First Day - The Alchemy Day

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    • First Day - The Alchemy Day

      After a long time making alchemy i always have that feelling that the "Legendary Excellent" without good bonus could be "reusable" on the refinement of clarity window, by this i mean if i got 2 excellents on the maximum clarity they could still be refined but with only one outcome possible wich is the "failure result" and this allow that the player attempt, will result in 1 new excellent stone and have one more new chance for the bonus set he want, and giving a new sense of utility to those "unusefull stones" than just being there in the alchemy inventory as a reminder of a long bad investment, as some of that stones are not even good for sale.

      I think this is the only thing that is missing in the current system, after that is perfectly achieved and well developed/ajusted for long use purpose.

      Ps: Stop lagging the server by leaving stones on the ground haha
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • Yea it kinda hurts when you spend so much time (especially lazy people like me who need a month just to get a legendary matt gem :D ) to get that excellent gem but it ends up being useless and everything is wasted... This would really be a good thing and would make the maxed out gems with no bonuses more useful. Right now (as hugoW said already) can't use them cuz they're pretty much useless and can't sell them either cuz why would anyone want to invest in an useless gem?
    • I agree with this, for me the excellent alchemies should be able to be changed their bonus by changing the clarity with another Excellent Alchemy and this way to be able to rotate the bonus by breaking one of the 2. Also it would add some utility to those excellent alchemies that do not have a bonus.
      People feel frustrated when they see that the improvement is excellent and does not have any type of bonus, and I think it's the right thing for the time it takes to do an alchemy of this kind.
      Also I do not think that this will destroy the trade between players, it is more would promote the sale of this type of excellent alchemy.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.