some feedback and bugs

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    • some feedback and bugs

      i played on the beta sometime and here are my thoughts;
      -my dmg increased twice, from 10k crit razador on my server/ to ~21k with only dragon god attack activated on the beta,

      -u cant add 5th bonus from the shop

      -there is bug with energy crystalls, for ex. u activate 10% energy crystal and then blue dew for +120 attack for 3 mins. After 3 mins effect of dew goes off and crystall goes off too. kinda annoying ;p

      -pet reverti and revertus work when pet is soulbinded and i think u should not be allowed to do that,

      thats all for now, i'll be back tommorow for more <3 :love: :cursing:
    • ketchup wrote:

      i played on the beta sometime and here are my thoughts;
      -my dmg increased twice, from 10k crit razador on my server/ to ~21k with only dragon god attack activated on the beta,

      -u cant add 5th bonus from the shop

      -there is bug with energy crystalls, for ex. u activate 10% energy crystal and then blue dew for +120 attack for 3 mins. After 3 mins effect of dew goes off and crystall goes off too. kinda annoying ;p

      -pet reverti and revertus work when pet is soulbinded and i think u should not be allowed to do that,

      thats all for now, i'll be back tommorow for more <3 :love: :cursing:
      Thanks for your feedback!!

      • For piercing hit: read this thread Piercing Hits , and give to us all the feedback you can give!
      • Blessing Marble issue: already known, thanks, and we are working to fix it.
      • Energy Crystal bug: already reported, thank you.
      • Pet Reverti and Revertus: you are right; i'll report it now; thanks for the hint.
      If you fin another stuff, let us know!

      Game and Wiki Admin at
      Metin2 tester with love :love: