Stats above level 90

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    • Stats above level 90

      Everybody knows that, with the system we have now, we only can have 3 stats with 90 points. Since now it was OK because most of classes normally didn't need all the four different stats, but now, with the upcoming changes, all stats are going to be useful in all classes (i don't know what are you going to do in the next beta step, but I'm 99% sure that wars, suras and dagger ninjas skills are going to change their formula and they will depend on different combinations of stats, including INT on warriors or Ninjas or STR in Black Magic Suras).

      As you have said in a lot of threads and posts, the game evolves and things that have been untouched the last 10 years can change, so I think that this is a point that have to change. Furthermore, this change can make a difference between people above lv90 because you will have an additional stat with 90 points at level 114, so is an extra motivation to level up.
    • totaly agree with that we got lvl 120 and we need all the stats to be 90 and gf needs to make INT to work for all clases somehow

      INT gives magic defences gf can make that for some clases to give them another thing like pircing hits etc