IS 2017 ....

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    • IS 2017 ....

      I think with this class balance patch is time to make pve servers to. I already have a hard time ppl killing me and now my dragon shaman will get a huge nerf pvp and I have no reason to play anymore. I love shaman dragon and i dont wanna start other character.
      Make pve servers or just find a way for us to choose if we want to pvp or not. Is been 10 years already and most of my friends leave the game because of that so i suggest when the new patch comes pls find a way to make this game not open pvp.
      I look at store i get kill, i kill mobs and someone pass by me and kill me before they move on, I kill metins and someone also kill me, I pay real money on V2 tickets and i get kill all the time. I dont have gold to have 2 sets both pvp and pve equipment and i dont like pvp. I dont see the point of killing someone and win nothing just waste of time and gold on pvp items.
      Some ppl love the game but not the pvp so pls try and find a way for players not to be forced to pvp.
    • Unfortunately, now Dragon Shamans are simple dolls with no use. We don't shine in any role of the game, we are bad on PvE, OK on PvP but there are a lot of classes that are better (a lot) than us (seeing the possibilities that every class have between PvP and PvE, Dragon Shamans on average are the worst class). And now we cannot buff our little characters because buffs only work on group.