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      I thought about what to do to make everyone happy.
      I know someone tried to get a new update.
      Players reacted very nervously and are not surprised at all, because because these changes,
      that are to be introduced can destroy the entire contribution of time, yang devoted to getting the current alchemy.

      I am a total opponent of introducing such a change related to alchemy.
      Update regarding pet can be interesting, because it will be possible to develop further.
      Update for graphic options and new emotions is ok.

      However, ALCHEMIA and Resistance Change are definitely NOT !!!

      When it comes to immunity, today's costumes are very expensive and are not always available.
      So having a well-developed character without costumes can be done in the enchanted forest.
      A character with medium equipment will have problems, a person with high resistances, but a small dmg will not give advice.
      So why start immunity? they are well done.
      There are different levels of players
      - beginners (which is just getting eq and it's hard for them).
      - average people (which fly for a few people because they can not do it alone)
      - best (which have all the equipment done and they can do it themselves).

      At the moment everything is balanced, why move the mechanism that works properly?
      Do you want to spoil the resistance to the elements? Question for what?
      As of today, not every guild has the opportunity to do ZODIAKA TEMPLE, MELEY, HYDRA.
      There are people who have the equipment and thanks to that they earn yang because they are able to do it.
      Others devote their time to developing characters and equipment to match what they are doing today.
      If this balance is shaken, then something very bad will happen.

      People will end the game because it would be another change to bring the equipment to change.
      Any change that changes the bonuses in your inventory, another higher level of alchemi is a bad move because:
      - it will break the market (prices will be cosmic, and the current alchemy will be worthless - and people have spent too much time)
      - beginner players and you average can not keep up with the change because they will not be able to do any dungeon
      - alchemy is a difficult matter, because everyone who has such alchemy sacrificed much

      The new alchemy will not be an alternative to the one that is now at the highest level of choice ... why?
      Because it has mixing bonuses and it's bad.
      As if these were solid bonuses, which I showed, I think it would be a very good solution.

      Therefore, in my opinion there are 2 solutions to this situation:
      1) do not introduce new alchemy and a new immunity because it will lead to chaos
      2) introduce a new alchemy without having to delete the present one.
      Make a new slot only for the new alchemy.
      The new Alchemy Stone, which will have no additional vouchers, only the basic vouchers in the form strong for the element.

      strong on fire
      strong to the wind
      strong on the dark
      strong on ice
      strong on lightning
      strong to the ground

      Manufacturing method:
      - we combine, for example, 6 difrent antique stones to receive 1 such antique
      - we combine, for example, 6 difrent matte legend to get 1 matte legend
      - we combine, for example, 6 difrent legendary gems to receive 1 legend

      In this way, having 1 stone with fixed bonuses, even if we make it for the exquisite one will not cry that it is useless, because it will have basic bonuses.

      But the condition must be 1: (OLD ALCHEMI MUST STAY).
      !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY IN UPDATE 18.4 !!!!!!

      Mój kanał YT: Metin2.PL - Wetar - GamePriv [YOUTUBE]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by GamePriv ().

    • Elementary resistences and alchimy solutions !

      I wrote a thread yesterday abaut alchemy and elementary rezisteces.but i dont know why it waz deleted.Maybe because my forum account it waz not activated.
      But is ok,because it comes in my mind a new solution.
      So lets start whit:
      ''Elementary Resistances
      Since we introduced the elementary resistances they have been a debating point within the communities. We are trying to improve this circumstance, which is why we will reduce the effectiveness of these resistances. We are aware, that this is a critical topic and reducing the effectiveness can be quite dangerous. Which is why we will start off slow, so we can further adjust them in future if needed''

      We all agree that is not normal to equip 69rezistence from items + 30% from voucher weapoin and costume + 5%-13% from alchimy and get over 100% rezistence ,and the boss and mobs to not be able to deal damage.Or equip this resistance and let the character farm or grow lvl alone, without even having to stand on PC.

      Solution is not to reduce the effectiveness of these rezistences.Because if u do that ,means that it will be absolutely necessary to buy costumes from itemshop, vouchers or holiday chests or spend yang for a costume to be able to withstand.
      And the idea of depending on one thing to do another thing is frustrating.

      :!: Solution:
      1.First of all, the resistances and bonuses that are characteristic of the armor should be eliminated from voucher weapons.Voucher weapons should only have bonuses characteristic of weapons.
      That would be normal, and I do not think this change would upset anyone, maybe only players who have vouchers weapons with a 3x15 rezistences.But these are not many.
      And you will hit 2 rabbits from a shot, because it will solve a part of balancing in pvp, because it is not normal to have 96% resistance and your opponent to give 100 dmg.
      2.Adding a few new mobs in diferent maps whit no elementary atribute,that spawns from 10 to 10 minutes that gives hight damage lets say 2-3k ,and to be ranged ones.But not so hard to kill.So players will have to stay on PC to kill that mobs when apears ,because if dont they will get probably killed.Except in the situation if the autoatack target exactly that mobs.But that will only be luck.

      In principle, the game should be thought so you can do activities by yourself, but playing the game, not to let the caracter fight alone(Like growing up lvl).
      And to require a team where you produce yang (boss), that will reduce the sale of yang.Because there will remain the players who play methine because they like it and want to evolve, not those who live out of it.
      The changes should spin around thouse principles.

      Now abaut:
      Mythic Alchemy
      The mythic alchemy system has been added to the game. It will give you the opportunity to further upgrade your alchemy and improve your character. The new system is coming with a new row of legendary dragon stones which can be crafted by combining 2 normal legendary stones into a new mythic legendary stone. To make it easier for players and to give a use to not so useful excellent dragon Stones, you will be able to combine legendary dragon stones from any Clarity. Meaning you will be able to combine 1 legendary matt and 1 legendary excellent dragon stone into a new legendary mythic stone.

      Its a werry bad ideea to introduce a new kind on clarity (mistic) ,because people work so hard to get the final clarity (excelent).A new clarity whit highter bonuses than the excelent ones will make werry much players to end game.
      I understand u want to make dragon stone alchimy easier,thats a werry bad ideea.If it will be easier the price will decrese,and its not fair for people who spend a certain amound of money to equip a kind of alchimy,and after few mounths/weeks to see that alchimy is now half of the price he spent for it.
      If u want to do that you should make non-negotiable shards,that the prices of alchimy to keep mentain how it is now.But that is werry unpredictible.And will ruin a good mode to make yang on the game,by farming and selling shards.Shards that are selling much faster than many items u can drop on low lvl metin stones,mobs,boss.For low lvl players is werry importand to have this way of making money.

      1.Let the dragon alchimy sistem how it is.In this way u wont destroy the alchimy market prices,and a good farm metod.
      2.Instead of adding mistic alchimy,to take care of useless excelent alchimy,u should make a new window where u can combine 2 excelent alchimy to get a new 1 whit random bonuses.And if u are lucky u get a new one that u can use,or try again whit another 2 excelents.

      Sorry for bad engleish,hope u understand what i mean.
    • FacSiDreg wrote:

      I wrote a thread yesterday abaut alchemy and elementary rezisteces.but i dont know why it waz deleted.Maybe because my forum account it waz not activated.
      But is ok,because it comes in my mind a new solution.
      So lets start whit:
      ''Elementary Resistances
      Since we introduced the elementary resistances they have been a debating point within the communities. We are trying to improve this circumstance, which is why we will reduce the effectiveness of these resistances. We are aware, that this is a critical topic and reducing the effectiveness can be quite dangerous. Which is why we will start off slow, so we can further adjust them in future if needed''

      We all agree that is not normal to equip 69rezistence from items + 30% from voucher weapoin and costume + 5%-13% from alchimy and get over 100% rezistence ,and the boss and mobs to not be able to deal damage.Or equip this resistance and let the character farm or grow lvl alone, without even having to stand on PC.

      Solution is not to reduce the effectiveness of these rezistences.Because if u do that ,means that it will be absolutely necessary to buy costumes from itemshop, vouchers or holiday chests or spend yang for a costume to be able to withstand.
      And the idea of depending on one thing to do another thing is frustrating.

      :!: Solution:
      1.First of all, the resistances and bonuses that are characteristic of the armor should be eliminated from voucher weapons.Voucher weapons should only have bonuses characteristic of weapons.
      That would be normal, and I do not think this change would upset anyone, maybe only players who have vouchers weapons with a 3x15 rezistences.But these are not many.
      And you will hit 2 rabbits from a shot, because it will solve a part of balancing in pvp, because it is not normal to have 96% resistance and your opponent to give 100 dmg.
      2.Adding a few new mobs in diferent maps whit no elementary atribute,that spawns from 10 to 10 minutes that gives hight damage lets say 2-3k ,and to be ranged ones.But not so hard to kill.So players will have to stay on PC to kill that mobs when apears ,because if dont they will get probably killed.Except in the situation if the autoatack target exactly that mobs.But that will only be luck.

      In principle, the game should be thought so you can do activities by yourself, but playing the game, not to let the caracter fight alone(Like growing up lvl).
      And to require a team where you produce yang (boss), that will reduce the sale of yang.Because there will remain the players who play methine because they like it and want to evolve, not those who live out of it.
      The changes should spin around thouse principles.

      Now abaut:
      Mythic Alchemy
      The mythic alchemy system has been added to the game. It will give you the opportunity to further upgrade your alchemy and improve your character. The new system is coming with a new row of legendary dragon stones which can be crafted by combining 2 normal legendary stones into a new mythic legendary stone. To make it easier for players and to give a use to not so useful excellent dragon Stones, you will be able to combine legendary dragon stones from any Clarity. Meaning you will be able to combine 1 legendary matt and 1 legendary excellent dragon stone into a new legendary mythic stone.

      Its a werry bad ideea to introduce a new kind on clarity (mistic) ,because people work so hard to get the final clarity (excelent).A new clarity whit highter bonuses than the excelent ones will make werry much players to end game.
      I understand u want to make dragon stone alchimy easier,thats a werry bad ideea.If it will be easier the price will decrese,and its not fair for people who spend a certain amound of money to equip a kind of alchimy,and after few mounths/weeks to see that alchimy is now half of the price he spent for it.
      If u want to do that you should make non-negotiable shards,that the prices of alchimy to keep mentain how it is now.But that is werry unpredictible.And will ruin a good mode to make yang on the game,by farming and selling shards.Shards that are selling much faster than many items u can drop on low lvl metin stones,mobs,boss.For low lvl players is werry importand to have this way of making money.

      1.Let the dragon alchimy sistem how it is.In this way u wont destroy the alchimy market prices,and a good farm metod.
      2.Instead of adding mistic alchimy,to take care of useless excelent alchimy,u should make a new window where u can combine 2 excelent alchimy to get a new 1 whit random bonuses.And if u are lucky u get a new one that u can use,or try again whit another 2 excelents.

      Sorry for bad engleish,hope u understand what i mean.
      People is not understanding the change... Mystic is not a new "Clarity" it is a new class...which makes it even worse, since you will lose all the effort in making a legendary excellent, and getting an ugly one, and they wanted to fix that on the first place...I made a thread explaining this, read it up
    • ShredGaiaMx wrote:

      FacSiDreg wrote:

      I wrote a thread yesterday abaut alchemy and elementary rezisteces.but i dont know why it waz deleted.Maybe because my forum account it waz not activated.
      But is ok,because it comes in my mind a new solution.
      So lets start whit:
      ''Elementary Resistances
      Since we introduced the elementary resistances they have been a debating point within the communities. We are trying to improve this circumstance, which is why we will reduce the effectiveness of these resistances. We are aware, that this is a critical topic and reducing the effectiveness can be quite dangerous. Which is why we will start off slow, so we can further adjust them in future if needed''

      We all agree that is not normal to equip 69rezistence from items + 30% from voucher weapoin and costume + 5%-13% from alchimy and get over 100% rezistence ,and the boss and mobs to not be able to deal damage.Or equip this resistance and let the character farm or grow lvl alone, without even having to stand on PC.

      Solution is not to reduce the effectiveness of these rezistences.Because if u do that ,means that it will be absolutely necessary to buy costumes from itemshop, vouchers or holiday chests or spend yang for a costume to be able to withstand.
      And the idea of depending on one thing to do another thing is frustrating.

      :!: Solution:
      1.First of all, the resistances and bonuses that are characteristic of the armor should be eliminated from voucher weapons.Voucher weapons should only have bonuses characteristic of weapons.
      That would be normal, and I do not think this change would upset anyone, maybe only players who have vouchers weapons with a 3x15 rezistences.But these are not many.
      And you will hit 2 rabbits from a shot, because it will solve a part of balancing in pvp, because it is not normal to have 96% resistance and your opponent to give 100 dmg.
      2.Adding a few new mobs in diferent maps whit no elementary atribute,that spawns from 10 to 10 minutes that gives hight damage lets say 2-3k ,and to be ranged ones.But not so hard to kill.So players will have to stay on PC to kill that mobs when apears ,because if dont they will get probably killed.Except in the situation if the autoatack target exactly that mobs.But that will only be luck.

      In principle, the game should be thought so you can do activities by yourself, but playing the game, not to let the caracter fight alone(Like growing up lvl).
      And to require a team where you produce yang (boss), that will reduce the sale of yang.Because there will remain the players who play methine because they like it and want to evolve, not those who live out of it.
      The changes should spin around thouse principles.

      Now abaut:
      Mythic Alchemy
      The mythic alchemy system has been added to the game. It will give you the opportunity to further upgrade your alchemy and improve your character. The new system is coming with a new row of legendary dragon stones which can be crafted by combining 2 normal legendary stones into a new mythic legendary stone. To make it easier for players and to give a use to not so useful excellent dragon Stones, you will be able to combine legendary dragon stones from any Clarity. Meaning you will be able to combine 1 legendary matt and 1 legendary excellent dragon stone into a new legendary mythic stone.

      Its a werry bad ideea to introduce a new kind on clarity (mistic) ,because people work so hard to get the final clarity (excelent).A new clarity whit highter bonuses than the excelent ones will make werry much players to end game.
      I understand u want to make dragon stone alchimy easier,thats a werry bad ideea.If it will be easier the price will decrese,and its not fair for people who spend a certain amound of money to equip a kind of alchimy,and after few mounths/weeks to see that alchimy is now half of the price he spent for it.
      If u want to do that you should make non-negotiable shards,that the prices of alchimy to keep mentain how it is now.But that is werry unpredictible.And will ruin a good mode to make yang on the game,by farming and selling shards.Shards that are selling much faster than many items u can drop on low lvl metin stones,mobs,boss.For low lvl players is werry importand to have this way of making money.

      1.Let the dragon alchimy sistem how it is.In this way u wont destroy the alchimy market prices,and a good farm metod.
      2.Instead of adding mistic alchimy,to take care of useless excelent alchimy,u should make a new window where u can combine 2 excelent alchimy to get a new 1 whit random bonuses.And if u are lucky u get a new one that u can use,or try again whit another 2 excelents.

      Sorry for bad engleish,hope u understand what i mean.
      People is not understanding the change... Mystic is not a new "Clarity" it is a new class...which makes it even worse, since you will lose all the effort in making a legendary excellent, and getting an ugly one, and they wanted to fix that on the first place...I made a thread explaining this, read it up
      Yea,when i wrote that i didnt know exactly what they did to alchimy.Yea I tested it,and is even worse ! This alchimy update will ruin the game.I will GAME OVER if the new alchimy class will be on the live servers.
    • aliosha wrote:

      FacSiDreg wrote:

      2.Instead of adding mistic alchimy,to take care of useless excelent alchimy,u should make a new window where u can combine 2 excelent alchimy to get a new 1 whit random bonuses.And if u are lucky u get a new one that u can use,or try again whit another 2 excelents.
      best idea regarding alchemy and fare aswell,in this case nothing is lost
      We are at the edge of ending the game [censored]... creating the mythical class wasn’t made to save the bad excelent stones, when you reach excelent with the mythical stone you cand make anything with it if it has bad , so we go back to square one.
      We have invested so much in having the full excellent circle and now we need to start from scratch to do it again with less alchemy on the market because the brilliant idea to make shards nonnegotiable....

      Edit Salsie:
      this is not constructive..

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Salsie ().