[Feedback] #1

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    • [Feedback] #1

      Hello everyone , my name is John and I'm from Romania server.Today im gonna review the mental class on which I play and the general impression on the server.

      General : Its a good aspect that you chose to copy the caracter lv , testing pvp in different lvl ranges could provide some good data to be use in future races balancing processes. But players should be provided equip +9 ,bcuz many ppl cant pvp properly bcuz of their itm differences , so starting on the same foot would be better. Im saying that bcuz i have a mental warrior lv 105 and in an incident a week ago i lost my pvp sword , so now i cant do any pvp with my pvm poison sword. Even though i cant pvp i chose to continue on this server , bcuz every feedback from us , players, its valuable for our evolution i want to take a part.

      Mental warrior class (105): After i decided to play for some days on this server i started my alchemy , even tho i have full mat alchemy on the official that wasnt enough for me here so i started towards the excellent one,so my 1st attempt for a brilliant was a succes and i got 2xskill + mag resist , i got it +5 and equiped it .A fellow lycan , near me ( lv 89 ) wanted to test his dmg on me , and in my surprise , he one-shoted me ( 23k pv , 40 % claws , with the alchemy activated , brilliant diamant and flawless sapphire with 10% res Lycan + the ring with skill resist + the one with sura ,shaman and Lycan res ) , that was an enourmous dmg with all i have + my biologist finished , i didnt believe my eyes so i get up and in my surprise with only a hit he was dealing around 8k ( i think piercing hit ) and almost 10k ( i think crit+ piercing ) , i couldnt do a thing .After that i wondered about the capability of the mental warrior , he's one of the weakest class now . In pvp , his Strong Body doesnt count at all now , the piercing hit and skill makes you an ordinary caracter , in pvm , with the amount of monsters in our newest dungeons and their piercing hits, a non-tank class with body block its more efficient in all specs, so now i cant consider Strong Body ability to any use , now lets speak about the 6th skill implemented , on Body warrior thats an immense amount of dmg , on Archery you knock down your opponents and and you can put alot of space between you and them, on Blade-Fight , thats a lot of poison chance , and on Mental warrior a half baked ability with very low dmg and thats all.

      With the change in magic dmg source ( stones and alchemy ) and with the rise of shaman and sura pvp , i believe that Mental warrior its one of the weakest of them all .Basically ur Strong Body and 6-th ability are useless now and what do we have left? No dps dmg , our only source of dmg in pvp would be Spirit Strike which can be easly dodged.

      I'll test more things and see you later on another feedback.
    • May be if body strong had another bonus as fear ( less dmg + block) would be more like a tank, and jst will be adding some blocking bonus on strong body, another way to take may be changing body strong to work similar to dark protection (as its a nice tanks like skill).

      And as a mental warrior owner/player, i jst can see this character as pvp or pve untill lvl 80.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • yap.. 100%.. i feel when i switch on the SB i take more damage.. we supposed to be the ones that can push everything.. but we are not.. lol

      Same about the cooldown of the shamas.. i was thinking that was suppose we make team work.. i m from server Hades in Pt.. our server is dead.. and we are bringing some old players back.. trying to build back our guild.. we are not tops.. we all from 80 to 105 max.. and we are starting with team work.. and now you guys going to cut our legs.. we got 4 shamans players in the guild lvl 95 -100.. we all need to work together.. but now you guys ll make the shamans to be excluded from all that.. because they give small damage.. and now they won t help the guild with the buffs.. just think about that.

      The lycans i agree on decreasing a litle bit.. but don t kill them..

      Can we have some feedback from the team?

    • I would like to ask... what's about new sword for body ? sword resistance is basic and almost every player has this bonus, ones high ~ 70% or more what makes body wariors useless. Yes, they are wonderful in pvm but in pvp they are very weak. i dont know why GF or Webzen or someone else omitted this weapon. I cannot imagine body with kyanite blade making hits :P
    • As you cna imagine a character that is great at pvp is normal that isnt as got as in pve .

      Its a balance whe shall loock for getting a real balance and not just for our interests and our benefit.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • Yes mental warrior is now the wheakness caracter :( NO chance vs sura BM, no chance vs heal samans .Wery low skill damage on 82% sword.The body strong is preaty useless,it helps only to not be grounded.

      I also thested whit a lvl61 bm,whit all game features items from npcs the sura give in my 40 magic rezistence from items+ 20% from potion + sura+9 shild + 30% magic rezistence from costumes + energy 10 on excelent alchimy whit no sura on sapfire + g1 body stron ..... 4,2k normal dmg whit flame spirit and 5,7k whit dark strike.
      And me whit my mental warrior lv65 whit lv65 sword+9 10hh ,whit excelent alchimy,all items from npc,etc on that sura BM whit 75 sword + energy 10 + etc (everything) and warrior on saphire i give 2k dmg whit spirit strike.
      How in the hell can a mental warrior beat a sura BM? we also dueling whit no npc items no excelent alchimy etc,and still i had no chance.Low dmg skill,Low pircing hit vs big dmg skill sura bm have.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by AthozOrion ().

    • Why should dragon shaman be the worst pvp class lol? Is this a joke?
      Even with the new antimagic calculation they are the strongent pvp character after heal shaman and blackmagic sura.
      Good mental warrior can 2-3 hit characters with 60 def + falcon shield.
      There are characters which are more worden than mental warrior imo.
    • Calle wrote:

      Why should dragon shaman be the worst pvp class lol? Is this a joke?
      Even with the new antimagic calculation they are the strongent pvp character after heal shaman and blackmagic sura.
      Good mental warrior can 2-3 hit characters with 60 def + falcon shield.
      There are characters which are more worden than mental warrior imo.
      Yes, they are good, but they have to make again all their weapons because fans are not good any more for them (with the new anti-magic formula fan damage is low and bell damage is higher, more than 2k of difference if you are using a good equipment and the other player has 100 magic resistance...), and they have to use bells, and there are few PvP bells because they were useless.