Beta Information: Next Steps

    Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • Beta Information: Next Steps

      Hello Community,

      We would like to thank you all for your participation in the beta. We are approaching the end of the beta. An exact date will follow, but in the next weeks we will go live with the new version.
      Since a beta is only intended as a temporary phase, this also means that we will take the beta server and board offline again.

      However we hope that you will continue giving constructive feedback and bug reports in your normal boards.

      We will provide more Information soon

      On behalf of the Metin2 team.
      Quality Assurance Specialist für Metin2.

      Meine Aufgabe ist es Metin2 auf Probleme und Fehler zu prüfen, bzw. gemeldete Fehler zu reproduzieren.

      Habt Ihr dazu eine Frage, schaut hier vorbei und fragt mich.