Biggest lie of the new update

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    • Biggest lie of the new update

      So it was <<SAID>> that our items will not lose their value and what is better than something else will stay better.

      Please tell us dear Webzen/GF members how our items with 10% Critical chance will be better than the items without Critical Chance. I do have Quilin Shoes +8 with 2k HP, 10% Crit, 5% Stun, 15% Arrow, 10% Sword. Obviously i use them for PVE. Tell me how this 10% (that converts to about 1-1,5% max Crit) Crit Chance is better than a shoe without 10% Crit. Because i may have used thousands of euros to enchant those bonuses, or in equipment to upgrade them to +8 (which i have), or i may have bought them for 2-3 Billions because they have this 10% Crit chance with all the other bonuses as a set. What i mean is that the shoes bellow
      Quilin Shoes +8 with 2k HP, 10% Crit, 5% Stun, 15% Arrow, 10% Sword
      Quilin Shoes +8 with 2k HP, 5% Stun, 15% Arrow, 10% Sword (+50 SP for example)
      Have a really BIG difference is value (either yang or euro)

      So yeah thanks a lot for not <<NOT>> devalue-ing our items.

      Because you know this was just an example.

      And so i will refer to another example.

      Let's say that i have a necklace with 2k HP 15% sword and 15% dagger. And i find another necklace with the same bonuses AND 10% Crit chance. So because i am a pvp maniac i will buy this necklace. But because the seller is not stupid he wants 3 billions. And i WAS (then) smart enough to actually buy the necklace for this price. Well guess what. I spent 3 billions to have a 1-1,5% more crit chance. Wow how smart of me :thumbdown: .

      I will not even refer to the other changes (of Dragon's Aid etc etc) but on this specific because you had announced since July 12 that there would be not any item devaluation. So will we get a refund for all the euros and yangs that we spent in the past to get 10% crit chance specific items ? I think not. Because you (GF/Webzen not the community staff) are unmanly enough to not do so. Just wanted to point it out.
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    • Not it is not hard to prevent the devaluation of the items. Make the % of the items to count as it is. Look at it the other way. Let's say you devalued Halfhuman. That means that the players that used Halfhuman to pvp have their items devalued. But if there were players that did not priotirize Halfhuman to pvp BUT critical chance, piercing chance stun chance and other way to make one's dmg more efficient without relying on Halfhuman then they would not be nerfed. That means that you cannot have for ten years some bonuses and then nerf them because many players have at least one or two items specifically targeting the bonuses you nerfed. That means that you have turned some items into <garbage>>.

      As a ninja for my level up to 120 i did not have a Lycan to exp me, i did it myself. And that was because from my items and buff and doc waters i have EXACTLY 100% Crit chance (when the last ore from heaven tears bracelet was used i had normal hits to the metin and yes i know the previous formula that critical chance is calculated (10% crit + 10% of the remaining 90% to reach 100% = 19% + 10% from the remaining 81% = 27,1% instead of 30% etc etc etc) ). Well now i won't be able to do this.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by GaarasamaGreekServer ().

    • I speak only for myself, i never had a problem of dying in a pvp with 1-2-3 skills (at 98% of the times). Crit chance in PVP is not overpowered for the skills. Good solution would be to nerf crit chance for hits (PVP) (<- done) BUT leave the crit chance from the items as it is (better solution -> prevents devaluation) and leave everything else untouched (PVE).

      Also check my edit.

      As a ninja for my level up to 120 i did not have a Lycan to exp me, i did it myself. And that was because from my items and buff and doc waters i have EXACTLY 100% Crit chance (when the last ore from heaven tears bracelet was used i had normal hits to the metin and yes i know the previous formula that critical chance is calculated (10% crit + 10% of the remaining 90% to reach 100% = 19% + 10% from the remaining 81% = 27,1% instead of 30% etc etc etc) ). Well now i won't be able to do this.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      And then you will have the eternal problem of one doing 3 skills and opponent is dead. This is definitely what we are trying to avoid.
      you only die with 2-3 skill if you have a weak itens and alchemy set.. you are devaluating your more powerfull players ( the ones who really invest more) if they can kill someone with even one skill its because they have a good set that cost a lot of euros, of course weaker people cant stand a chance vs a OP set, this a free to play but pay to win game, but im fine with that and i understand, its a business and has to have profit to stay alive, but certain changes of this update are not that fair to the costumer/players. critical shots should remain the same.. Its a part of balance that is not really needed, and no one wants it anyway, no one complained about criticals being double damage, you should focus on balance the Magical characters "OPness" instead of this.
    • I would say only this...critical chance was considered an important bonus in both PvP and one of the best PvP bracelets for general fights is the Heavens Tear. I have one with 2000 HP, 10 half human, 15% magic rezistance, 3% piercing chance and 3% damage absorbed by HP. That is a very expensive item, or at least it was. Now, as critical doesn't mean so much, a White Gold Bracelet with 10 halfhuman, 15% magic rezistance and 10 piercing for ex is much more valuable. See how just by changing the crit value, a very good and expensive item is deprecated and now much cheaper than an item that was less valuable before.

      And this example could continue with other items as well....I have some Water Shoes on which I wanted 10 crit bonus instead of some defence..I have a weapon with 10 crit , double half human and 12 VIT that now worth half as it was before due to the deprecation of crit....

      That is not inline with what you said. Initially it was said that you will keep the devaluation to minimum and keep the value of the items and you say it is inevitable to have "some" devaluation. OK, but this is NOT "some devaluation" a totaly different item that looses half of it's value at least. Not talking about what you can do now with those items in PvP

      It is too late now anyways but maybe this will be considered for the future updates...and hope to be soon

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Rapier ().

    • I can see why you are complaining, guys - and I somehow agree with you.

      However, do NOT forget that chance of critical hits has become much more important in PvM, considering that you will no longer be receiving >50% from Dragon Aid.

      I can see the loss of value regarding PvP, but considering that prices are decided by the players themselves, it's up to them (to us, actually :D )not to lower the prices too much.

      The only devaluation which really pisses me off is the one concerning lv.75 weapons, I really hoped they would make them upgrade-able, but they've been saying they won't.

      At least, you should take into account this suggestion: while upgrading Zodiacs armors and weapons, there's should be a progressive level-limit, similarly to what happens with the current epic items.

      That is to say, +0 from 105, +2 from 107... and so on, 'till lv.115 (or even 120). Come on.
    • If it was intended to not devalue items then the 10% crit chance from the items would be a SOLID 10%. They could (as they did) lower the Dragon's Aid. Thus instead of 51,3% (with 140 int) it will give around 27-28%. That is something that does not devalue items. Which means that 10% Crit will become much more valuable since it will be more difficult to reach that 100% crit chance because half of it was with the help of Dragon's Aid. I would recommend that Webzen gives this a really serious thought if they want to not devalue something that important.

      In advance Crit dmg for hits should remain x2 as it was. Crit dmg fos skills could be lower to 40-60% (as it already is) for PVP only. We still need crit x2 for hits and skills for PVE/Bosses.

      So the best solution would be:
      PVE: Crit Hits & skills = x2
      PVP: Crit hits = x2 (or even x1,4-1,6) | Crit Skills = x1,4-1,6
      PVP & PVE: Having more than 100% piercing dmg does nothing. There should be a cap to 100% piercing dmg, as there is to crit dmg (having more than 100% crit does not increase one's dmg when he/she crits), as there is to 200 moving speed and as there is to 165/180/200 attack speed (having more than 165/180/200 attack speed does not make one hit faster, so it is pretty much useless for body warriors to have Berserk P, or even G1)

      So having more than 100% piercing chance is an advantage mostly accessible to Lycans as they get pierce chance from Crimson Wolf (which would bring a RIGHT nerf BALANCE to Lycans, less dmg with 100+% pierce dmg would make Lycans' hits, hit (for Lycans) right amounts of critical+piercing hits and yes that would be balanced)