You're killing the game...

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    • You're killing the game...

      [Sorry if my english is not correct]

      I come to talk about the portuguese servers' economy (and probably other communities too):

      The state in which the economy is is already pitiful. Those who do not have a character in the Devil's Catacombs have a tremendous disadvantage (then there are those who have more than 1 character there but that's another story ...) because the amount of yang injected into the server by that map is just ridiculous.

      Not all of us have the availability / patience to leave a character in the Catacombs. So what other options we have left ? Books? Souls? Stones + 4? Equipments + 9 in the tower? It would be a good choice ... if we were facing the 2012 Metin2 or less. Does this currently give any yang compared to the Catacombs? Most people do not even need to evolve skills or put stones in equipment no more...

      How am I able make yang for a good alchemy or items that cost more than 30 or 40 won by selling books at 500k, 1kk, 4kk, being that to drop half a dozen of these I have to invest a good few hours of my time looking for metins and break them? There are also the Jotum, Dragon, Razador and Nemere chests that are worth a good yang but are not easy to sell since the offer is huge. And why is the offer huge? Because people devote practically all of their farm time to making these bosses because it's the only thing that "makes up" for wasting time ... even if it's for the yang or the rewards of the chests. Although the most expensive pets' eggs are not even worth that much anymore ... now we can rotate their stats. There goes another source of farm because it is enough to get a bad pet and rotate it until it comes out perfect.

      Chests only lose in terms of economy to one thing .... alchemy! And you want to ruin the system. Alchemy was something that brought balance to the economy of high levels and low levels. Nowadays a reasonably equipped low level character (if he knows what he is doing) manages to make almost as much yang as a high level character. Obviously the high levels have more advantages like the chests I mentioned above and with that they make an extra yang.

      How are these changes suppost to improve the game? You don't need to be a genius to realize that the fact that the dragon stone shards, the legendary alchemy and the antique alchemy no longer being negotiable will wipe out the most profitable farming method at the moment. My game is already being very affected by this change because my farm is almost all from alchemy so I can't imagine how will the low levels farm now ... Is this how you want to attract new players? Good job...

      About the nerf in resistances to elements ... ridiculous. So much time to put them and now you want to take them out practically? Yes because from what I am seeing from damage feedback from other players having the resistance or not having it at all will be the same .... we returned to square one where they were not used. And so there are huge ammounts of wons and euros invested in perfect pvm sets.

      Seing all these ridiculous updates (which unfortunately are not the first ones I see and I'm sure will not be the last) makes me think that this game is run by people who don't know the game they're working with. Are the genius minds behind these ideas people who played back in 2010 and then left the game? And therefore have no knowledge at all about the present game? Only know the theory behind the game? I hope not ... but it is what it looks like.
    • 00medls00 wrote:

      How are these changes suppost to improve the game? You don't need to be a genius to realize that the fact that the dragon stone shards, the legendary alchemy and the antique alchemy no longer being negotiable will wipe out the most profitable farming method at the moment
      Is this really going to happen? Or is it a software error in the beta version?
    • The people doing the MAJ do not play the game ;(
      Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort

    • Stop killing the game.

      We don't need the change in the alchemy, if GF wants to put elementary dmg then put it on the normal alchemy. There are hundred of things to improve and other hundreds of things to fundraising but this is not the way. The only thing you will get with 18.4 is to anger the players more than we are yet. And GF knows too well what means anger players.

      We want less things but well done and tested, things that we need.

      We DON'T want too much things bad done, bad tested, bugs, raise money or things we dont need/ask.

      The only thing we have been asking for the alchemy is that we can fuse 2 excellents, NOTHING ELSE! don't invent things we dont want/need, the way is much simple than that.

      If GF wants money then make other things to make money, dont touch the eq of the players that costs years and hundred of € to make it perfect.

      STOP 18.4
    • 31gennaio1992

      The game is unplayble dei more players, after thousands € for make a good character with the new resistance gf make an other game version where the new resistance don't have sense, if gf want close metin speak clearly. This version of the game is a fraud for those who developed a character adapting it to the game version released last test. The game needs new maps and dungeon. In this version I see only speculative interest, we can not spend money to start items and return to the current state on official servers. Ok cor alchemy but the resistances are untouchble today. Kind regards.
    • 18.4 Feedback TR

      Hi ! I m İbrahim from Turkey.Actually this update made me sad because we skene our time for our alchemy and many players completed the alchemy sets. We have a new update and we can change our excellent alchemy.What we can do for our alchemy our time and our yangs already gone.we can not unstitch our alchemy if the team give us a item for %100 release for alchemy we can accept that but they won't its a problem.
      Second point about resistance why the team changing it i think everybody is happy if ıts change we have to change our items with enchant and not everybody is rich for game.Have a nice day.
    • Good morning to metin2 administrators and programmers,

      Where the hell do you guys go with your head? In Mars?

      I'm just going to talk about the change in alchemy.

      All communities gave their feedback on this point, and it would be necessary to give a solution to the legendary excellent with no considerate extras.
      A simple thing to solve and you "albert's einsteins" put a new class? So that the problem is postponed again, in excellent turn scratch again?

      By chance, do you know how long it takes to make a perfect set of legendary excellent? for now to turn antiquity?
      We players, we play and we try to evolve to win, however everything that is achieved is a waste of time.

      You profit from time and in case you do not know we do not profit in this way. Terms a perfect set in alchemy takes immense time, but even IMMENSE TIME to now count for zero.

      I put the question to myself and to you, is it worth doing something in the character so that it becomes stronger and in a few times what we have made zero worth?

      I answered to myself, not worth it. But I wait for your answers.

      This system of alchemy that they try to implement will bring disagreement and I venture to say that many players think the same as me, and the final result will be: I give up once and for all.

      This way, I will enter for 5 days in PROTEST mode, in an open store in the city on the Hades server in Portugal

      "PROTEST NEW UPDATE" and invite all players who think the same so that our words are valued.

      Best Regards,

      Bom dia aos administradores e programadores do metin2,

      Onde raio vocês andam com a cabeça? Em marte?

      Só vou falar na mudança da alquimia.

      Todas as comunidades deram o seu feedback relativo a este ponto, sendo que seria necessário dar uma solução à lendária excelente sem extras considerativos.
      Uma coisa simples de resolver e vocês "albert´s einsteins´s" colocam nova classe? Para que seja adiado mais uma vez o problema, em excelente virar rasca de novo?

      Por acaso, vocês sabem o tempo que demora fazer um set de lendárias excelentes perfeitas? para agora virar antiguidade?
      Nós jogadores, jogamos e tentamos evoluir para ganhar, no entanto tudo o que se consquista é uma perda de tempo.

      Vocês lucram com o tempo e caso não saibam nós não lucramos desta maneira. Termos um set perfeito na alquimia leva imenso tempo, mas mesmo IMENSO TEMPO para agora valer zero.

      Eu coloco a questão a mim mesmo e a vocês, vale a pena fazer alguma coisa na personagem para que se torne mais forte e daqui a uns tempos o que tivermos feito valer zero?
      Eu respondi a mim mesmo, não vale a pena. Mas espero pelas vossas respostas.

      Este sistema de alquimia que tentam implementar irá trazer discordancia e arrisco-me a dizer que muitos jogadores pensam o mesmo que eu, sendo que o resultado final será: Desisto de vez.

      Desse modo, entrarei durante 5 dias em modo de PROTESTO, em loja aberta na cidade no servidor Hades em Portugal
      "PROTESTO NOVO UPDATE" e faço o convite a todos os jogadores que pensem o mesmo para que as nossas palavras sejam valorizadas.

      Melhores cumprimentos,