Body Warrior

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    • Body Warrior

      Hello people

      I want you to go straight to the subject, so in this patch all talk about certain classes like Shaman, likan, sura, ninja(less), my disapproval is like all these classes are already strong in pvp content compared to body warrior.
      Show me how a body warrior at lvl 120 can beat these classes... of course we are talking when everything is fully equipped.

      in my opinion a body warrior at lvl 120 is the weakest character, because:

      - The Sword Aura skill: is nothing compared to Enchanted Blade or Crimson Wolf Soul (i do not think I can give any explanation why, see for yourself why).
      - Berserk: (omg, the worst possible skill, especially in PVP, -33% damage at P lvl no thanks, at the low level it is useful in the farm (but we speak in low lvl). By the way is the only skill in the game that many players do not have the courage to make P lvl, and prefers to have it at G1
      - Dash: mediocre skill, the stun efect is useless, because they all have immunity to this efect, this skill have a low dmg
      - Three-Way Cut: nothing special just 3 hits
      - Sword Spin and Life Force: mediocre sills whit long waiting time (nothing special)

      And the special bonus from this "upade" is:

      Critical Hit

      • The formula to calculate whether a hit is critical or not has changed for PvP
        • The chance of landing a critical strike with normal hits has been reduced. (seriously??)- this makes the warrior even weaker than it was
        • In order to increase skills’ relevance, the chance of landing a critical hit with skills has been increased (Sura BM, Shaman, maybe Ninja Archer - the best characters in PVP, will become even stronger