I know this is not the main concern of this beta, but we've been facing this problem from a very long time. As soon as Zodiac Temple was implemented, we hadn't a chance to properly test it (even if we were supposed to provide GF with a feedback concerning it).
Now a year is passed and we managed to test it properly: I'm kinda surprised you are not looking for any feedback about it. How were we supposed to offer you a feedback just few days after its implementation?!
I'll be quick: there's a really annoying issue concerning Zodiac Temple.
You're aware that there's a thing called "floor jump", which allows your party to skip some floors if you click on the arrow button.
Here's the bug I'd like you to report to Webzen: even if the "timer" displays a certain floor-number (for instance, 34F) while you are on the 29th floor, you won't gain access to the 34th floor but will eventually land on the 30th floor.
Basically the game offers you the chance to skip some floors if you're fast enough to kill all of the monsters: however, there's a bug of some sort which doesn't allow you to actually skip the floors.
Another really annoying issue concerns the problems derived from players crashes (ex. clients shutdown).
If the leader of the party accidentaly crashes, all the members are doomed to be trapped in the floor they were, without having the chance to unblock the situation and will eventually have to abandon the dungeon.
I guess this is another bug: when a player crashes, the leadership is supposed to pass on another member of the group - but if the crash happens JUST WHILE THE PARTY IS SUPPOSED TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE NEXT FLOOR, all of the group members will face this problem.
I also think that it's unfair that you have to lose all of the efforts of an entire dungeon due to an accidental crash: for instance, a player could crash at the 35th or 38th floor and will lose his chance to get the reward.
I'd like a system similar to the Devil Catacombs, in which you can still enjoy the progress made with your group even if your internet connection disappeared for a minute.
Again, I know this is not the purpose of this beta, but this beta testing forums are the ONLY real way we have to communicate with GF developers and to hope that some feedbacks will arrive to Webzen.
That's why I insist here. Thanks for your attention!
@Salsie @Olthir @badidol @Rocket @Comkra
I know this is not the main concern of this beta, but we've been facing this problem from a very long time. As soon as Zodiac Temple was implemented, we hadn't a chance to properly test it (even if we were supposed to provide GF with a feedback concerning it).
Now a year is passed and we managed to test it properly: I'm kinda surprised you are not looking for any feedback about it. How were we supposed to offer you a feedback just few days after its implementation?!
I'll be quick: there's a really annoying issue concerning Zodiac Temple.
You're aware that there's a thing called "floor jump", which allows your party to skip some floors if you click on the arrow button.
Here's the bug I'd like you to report to Webzen: even if the "timer" displays a certain floor-number (for instance, 34F) while you are on the 29th floor, you won't gain access to the 34th floor but will eventually land on the 30th floor.
Basically the game offers you the chance to skip some floors if you're fast enough to kill all of the monsters: however, there's a bug of some sort which doesn't allow you to actually skip the floors.
Another really annoying issue concerns the problems derived from players crashes (ex. clients shutdown).
If the leader of the party accidentaly crashes, all the members are doomed to be trapped in the floor they were, without having the chance to unblock the situation and will eventually have to abandon the dungeon.
I guess this is another bug: when a player crashes, the leadership is supposed to pass on another member of the group - but if the crash happens JUST WHILE THE PARTY IS SUPPOSED TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE NEXT FLOOR, all of the group members will face this problem.
I also think that it's unfair that you have to lose all of the efforts of an entire dungeon due to an accidental crash: for instance, a player could crash at the 35th or 38th floor and will lose his chance to get the reward.
I'd like a system similar to the Devil Catacombs, in which you can still enjoy the progress made with your group even if your internet connection disappeared for a minute.
Again, I know this is not the purpose of this beta, but this beta testing forums are the ONLY real way we have to communicate with GF developers and to hope that some feedbacks will arrive to Webzen.
That's why I insist here. Thanks for your attention!

@Salsie @Olthir @badidol @Rocket @Comkra