Jug-Hyul, Young-Ji and Li-An (you are not transformed in these mosnters, for example when you use the transformation of Li-An you are transformed on a White Tiger, with Young-Ji a Brown Bear, ...)

      -As a suggestion, the damage when you are transformed should be the same as a polymorph marble (I made a suggestion some months ago) because that system is very time consuming and is useless.
    • Hey Guys,

      i opened a seperate Thread for Discussion. You can find it here. Please use this one to discuss Bugs/Issues, since I want to keep this Thread here as clean as possible.
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Alles was ich im Umfang einer Diskussion schreibe, stellt lediglich meine persönliche Meinung dar.
      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • Hi all
      I discovered two new observations and considerations in the game, I use to pass the complaints before the beta forum closes.

      1) A problem that has generated imbalance and affects all breeds except lycan, these brought many problems including this. It has to do with the antiquity of the characters.
      -Something that involves the majority of players creating disadvantages

      old characters -> before nov / 2014 (disadvantaged)
      old warrior lvl 120
      old shaman lv 106

      Class bonus:
      Str. Ag. Warriors 8%
      Str. Ag. Ninjas 8%
      Str. Ag. Suras 8%
      Str. Ag. Shamans 8%
      Str. Ag. Lycans 0%

      Warrior evasion 10%
      Ninja evasion 10%
      Sura evasion 10%
      Schaman evasion 10%
      Lycan evasion 0%

      new characters-> After nov / 2014 (benefited)
      new warrior lvl 115
      new lycan lvl 111
      new shaman lvl 95

      Class bonus:
      Str. Ag. Warriors 8%
      Str. Ag. Ninjas 8%
      Str. Ag. Suras 8%
      Str. Ag. Shamans 8%
      Str. Ag. Lycans 8%

      Warrior evasion 10%
      Ninja evasion 10%
      Sura evasion 10%
      Schaman evasion 10%
      Lycan evasion 10%

      why this?

      I think it's because the old characters who did the biology's "PvP Exclusives" level 85 and 90 missions did not benefit from the defenses and attacks on the Lycans, instead the new characters who completed those missions after the update of November of 2014 took advantage of these benefits. Which generates inequality between new and old chars.
      If you don't believe me you can check yourself in the stats this is true.

      Possible solution: add the option that the old characters can choose to re-do these missions and be able to be at the same height as the new characters so that everyone has the same stat and opportunities.

      Location: Old characters.
      Steps for Reproduction: Constantly, since dawn of the lycans.
      End of 1.

      2) New criticals skills ****, make us want to leave the game to chars that don't have breaks magic or good piercing hits like sura mirror or aura warrior. Now will not have critical skills especially the mental that we always rely on that, simply only skills. Another problem now we back 4 years back to our first records of damage. Reducing all critical damage that we had until now.

      Skill critics no longer serve are useless you get 0% extra damage and with all respect, this fault is clearly the one who came up with this idea in search of "more durable PvPs"
      but he or she don't imagine it will destroy the bonus of critical damage in all the items in game that will not take any effect with skills (like swords, necklaces, boots, bracelets etc with 10% critical bonus).
      I relied on 6 different tests to ensure that the critic will no longer serve anything I can assure you that it is 0% additional damage the tests were made in the last stage of the Beta just a few days ago in this video:

      A possible solution to this would be to leave the critics of skill as they were, otherwise they will continue to generate imbalances and if they look for "more longer pvps" it could be limited the magic breaks since the most harmed ends up being the mental warrior. Who has no aura to to give strong basic attacks, on the contrary, its strong body makes it weak to the penetrating ones that a mirror or an aura warrior can inflize.
      The other races will continue having magical or effective attacks. I have already seen and verified in the beta and in the official in PvP. I am an active player since 2008 and I have been through many updates but this is too much.

      Location: Especially mental warrior skills criticals.
      Steps for Reproduction: When you have the misfortune to hit a critic skill in Beta.
      End of 2.

      I would like you to take into account these 2 obsrvations, this maybe a solution to more than one problem, at present and in the future of Metin2.

      P.S1: meh cheater
      P.S2: IMarwan legend that survive in damon tower
      P.P.S: Just kidding.

      DSS vídeos:

      The post was edited 5 times, last by warrior ().

    • Well, about Chaegirab's quests, RabbitRun already answered you - you just need to talk to Baek-Go. This only applies to players who have been completing lv.85/90 quests before Lycan class introduction, anyway.

      As for the critical hits, I'm sorry but I don't agree with you. Damage caps were too exaggerated and it's definitely okay to "resize" them. Anyway from what I recall, Mental warriors have the most powerful skills out of all the classes. Considering that everyone will no longer score enormous critical hits, the situation is even.

      The bonus has not been destroyed anyway, it'll be extremely important in PvM - even more than before, considering the reduction of Dragon Aid on Dragon Shamans.

      And yet, the extra damage on skills depends on the level of your weapons. The stronger your character is, the better your critical hits will be.

      The only thing I guess you may complain of, are the piercing hits. Physical defense may be pierced. Strong Body could offer a different type of defense, maybe splitting its maximum value into physical defense and resistance to average hits. This way, a part of the defense would be "pierceable", the other one would not.

      This would actually make more convenient to max the skill to P. Many players I know prefer to leave Strong Body at G1 because they don't want to suffer too much piercing hits - and as you grow up, mobs tend to inflict those kind of damages.

      If I'm not wrong, Strong Body reaches +328 physical defense. They could go for +200 defense and 12-14% res. to average dmg. In turn, they could receive a stronger malus on movement speed, as -12mov actually does not change that much.

      Sorry for being OT, anyway.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by BlueShade ().

    • Sorry for the lycan had no idea, had not read that post where it was explained.

      About "new skill critical" no need to worry, they never accepted any of my suggestions in many years, such as red potions with the ability to heal more hp for example 2.5k - 3k
      Neither the suggestion that add 15% - 20% magic resistance in mental strong body to really be "a tank" in pvp and pvm as it should be
      Nor the suggestion thatadd a clock on the game screen that indicates the generic time of the server.
      Neither the critical skill bug report with 170% critical and with skills does effectively a 50%-60%
      Neither the suggestion of discount in objects of marks the Item shop (attack, defense, life, intelligence of the dragon god)

      I give up I think I've made a mistaken of playing this game over 9 years. Big problems start with little things that add up one after another and then it is very difficult to reverse.
      Keep losing the few good players and active with these new things, the game is no longer and will not be the same.

      Here is writing single player, but the truth is that I have and play with lots of friends whom I will not lie. Is coming ugly the game will be in them continue playing or not.

      I'm being OT too, but have reasons.
      DSS vídeos:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by warrior ().