Elementary Resistances Discussion

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    • Elementary Resistances Discussion

      I open this thread to discuss the changes about elementary resistances changes.

      As I've seen, now the resistances works the same way as before the Zodiaco Temple was added. I don't see it as a solution, with tha change a lot of equipment will become useless (55% wind resistance reduces the damage from Temple of Ochao mobs from 700 to 600...). Also, you have to take into account that Ice, Dark and Earth resistances can be obtained in lower percentages.

      I can suggest some solutions:

      -Keep elementary resistances the way they are but adding a limit of 50-70% (so it keeps its usefulness but you can't abuse)
      -Remove elementary resistances from costumes (I think this is the best solution).
      -Change the way it works, but not the way you have changed it. The key is trying to keep all the equipment still useful.
    • I tested both maps... Enchanted Forest and Devils Catacombs...

      In Devils Catacombs, it's fine to me... 25% resist dark, my sura can stay alive easy.

      Now about Enchanted Forest... There we need changes.
      I tested both Servers at same time with same equipment and same char... Results:

      Live servers Avg damage with 45% Resist Wind: 200
      Beta Server Avg damage with 45% Resist Wind: 600

      I Sugest a review at the Enchanted Forest Damage, actually now is so much harder than before.
    • BlueShade wrote:

      Also I believe that values should be calculated considering that there aren't only Weapons Sura players, who can absorb HPs just by maxing out a skill: Ninjas and Shamans have always met MANY difficulties in PvM, thanks to the 17.5 settings it's now finally easier for them to handle stronger monsters.
      Completely agree, the elementary resistences helped a lot to reach a PvE balance that was really neccessary in Shamans and Ninjas.
    • In My opinion resistance is too weak. When i was playing on my server i had 76 % wind\ fire or lighting resistance and I was able to fight with monsters without any problems but now I haven't got any chance with 100 lv metin stone in Enchanted Forest, with Razador or monsters in Grotto of Exile. In my opinion you should not undermine resistance so much because you activited it only a year ago so players made very good equipment for each element and now when the elements will be so weakened this equipment will not be good and resistance to the elements practically useless because the damage they are inflicted with the same% of immunity on the global server and the damage on the beta varies by as much as 650 to 1000, this difference is too large and too weakens immunity. I apologize for my English and hope that you will take my words to yourself and you will not weaken the resistance because they just balanced the majority of classes in the exp. Thank you for listening to me.
      Regards, Polish Metin two player :) :thumbup:
    • I would also agree that how it is right now is unacceptable. I'm playing lycan and while having 55% on wind i can't kill any boss in temple of achao. I cant' even destroy metin 100 lvl without death in enchant forest. The average mob is hitting me 700-1200... You said that you want make slow changes but you have made a huge change. Enchanced fores and temple of ochao wasn't the problem and still isn't. The meley is something that you should look at(fire resistance to be specific). The problem with resistance is that you can have 112% fire resistence while having only 38% ice resistence... I have titan shield+9 diamont matt with skill defense talisman of ice+1 with 25% ice resistance and i still getting 30k from ochao bodyguard from 1 skill at the end while on beran all you need is 30-40% lightning resistance and he he is not going to make you any problem anymore. What i would do is set max resistance at 60% or even 50 so that people cound not abuse it. Like BlueShade and YoTeDoPo said removing resistence from costumes would be the easist way but cou can't do this becouse there is a lot of people that have costumes with 3 bonuses with resistence and they spent huge amout of yang to get them. And as you can imagine those people would be really pissed. Just set limit at max 60% or 50% and even if you are going to have 100% in equipemnt is sill going to work as you have 60% or 50%. It would be really nice if ice and earth resistance work slightly better( i know people with excelent alchemy that struggle with yotun and ochao bodyguard while i also know tons of people that doing fine on meley and beran with matt alchemy)
    • Removing such resistances is going to anger some people. What about exchange those resistances into dark/ice/earth? So the maximum amount of that is nearly equal to fire/lightning/wind - and then adjust the damage from these mobs.

      Right now I was holding 57% wind res and mobs still do like 1k, even with Fear on (weaponry sura). Tanking is no problem since I have the HP absorb. But yea, those druides hurt (I will test magic resistance later).
      Another option above is to adjust mobs to their name. STRONG en-tai mobs will deal the damage they are doing now, and the normal ones weaker.

      This is only the first day and many changes will be applied time by time
    • So they have completely gutted the elementary resistance? I at the worst case have expect them work like Arrow resistance and similar bonus (maybe the fairest nerf), but wow...En-tai druids are going to be a nightmare, since arrow resistance and Blessing won't work against them and the magic resistance was already overnerfed with the coming of Zodiac temple...

      I still have to test it since i copied my characted a little while ago, but i can't be optimistic after reading this.
    • About wind resistance

      I just tested the wind reistance in both Ochao Temple and Enchanted Forest and,well,I hope It's a joke cause I have 65% wr and I get 900-1k damage per hit,as I would have only 5-10%.Normally I only get between 20 and 80 damage per hit.It absolutely needs to be changed,can't handle there now a small group of mobs or a level 100 metin stone.Better remove these resistances from the costumes and let them as they are now,that way everyone can have a max of 70-75 percent (with excellent legendary alchemy,so a bit rare).
    • I really don't understand I year ago GF as introduced the resistances they made an adjustment and then we had this going on for a year, droping all new resistance gear puting it full with coins...

      Now instead of a REAL update they re-roll everything and 1 year farm and investment on resistances as gone down the drain I really don't understand the path GF is taking with this downgrade. Can someone explain me WHY?
    • Many people have been complaining about elemental resistances being too effective during this year.

      While that may be true somehow, I've got a feeling that the majority of people complaining has been using a weapon sura or a body warrior, who can make up for low resistance thanks to high HPs absorption.

      The other classes don't stand a chance and need to rely on a fairly good defence.

      Moreover, I fear that bosses and zodiac mobs may prove to be overpowered, this way.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by BlueShade ().

    • Hello,
      Why do you guys don't talk about the yang from catacombs? afk farm, easy yang .. this is really ridiculous.
      Let's talk about the elementary resistances:
      Why change this now? Why are they always ruining the game? You guys do so much money with the community add bonus to 3x shoes necklaces helmets armor bracelets each one for each resistance ( fire, lightning and wind) this is really stupid .. listen to the community once in your life !

      if they want to lose the rest of the players advance with the nerfs to the resistances, if they do not want to lose remove only the resistances of the costumes ;)

      Best Regards,
      The Legend returns :D
      Metin2 PT - RAGNAR Lv.107

      Youtube Channel:

      TwichTv Stream:

      First Lycan Lv.105 in Metin2(GF)
    • hi all..
      Let me just explain what s going to happen in the next few weeks.
      Gf gives 10 new things:
      6 of them are very bad for all players, and will bring a lot of € to the company, because it s a completely change in the game( you spend 3 years making alchemy, spending money changing all your itens for wind and fire, and now they will be shit)

      2 not to bad options but still the player must invest some €€€ to play and do all that otpions(but GF is looking more for the first 6 options, this 2 is just to trow some sand in your eyes)

      And last 2..
      You can change stats in your pets.. eish man after 3 or 4 years.. only now?
      More skills? all that boxes open to get the 3 better books.. you guys suck it all 129MD to have a book that we just leave it on the floor.. very good.
      And last...
      You now can use your excellent alchemy.. to make some rabish that we can put on our dropper.. lolol

      game force will end up applying the first 6 news that won t bring nothing new to the game, it will get all the resistances down..
      And with the new alchemy you can implement more damage to the moobs.. so they will make all this germans spends thousands of euros to be the top 1 in the metin world.. and that s all they want..

      But don t worry the neerf won t be so big like now.. they put things bad.. but they become better with a paysafe of 100€.

      Thank you.. no need to pay for this explanations..

      Mental warrior from metin2.pt
    • Gameforge CEO(1y6m old):We need more money what should we do?
      Gameforge Content director(1y6m old):Lets put the elementar resistances working like they should have been in the begining!
      Gameforge CEO(1y6m old): GUUUUUUUUUD IDEAAAA , New promotion incoming.
      Gameforge CEO(NOW): We need more money what should we do?
      Gameforge trainee(Now): Maybe if we just revert the update from 1y6m ago, the players will be dumb enough to bite the bait and spend money again on something that will change in the future.