Some last thoughts

    Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • Some last thoughts

      Since you said that the beta is in it's last steps then give this post a look.

      What you should give a change are the below.

      For a body warrior you should fix it's berserker. Reduce the P dmg from 33% to 10-15% (actually on P the damage should be canceld because he has a complete mastery of the skill so he should be able to avoid the dmg but oh well). Also negate the cap of attack speed for the warrior, because he is a frigging warrior.
      For a mental warrior you should fix the dmg he gets with Strong Body. Give the Strong Body pierce resistance (for example 20-30%).
      For the archer you have done a good work except for the fact that he now needs the int. The int on the archer is a BIG BIG BIG mistake.

      If you want to make things right then enable the characters to get status points until the 120 lvl and not until the 90 lvl. With this in mind also make the stats go up to 100 points instead of 90. This will give a little boost to almost everything in the game and help with some nerfs that you have justified to the players. (lycan nerf, shaman's dragon aid nerf, you know it well). That way (100 instead of 90 stats points max) gives an image of 100 100 100 76 instead of 90 90 90 16 (for a 120 lvl player). Also it will be a positive factor to make someone decide to make his character 120 lvl instead of 105 or maybe 115, because at the moment you do not get anything out of making your character 120 lvl except for the <<image>> (who cares about the 120 lvl) and the fact that you can poison/bleed the jotun thrym (WOW BIG DEAL, OP BOSS, we go there 10 times a day, just joking it is 10 times a month (maybe) because the rewards are not so OP, at least until now) but even so the poison/bleed are not that much needed but you can get the job done with one player that has both to be 117 lvl, not even 120.

      Also since you gave the archer and both shamans a big boost in all of the attacking skills, you should make some changes to all of the players skills.

      Reference in this post that moderators did not even give a shit about since none even took the time to comment this big post Perfect Balance except for @unforgiven that took the time to contact me privately for this matter.

      In the post i have not written anything about the weaponary sura because imo he is the most balanced (PVE) player, but yes in PVP he lacks that something so his boost could only be to have his attacking skill be influenced by int ++ (which is already like that), BUT str++ and dex++ also. That way he can get maybe 500-1000 dmg more in the skill bar which with all the factors (alchemy hh etc.) will make the skills a little stronger (maybe like 20k dmg -> 22-23k, which is a progress)


      You main wrongdoing for the lycan nerd is that you lowered his pierce dmg, his cooldown and his attack vaule in the Crimson Wolf Soul. What you should have done was to negate his pierce chance or to negate it's chance to be upped with the int and leave it to a fixed chance. The attack value should be lowered ONLY a little and the cooldown was good as it was.

      For the shaman buffer you made him a completely side character because he cannot play as a main since he cannot buff outside a party. Also he cannot help a 30+ lower level character. not an example, but a fact I have an 105 lvl buff and i want to play with my 55 lvl character, well guess what, now i cannot. Now i must have a buffer 35 lvl, with P Bless and Dragon Aid for my 5-35 lvl characters, an 61-75 lvl buffer for my 45-89 lvl characters and the 105 for my 90-120 characters. Before that i was good with only one buffer. THANKS A LOT

      The third wrongdoing was that warriors and weaponary suras do not get a new weapon. Even if they do not need a new one handed weapon, you take the <<happiness>> from them to acquire a new weapon.

      All in all you have made some interesting updates/upgrades, but i am happy that i won't play anymore because you have impemented some wrong things that all the players shout to you that they do not want them but you are like, we don't care. Well guess what, players want their opinion to be considered. You don't consider players's opinion and that is your downfall since the begin of the game (and the crappy upgrade/enchant rates)

      I won't play the game anymore (even though it makes me sad) but if you want to keep the company's money income as it is, then reconsider the entire update and take into REAL ACCOUNT the opinions of the players.

      @unforgiven @meh @Comkra @Olthir @Firelli @Aworan @Wunyo @Spark @Potroha @JeFo @Albus @Groot @Rhaegal @Fourier @skilgannon @badidol @HalfOp @Web @Anayra @threea @Lord Syrio @Art @Paso @DeRiNDaRBe
    • I only read the first 3 paragraphs, and it was enough for me not to want to keep reading. Ridiculous. More players who only care about their own characters. "Please, don't change my main, please, please, please." Get a grip. Stop crying because you will actually have to work for something now. "Boo hoo, Runes don't get upgraded. I'm sad." Buh-bye.
    • Hello GaarasamaGreekServer,

      I will just point out that many things that players request are just not possible or too complicated to happen. We do not live with infinite resources, hence there we have to have priorities and establish the real possibilities. You are also forgetting that the vision for the game is shared between players and the company which makes the game, it is not only from player NOR from the company.

      Anyways, regarding your points:
      - In a later patch we will implement the option for Buffs to be given to players outside of the party - We have been working on this but won't be able to add it to the final version of this Beta.
      - Lycan will have a bit more duration on their Crimson Soul skill.

      Warriors/Suras do not need a new sword at the moment, we will not just put a new sword with 0 improvements so that they can upgrade theirs, it makes no sense. And, anyways, there's a new sword with Zodiac that is more focused in PvE.

      Regarding INT on Archers, can I ask you, do we force the players to do that? We do not, it is an active and interesting choice of the player: more int = a bit more damage; more vit = more HP; I don't really get the whole problem here since players can select their role here.

      It is sad that you prefer to leave the game but at least you cannot say that players were not listened to because they were. Lots of changes have been made from the 1st moment (critical hit in PvE, buff power, damage power, resistances (no 100% resistance vs anything anymore!, etc.)

      I hope that you have fun in other games and that you will also notice that these kind of changes in games are pretty common, unfortunately it came a bit too late for our game but alas, the doors are starting to open.

    • this Lagging issues / Clientlaggs

      unforgiven wrote:

      Hello GaarasamaGreekServer,

      I will just point out that many things that players request are just not possible or too complicated to happen. We do not live with infinite resources, hence there we have to have priorities and establish the real possibilities. You are also forgetting that the vision for the game is shared between players and the company which makes the game, it is not only from player NOR from the company.

      Of course the recources are not infinite but trying to keep the players happy is a main factor in the game's future.

      Anyways, regarding your points:
      - In a later patch we will implement the option for Buffs to be given to players outside of the party - We have been working on this but won't be able to add it to the final version of this Beta.
      - Lycan will have a bit more duration on their Crimson Soul skill.

      About the shaman's buff that is a good point, even if i do not like the nerf to the dragon's aid (you have justified it to the point of crit nerf). For the lycan the duration should be kept close to it's starting duration.

      Warriors/Suras do not need a new sword at the moment, we will not just put a new sword with 0 improvements so that they can upgrade theirs, it makes no sense. And, anyways, there's a new sword with Zodiac that is more focused in PvE.

      Of course you should not implement a new weapon with 0 improvements. You should implement a new weapon with identical improvements to the other new epic weapons. What bothers me is that the company always says that warriors and sura do not need an improvement. Why is that ? Players always complain that these characters have been kept behind and it is true. I mean look at this video

      Regarding INT on Archers, can I ask you, do we force the players to do that? We do not, it is an active and interesting choice of the player: more int = a bit more damage; more vit = more HP; I don't really get the whole problem here since players can select their role here.

      Of course you do not force the archers to change thei stat points BUT you tell them that if they want to utilize their <<improvement>> they must lose 74 vit (A.K.A 2960 hp and 74 def). BUT if you implement my idea of taking the status points up to 120 lvl then the problem will fall to 76/100 points for the last stat and not 16/90.

      It is sad that you prefer to leave the game but at least you cannot say that players were not listened to because they were. Lots of changes have been made from the 1st moment (critical hit in PvE, buff power, damage power, resistances (no 100% resistance vs anything anymore!, etc.)

      Oh, i do not prefer to leave the game. The game forces me to leave it. And by that i do not mean your <<beta update>> but this Lagging issues / Clientlaggs. My pc's equipment that are not compatible with metin2 cost 182,90 for the processor and 287,84 for the graphic card. And i do not plan to replace them because the game is too old to be compatible.

      I hope that you have fun in other games and that you will also notice that these kind of changes in games are pretty common, unfortunately it came a bit too late for our game but alas, the doors are starting to open.

      Thank you @unforgiven. Know that this is not personal but to the eyes of the customers/players you have not been listening as much as you should to their/our opinions. Not that you have not, but not as much as you should. Maybe i seem like salty or like whining as someone said above, but my main is a dagger so it would be to my interest if you <<trashed>> all the other characters as they would be of no competition for me, but i am always neutral for what i propose to the company, voluntarily or not.


    • We try to keep our players happy with the amount of resources we have.

      Regarding the INT with ninjas, it is a possibility = glass cannon OR having better resilience. It is up to the user to choose.

      Warriors and Suras are the main PvE contenders in this game. They have had, and still have, a real nice life in the game. This is pretty obvious looking and numbers and seeing the difference in numbers between the classes. There's a reason for that.

      If you increase the stat points you need to, again, decrease the whole damage because it would automatically increase. This is definitely a no go for now. :)

      Regarding your technical problem, unfortunately this is mainly a problem from hardware and it is outside of our domain.

    • unforgiven wrote:

      We try to keep our players happy with the amount of resources we have.

      Of course i understand that, but imo other matters might have/had more importance than some other matters.

      Regarding the INT with ninjas, it is a possibility = glass cannon OR having better resilience. It is up to the user to choose.

      I don't think that anyone wants to be a glass cannon. I think that only weak characters that are K.Oed with 1-2 skills from any and every characters no matter who they are up against would choose to have a little bit more damage with the INT in the seconds they are alive. Not the best solution for archers to lose almost 3k hp.

      Warriors and Suras are the main PvE contenders in this game. They have had, and still have, a real nice life in the game. This is pretty obvious looking and numbers and seeing the difference in numbers between the classes. There's a reason for that.

      PVE yes, what about PVP ? Players compained that Lycans were OP in PVP and PVE. You nerfed him way too much. What about the warriors and weaponary suras that are weak in PVP ? What about the warrior's Berserker disadvatage of 33% more damage ? Players complain about it for 9 years.

      If you increase the stat points you need to, again, decrease the whole damage because it would automatically increase. This is definitely a no go for now. :)

      Since you have nerfed some players one way or another then it seems to me like a little solution. (it could be possible to gain points after 90 lvl only when a player reaches a certain level. Or the max lvl that gives stat points could be increased to 105 lvl (means that the last stat will be increased to 61 points). Really better than 16.

      Regarding your technical problem, unfortunately this is mainly a problem from hardware and it is outside of our domain.

      I know it is not your problem that metin2 is such an ancient game (even if it is good) but i have spent too much money on metin2 to keep spending all these years (more than 9) i am playing to purchase other equipment for my pc. I just wanted to voice my opinion for the game that i played all these years.


    • YoTeDoPo wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      In a later patch we will implement the option for Buffs to be given to players outside of the party - We have been working on this but won't be able to add it to the final version of this Beta.
      I'm happy to read this, but please, don't add to the live servers the Shaman changes whitout this part of the update.
      That, unfortunately, will not happen. It won't be finished on time.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      YoTeDoPo wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      In a later patch we will implement the option for Buffs to be given to players outside of the party - We have been working on this but won't be able to add it to the final version of this Beta.
      I'm happy to read this, but please, don't add to the live servers the Shaman changes whitout this part of the update.
      That, unfortunately, will not happen. It won't be finished on time.
      And you can't postpone it? We are near of some events like Halloween, Christmas, Moonlight Chests, ... and most of the users use low levels characters because high level is not good for these events, so we need to buff our little characters.
    • The ideea with the buffs other characters if you are not in a party was a great thing .Many people will argue me but to many Kyds level 35+farmers in red forest with they buff come there to kill metins if i was in the place of Webzen i put restriction level on each map :) after they are 35 level and kill metins 80+ they have nerve to insult you,swear you .Many tricky players who say on Global Chat "Drop thief gloves in red forest only for 20kk PM ME FAST" and they are 35 and you pay him after log out .Sorry guys but i am agree with this new system of You dont have buff if you are not in a party.
      @meh @unforgiven@Comkra
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy
    • LionKing wrote:

      The ideea with the buffs other characters if you are not in a party was a great thing .Many people will argue me but to many Kyds level 35+farmers in red forest with they buff come there to kill metins if i was in the place of Webzen i put restriction level on each map :) after they are 35 level and kill metins 80+ they have nerve to insult you,swear you .Many tricky players who say on Global Chat "Drop thief gloves in red forest only for 20kk PM ME FAST" and they are 35 and you pay him after log out .Sorry guys but i am agree with this new system of You dont have buff if you are not in a party.
      @meh @unforgiven@Comkra
      I dont' understand how Metin works this days except is P2W more then it was 8 years ago when i first played. Now i play for 6 months and this is what i see:

      1.+9 dont mean nothing anymore ,you need bonus to kill. 8 years ago you could kill ANYTHING with +9 items and now you need to shop shop shop for bonuses to make it at high lvl..=p2w

      2. Bosses, monsters, metins for f2p players are very hard to kill. A lvl 50 buy from shop bonuses, makes P skills and kill lvl 90 metins? WOW! And I have just M8 (the biggest) at lvl 82 cuz books fail for weeks....They should be a lvl restrictions from drop at metins like - or +10 lvl and if you are less or more then 10 lvl's = NO DROP like it was before. And me cuz i dont have bonuses (just HP) on gear and not P skills i cant even kill same lvl metin. SO p2w!

      3. I seen after lvl 80 without item shop glove, you dont have ANY DROP. I farm 4 h in V4 and i get 1 inventory of items NO MORE in 4h. SUpper P2W..

      4. The bonuses are very hard and p2w to get. If we pay just let us choose what bonuses we want, there are so many that we will spend A LOT of money to get what we need. And mix bonuses PVE and PVP should not be.. I rather spend money on other game like TERA who just made this patch that you choose what bonuses you want and guess what??? They are free. So why should I spend money on this game who make us pay real money and for what, kill ppl in the city and win nothing? NO THX.

      5. What is the point to be lvl 120 if you dont get any drop, any content, anything? People lvl 70-80-90 get good stuff while ppl who spend hours and real money to get there are bored to death...This game need more dungeons, party dungeons and content for high lvl because if you increase lvl again is same story...lvl and log out. And if i choose to stay lvl 80 i will DIE to spend "eternity" in same map.

      6. Why 100 lvl dont get drop at 90 lvl metins and lvl 55 get drop? And you wonder why 80% of ppl stay lvl 55 in this game.

      So for an old game who implement very stupid things is more then P2W is like PWI now (who knows the game, knows what i mean)

      So instead of ruin characters, just stop making this game so much P2W.
      People talk and no one from game listen to us and they keep say "we listen to our players". No wonder there are 50 ppl online.
      Instead of making open pvp with no win (at pvp you win nothing) make pvp dungeons with rewards like any other game, make a point to pvp because killing someone and win nothing does not worth my time and money. Make pvp content instead of ppl killing you while to look at a store or npc. Maps with pvp content will be a great idea, people who like pvp can also win something out of it. In 10 years i will expect a game to get better to keep ppl playing but Metin is getting worst and much p2w then before.

      P.S I forgot to say i NEVER seen a game who EVERYTHING on shop has timer. Even the fashion has timer who dont bring you any advantages in game (without bonuses). Nothing is permanent on shop and we have to spend month by month money to get items, i guess that is why Metin last for so long.

      The post was edited 4 times, last by angelyna24 ().

    • unforgiven wrote:

      Hello GaarasamaGreekServer,

      I will just point out that many things that players request are just not possible or too complicated to happen. We do not live with infinite resources, hence there we have to have priorities and establish the real possibilities. You are also forgetting that the vision for the game is shared between players and the company which makes the game, it is not only from player NOR from the company.

      Anyways, regarding your points:
      - In a later patch we will implement the option for Buffs to be given to players outside of the party - We have been working on this but won't be able to add it to the final version of this Beta.
      - Lycan will have a bit more duration on their Crimson Soul skill.

      Warriors/Suras do not need a new sword at the moment, we will not just put a new sword with 0 improvements so that they can upgrade theirs, it makes no sense. And, anyways, there's a new sword with Zodiac that is more focused in PvE.

      Regarding INT on Archers, can I ask you, do we force the players to do that? We do not, it is an active and interesting choice of the player: more int = a bit more damage; more vit = more HP; I don't really get the whole problem here since players can select their role here.

      It is sad that you prefer to leave the game but at least you cannot say that players were not listened to because they were. Lots of changes have been made from the 1st moment (critical hit in PvE, buff power, damage power, resistances (no 100% resistance vs anything anymore!, etc.)

      I hope that you have fun in other games and that you will also notice that these kind of changes in games are pretty common, unfortunately it came a bit too late for our game but alas, the doors are starting to open.

      Yes because PvE is very important for maximum level players!!! And my character has been maximum level for 3 years! What can I do? Why are you doing this changes? You don't know this game. You don'r know this game's course.
    • angelyna24 wrote:

      LionKing wrote:

      The ideea with the buffs other characters if you are not in a party was a great thing .Many people will argue me but to many Kyds level 35+farmers in red forest with they buff come there to kill metins if i was in the place of Webzen i put restriction level on each map :) after they are 35 level and kill metins 80+ they have nerve to insult you,swear you .Many tricky players who say on Global Chat "Drop thief gloves in red forest only for 20kk PM ME FAST" and they are 35 and you pay him after log out .Sorry guys but i am agree with this new system of You dont have buff if you are not in a party.
      @meh @unforgiven@Comkra

      4. The bonuses are very hard and p2w to get. If we pay just let us choose what bonuses we want, there are so many that we will spend A LOT of money to get what we need. And mix bonuses PVE and PVP should not be.. I rather spend money on other game like TERA who just made this patch that you choose what bonuses you want and guess what??? They are free. So why should I spend money on this game who make us pay real money and for what, kill ppl in the city and win nothing? NO THX.

      5. What is the point to be lvl 120 if you dont get any drop, any content, anything? People lvl 70-80-90 get good stuff while ppl who spend hours and real money to get there are bored to death...This game need more dungeons, party dungeons and content for high lvl because if you increase lvl again is same story...lvl and log out. And if i choose to stay lvl 80 i will DIE to spend "eternity" in same map.

      Instead of making open pvp with no win (at pvp you win nothing) make pvp dungeons with rewards like any other game, make a point to pvp because killing someone and win nothing does not worth my time and money. Make pvp content instead of ppl killing you while to look at a store or npc. Maps with pvp content will be a great idea, people who like pvp can also win something out of it. In 10 years i will expect a game to get better to keep ppl playing but Metin is getting worst and much p2w then before.

      P.S I forgot to say i NEVER seen a game who EVERYTHING on shop has timer. Even the fashion has timer who dont bring you any advantages in game (without bonuses). Nothing is permanent on shop and we have to spend month by month money to get items, i guess that is why Metin last for so long.
      I just want to remind you about our human nature...for most of PvP players, FAME is what counts more than gaining something "material" like items or other PvP drop. You might not understand that cause as I see from your post you're very small lvl and also you're playing mostly PvM. For you maybe PvP doesn't prove to be challenging or worth your money but I can guarantee you that people do not invest their money to gain items ...but to gain a "name" in the game. That's why they are making videos with PvP fights, duels and so on. To be known, to be feared or just to be the best...doesn't matter. They would better love to be known as No. 1 on a certain server/community/kingdom/whatever instead of getting some item.

      Maybe with time things will change (although I have serious doubts they will cause, as I said, this is human nature) and Webzen will introduce some "rewards" for PvP but not now. I'll tell you a story...Once a big automobile brand designer was asked why they're not changing their classical design for years (same could go for iPhones I guess). And the answer was..."they're still sold alot". So coming back to your PvP rewards...why should any company develop such thing if PvP fights still happen (less maybe than before but they are happening) and people continue to seek PvP bonuses and items? Answer...NO REASON. They will do it when time will come and PvP will need "fresh blood"...maybe the Guild Wars will need something to be relaunched cause they're pretty dead right now.

      So this might answer to some of your questions

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rapier ().