badidol wrote:
Dear players,
just as a short update concerning the state of your feedback so far and what happened with it.
We were fully aware of the kind of feedback that some of the parts of the changelog would cause. We took this and your actual feedback so far and combined it into a recommendation we transmitted to Webzen yesterday.
We included your feedback about Mythic DSS being too powerful. We also forwarded that you, the players, have the distinct impression that your current DSS will become devalued.
Please note that while we understand your concerns and forward them to Webzen that does not necessarily mean that things will change.
Your Metin2 Team
what if instead of this recomendations, you recomend webzen programers to actually play the game for 1 month in one of the less populated servers of europe and then another into the most populated server, so they can really know what this game is about and how is actually working so they can do something really usefull without messing up all the entire game.
Sorry, but sometimes seems they are playing carts with some pieces of code and then the last card is the one implemented.
“Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
John Robert Wooden
Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
Lou Guerstner

Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
Lou Guerstner