Alchemy - What has been changed ?

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    • Alchemy - What has been changed ?

      Dear players, i'm from italian server so can you please be friendly with my bad english (?) :love:

      Let's speak about alchemy. From what we know now there are the following changes :

      0.1 Mithyc alchemy is now the new " leggendary" alchemy / and "leggendary" is now the new "ancient" alchemy. Thanks to this , from what i have hear, leggendary excellent or low alchemy doesnt give anymore DSS bonus, it's just for mithical alchemy.

      0.2 The alchemy now give bonus " power of fire,wind, etc". But, this is for all alchemy or just for mithical ?

      0.3 You can't now exchange your "dragon stone shard" so you can make just 3 for account. It's that correct?

      If you have any news, please write there.
    • 1) The DSS bonus is still given to Legendary and Ancient sets as far as i know, but if you want to install a single Mythic between a Legendary set, you lose the DSS until you have assembled a full Mythical set.

      3) Really? this is a really heavy hit to the Alchemy system, considering also that with a entire new step the process will become even harder.

      Unfortunately, i just copied my character so i have to wait until the next maintenance for test in person the new changes.
    • Mythic Alchemy - NOT GOOD !!!

      Mythic Alchemy
      The mythic alchemy system has been added to the game. It will give you the opportunity to further upgrade your alchemy and improve your character.
      The new system is coming with a new row of legendary dragon stones which can be crafted by combining 2 normal legendary stones into a new mythic legendary stone.
      To make it easier for players and to give a use to not so useful excellent dragon Stones, you will be able to combine legendary dragon stones from any Clarity.
      Meaning you will be able to combine 1 legendary matt and 1 legendary excellent dragon stone into a new legendary mythic stone.

      This is not good idea !!!!

      It is different in every country. Some have finite alchemy, some less.
      In Poland, only people who have played for a long time have an excellent alchemy.

      Currently, if I had to take out my alchemy and burn it, because is new and better alchemii i prefer to finish the game.
      Too much time has been devoted to making alchemy.

      - not a new type of alchemi only make new slots for a new alchemy.
      !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY IN UPDATE 18.4 !!!!!!

      Mój kanał YT: Metin2.PL - Wetar - GamePriv [YOUTUBE]
    • Clarity Alchemy?

      Rocket wrote:

      Mythic Alchemy
      The mythic alchemy system has been added to the game. It will give you the opportunity to further upgrade your alchemy and improve your character. The new system is coming with a new row of legendary dragon stones which can be crafted by combining 2 normal legendary stones into a new mythic legendary stone. To make it easier for players and to give a use to not so useful excellent dragon Stones, you will be able to combine legendary dragon stones from any Clarity. Meaning you will be able to combine 1 legendary matt and 1 legendary excellent dragon stone into a new legendary mythic stone.
      Stop taking something that is already a feature in the actual system to justify the implementation of this new class.

      It was always possible to combine stones with diferent Clarity inside the same Class to improve to the next one.. it was just not viable to upgrade clarity any lower than legendary.
      Now that will be implemented a new class, it is only logical that should be possible to combine diferent Clarity stones inside the legendary Class as it is the lower class previous to the Mythic just like the others.

      So taking the problem of the unuseful Excelent Legendary stones, and try making it a point in favour to be "easier" for players when it's just a system expansion its not a good point.

      What is the real need for this Class expansion?

      The Mythic Excelent Stones will suffer from the same problem as the Legendary Excelents if it has no good bonus it will gain dust on the inventory?
      Or will be possible to refine again with another from the same excelent Clarity?

      If not the problem isn't solved, it was just added another layer to it that slows it down and exponencialy increase the revenue.

      This new class just double the need for matt stones and the time to make perfect stones, almost back to those astronomical numbers in the first time the system was implemented.
      Altho im not against it, the problem is the system is going beyond reach for many many players, if it makes untradable... the hell with it.
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • Speranza wrote:

      0.1 Mithyc alchemy is now the new " leggendary" alchemy / and "leggendary" is now the new "ancient" alchemy. Thanks to this , from what i have hear, leggendary excellent or low alchemy doesnt give anymore DSS bonus, it's just for mithical alchemy.
      Just like Kelius said, you still retain your DSS bonus AS LONG AS all of your six stones are legendaries.

      As soon as you unload one of your stones and replace it with a mythical one, you'll obviously lose the DSS bonus.
    • Mythic Alchemy ?? URGENT!!!!

      Greetings to all the admins and players of metin2.

      I want you to explain to me if you modify or improve the alchemy, for which we have the 2 panels of good alchemy.

      what should we do?? leave the game? or start everything with a high percentage of failure and lose the investment?

      the players want something ethical and not to make us lose everything we have achieved.

      Greetings and do not make those who keep the game stop playing because of bad decisions.

      for a better metin

      att Obsessions <3
    • So, in the end it's like this:

      New players need's to use item shop for having perfect elemental equipment + skin's 15% ( or you wont be able to farm anywhere.)

      Old player's need's to use item shop for making again alchemy ( i guess 2 days laters after update gameforge will be so generous to give us -50% shard on shop)

      Medium players who dont use's item shop need to steal money from nowhere to shop, or change game.

      Enjoy this, cya.
    • Olthir wrote:

      3) Yes; it's not anymore tradable, sellable via shop and droppable
      So to make mythic alchemy, we have to spent all our lives to Metin2, am i right?
      Why we have to drop dragon stones to all of our characters? Many medium players making money from there and we are the ones who like wars, not pve, why we have to make cor to all of our ch.? Dont support it, exactly disaster.