sura weapons and warrior body

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    • sura weapons and warrior body

      What is this I think is balance? Lican is almost the same as before, has about the same damage.Ninja spring is too strong has it all. Not to mention that warrior bWhat is this I think is balance? Lycan is almost the same as before, has about the same damage.Ninja spring is too strong has it all. Not to mention that warrior body and sura weapons in pvp is nothing without penetration. How to take penetration in these two characters that were based on it in pvp. How? You believe your nonsense? Why new swords lowest values of attack? Why a gun measure must change inscribed +9 weapon of black magic?ody and sura weapons in pvp weapon is nothing without penetration. How to take penetration in these two characters that were based on it in pvp. How? You believe your nonsense? Why new swords lowest values of attack? Why a gun measure must change inscribed +9 weapon of black magic?
    • AthozOrion wrote:

      reveina wrote:

      Say these unforgiven! He doesn't know this game. He :cursing: up this game so hard. We said 100 times. Weponary sura and Body Warrior need PvP power!

      Game admins should resign.
      u played only lvl 15 .HOW TO say body warrior need more pvp power?
      do u play body warrior?? or u play this game at lvl 40? Sura wepons and warrior body are the weakest characters at this time!
      just do a carcacter of 120(body war) and try to beat someone!
    • hello

      What is this I think is balance? lycan is almost the same as before,

      Now after the big update on the strikes Piercing and critical

      This means in short that you have completely destroyed the Sora Weapon and warrior body, the Sora Weapon and warrior body was only relying on the Piercing Hit and critical hit particularly the Piercing Hit

      Now no value for the Piercing Hit . The adjustment of critical strikes is normal and something good.

      Now can you tell me how to be a Sora's weapon or warrior body ? How will I benefit from my strength in front of the magical personality since they have been elevated their privilege?

      Also regarding Piercing Hit on the finger strike It contains 12% Piercing Hit
      While the breakout of the defense of the Piercing hit has been canceled, this means that this skill has has became useless !!
      How will this be fixed We need more physical damge

      We have also seen something called a sword break or a sword of religion or a dagger

      What does it mean to break a weapon, whether sword or sword condemning or dagger?

      oh seriously ?

      Well, magic characters are available to have two defenses against magic,the Magic resistance and sword, Bells. It is natural to have a magic penetration is logical, but now what makes sense in the ancient step of modernization.

      Either break the sword or the hands or the dagger well be

      God you how you think

      Now the warrior body and the Sura are a weapon of no value, especially the sura weapon

      He has two offensive skills, but the heroes are defensive, whatever the value of the attacking attack is not as great as the other skills

      Please, we want to solve it as soon as possible

      Now a question outside the subject

      What is the benefit of increasing the damage of the monsters and then putting the device to restore the damage of what it was beforehand

      Do you want the players to say that?
      My God thanks god for gameforge
      It has given us a new mantra that can reduce the damage of monsters like the former

      seriously ?

      Rather than encouraging players to get the mantra To become strong, they only gave them the frustration and sadness of their personalities



      enjoy watching :love:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by IMosHaaKeeSI ().

    • unforgiven wrote:

      Ați încercat să folosiți talismani cu:
      - Diferite tipuri de daune elementare
      - Cu sabie

      Ați încercat să folosiți acest lucru pentru a vedea ce se întâmplă cu deteriorarea dvs. în PvP?

      Why is this normal? to work for items and after we have to say almost everything, do not it matter and do talismans to compensate for the lack of penetration? Does that work to climb the talisman do you or new idiots?
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Have you tried using talismans with:
      - Different types of Elemental Damage
      - With Anti-sword

      Did you try to use this to see what happens with your damage in PvP?
      oh really
      Do you think everyone can get this talismans ?

      and did you think that The other player can also get it
      So what's the difference here ?!

      None are equal

      But in terms of system skills and beating the player against the player
      The best magic characters were given again

      also didn"t answer me about finger strike

      When someone asks you a question you dont answer him by another question


      Did you know that so far no player could get talismans and zodic sword or armour

      We have reached the 33rd floor but do not know how to get weapons or armor Or talisman

      It will be a very long time, maybe almost a year for all players to get this tools


      so the situation will be un normal among the characters inside the game for a long time

      The last thing I say is that you have killed the body warrior and sura weapon

      we need more more damage ;(


      enjoy watching :love: