Devil's Catacomb Discussion

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    • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

      What are we supposed to test on this map??

      I have seen everything the same as in official servers. Of course Azrael's drop is still awful. I think the update should focus on change the drop of this map that is completely ignored by all the players on metin2 (except for rank farming, yang and dragon alchemy, but the boss is useless).

      Maybe you could do the same as Nemere, Razador, Jotun,... adding the drop of 8-10 Azrael Chest's, with drop of various items like:

      -Level 70 weapons +4
      -Level 75 weapons +4
      -Titan Shield and Soul Crystal Accesories
      -Refinement items based on undead monsters (unknown medicines+...) in packs of 5?
      -Shrunken Head
      -Azrael Egg
      -Mithril, Sturdy Cords, Grey Dye, and armor craft items (sheets)...
      -And more
    • Hello,

      we proposed a set of variations concerning Devil Catacombs from a very long time, on our community - the most important being removing yang drop from the first floor and enhancing Azrael's Chest rewards.

      However they do not seem to be interested to this topic.

      It's kinda funny, Dark Resistance is pretty useless right now, besides Zi (which is too difficult to handle anyway) and Xu (which, on the other hand, is easier thanks to cannons), there are no major dark lords in the game. They should definitely make Azrael thougher and improve the overall difficulty of the map, but I'm afraid they won't...
    • Simply.

      If they remove yang from first floor, the incomes will decrease due to people buying the ring in order to avoid earning experience, the "premium hack/bot" found on the itemshop and the third hand to get the yang automatically.
      That is the reason they won't change it, you jst have to read all the "news" rolling out in this and pasts version games. None of then are focused on leading players into a better experience, but increasing the incomes.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • I don't get all the fuss about catacombs and yang, why is it so bad?

      I mean, if you really want, make a character, buy a voucher or a pay safe card and start farming. It’s not restricted to a few players, everybody can use the system if they really want to.

      Let me go ahead and spoil you, they won't remove the yang drop. Want to know why? Players would stop buying auto hunt, third hand, lucky coin and the ring to prevent XP gain. Just like that, hundreds of people stop buying that amount of coins in items, does that seem like a clever marketing decision? Obviously not.

      From my perspective, people who are angry at the current system, and want it gone, are people who, by outside reasons, either can’t leave the computer turned on 24/7, have bad internet or just don’t have a character prepared for catacombs. And because they can’t have it, like the greedy gluttons they are, nobody else can. Simple as that.

      Now, want to hear a solution for this dilemma?

      Just increase the yang drop in higher level maps and make the monster spots bigger.
      Why should a level 75-85 account make more yang than a lvl 105 account?

      This always bugged me you know? Most mmorpgs grant you easier ways of making lots of in-game currency as you level up. For example, in X game a level 50 character farms 20 gold coins in 8 hours, while a level 100 character farms 200 gold coins in 8 hours.
      I’m not talking about items that you can sell to get yang, I’m talking about just YANG.
      Not in metin. I know the game is trade based, but without an offline shop system, it gets annoying farming stuff and having to open shop everyday, some times several times a day if your internet goes out or if the servers go off.

      I think because of these reasons auto hunt is a good system, because it grants yang without having to bother selling something you droped.
      I also think it needs to be spread out to higher levels and buffed for these same higher levels so that players actually have a good reason to level up.
    • I actually think that yang drop should be higher in dungeons which are actively faced by players, such as the higher floors of DC, or higher floors of Nemere's or Razador's dungeons.

      That way, everyone would be interested in buying Lucky Medal and Third hand.

      Autohunting would still be useful (especially if they don't change elemental resistances!) and could also be combined with Wayne (to collect rare items, for instance).

      However, in my opinion, it's not fair that you can linger a whole day on the first floor of a dungeon, without any time limit, without actually doing any effort and collecting a huge amount of yangs.

      Besides, don't act so surprised. Most of the players who dedicate to this kind of activity, are actually selling yang in exchange for real money, even though it's supposed to be illegal...
    • BlueShade wrote:

      Autohunting would still be useful ....
      Don't forget there are tons of players that use it for leveling, so yea beside catacombes it will still be bought

      BlueShade wrote:

      Besides, don't act so surprised. Most of the players who dedicate to this kind of activity, are actually selling yang in exchange for real money, even though it's supposed to be illegal...
      *Note: from what I know advertising such trades is illegal BUT doing it isn't. At least that's how it works on NL server. But yea... should be illegal in any way

      Edit Salsie:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Salsie ().

    • BlueShade wrote:

      On our servers is illegal the mere fact of selling yang for euros. Every 30mins an in-game message appears, remembering players that selling yang for euros might cause ban.

      Funny fact, people exploiting Beran Setaou and Devil Catacombs still keeps selling yang and are still there. :)
      Everybody knows that, yet they still do it.

      The only reason why those type of off game deals thrive, is because the game is simply not as appealling as it used to be. Nothing we players can do about that except suggest updates and functions we would like to see added and hope the developers and distributors do its best to correspond to our collective wishes.

      That said, I still don't think they will remove it, too many euros being invested would be lost. Should they add a way for higher level characters to get more yang through farm, maybe people would reconsider investing in auto farm, at least that's what I think. On the same note, offline shops would also bring back the regular trade which would be uplifting for players trying to make yang through selling items.
    • I'm shame because in 10 years I went just one time at the Azrael for fun with some friends. I still remember the run and the room where it was Azrael and I was wow, how cool is that until I open the chests. I think if they removing yang from the 1st floor and put it to the others floors who needs to complete run 4 Azrael, this would be a solution 'cause it's a limit of time to do dragon stone sharps and yang and everyone it's happy because it's enough space 4 farm.
    • BlueShade wrote:

      Funny fact, people exploiting Beran Setaou and Devil Catacombs still keeps selling yang and are still there. :)

      I feel that the most unfair situation is when a player kills the dragon alone, then goes back and keeps on killing it over and over again, without give other people a chance to go. I believe that a player should have a cool down period lets say for example 8 hours before they can go kill the dragon again. I also feel that the dragon needs to get buffed with more hp and more defense so that yang droppers don't keep exploiting him. When he first came out, it took groups of 8 or more to kill him, and now its just 1 person? This is ridiculous.
    • danielc25 wrote:

      BlueShade wrote:

      Funny fact, people exploiting Beran Setaou and Devil Catacombs still keeps selling yang and are still there. :)
      I feel that the most unfair situation is when a player kills the dragon alone, then goes back and keeps on killing it over and over again, without give other people a chance to go. I believe that a player should have a cool down period lets say for example 8 hours before they can go kill the dragon again. I also feel that the dragon needs to get buffed with more hp and more defense so that yang droppers don't keep exploiting him. When he first came out, it took groups of 8 or more to kill him, and now its just 1 person? This is ridiculous.
      So what, now because one player takes down beran setau it suddenly isn't hard enough? Have you stopped to think how much time and yang/money that one player invested in his account to get to that point?

      Your argument is moot not only because you're not taking into account the years that have passed since that boss was added, you're also forgetting that with time players perfect existing systems and new ones are also added that help players do more damage and tank more.

      By your logic every boss should be adjusted to not be able to be killed by just one player, including Orc Cheif, Ninetails and so on, because when they first came out you needed much more than one player to be able to kill them.

      As time progresses so do players, what the game needs to progress on is new bosses, not balance existing ones...

      What I think that should be done is remove the conditioning of having to wait for X player to finish Beran and then wait for the timer to reset. There should be a personal timer and everybody should be able to do it at the same time, that way there wouldn't be monopolization.
    • I agree with both of you. It's kinda unfair a single player could do everything on his/her own: however, if the game offers such a possibility, we cannot complain. Porky pet, Razador pet, Alchemy and all of the various power-ups allow a single player to perform this (no longer so extraordinary) feat.

      However, there's an undeniable problem that has been remarked by BlueRay:

      BlueRay wrote:

      What I think that should be done is remove the conditioning of having to wait for X player to finish Beran and then wait for the timer to reset. There should be a personal timer and everybody should be able to do it at the same time, that way there wouldn't be monopolization.
      That's it. It's not fair that one can monopolize a boss and do it over and over just for a matter of fast clicking (that means faster internet connections).

      There should be a way that keeps in account the fact that someone already did the dragon the hour before in order to prevent his access. It has been requestED* for so long, but they won't do anything about it - and I honestly can't get why. Monopolizations do not lead to anything good and are the main sources of illegal yang selling.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by BlueShade ().

    • BlueRay wrote:

      From my perspective, people who are angry at the current system, and want it gone, are people who, by outside reasons, either can’t leave the computer turned on 24/7, have bad internet or just don’t have a character prepared for catacombs. And because they can’t have it, like the greedy gluttons they are, nobody else can. Simple as that.

      BlueRay wrote:

      I don't get all the fuss about catacombs and yang, why is it so bad?
      Yes, it's bad when a player prepare 10 accounts with auto hunt & full yang drop an (one accout have mean of 15kk each hour so having 3.6 billion per day )
      and guard them with lvl120 killing anyone near 'em (this is the REAL greedy gluttons u mentioned it)
      not mean merely other players can't
      NOTE: some of them have tha ability to prepare 30 accounts (but actually they don't because of competitors)

      The post was edited 3 times, last by aha15 ().