automatische Platzierung von Items im Inventar

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    • automatische Platzierung von Items im Inventar

      Wenn man in dieser Version Dinge vom Charakter auszieht und die Items z.B. ne Rüstung, oder nen Exp-Ring, per Drag & Drop an eine freie Stelle im Inventar zieht, landet das Teil nicht mehr dort wo man es hingezogen hat, sondern landet automatisch an der ersten freien Stelle im Inventar.
      Wenn das Invi voll ist, ist das teilweise etwas nervig dann das Zeugs jeweils wieder zu finden.

      Ist zwar nichts Großes, aber ich dachte man kann's ja mal melden. ;)
    • hugoW wrote:

      I found a bug when i drag out any equipment that i have equiped, to any slot of my inventory, it always goes to the first slot available and not the one i draged to.

      Hey, same issue different language :)
      So i merged it.

      Thank you for your report :)
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • By the way, it'd be great if they also applied the right-click system to move items from guild storage rooms to the character's inventory, as well.

      And if possible, it'd be great if the right-click would also work when loading Yu-Hwan and Huahn-So botanic inventories, in order to brew potions and dews more rapidly, rather than having to move every single potion in each slot.

      Thanks, @Salsie
    • RabbitRun wrote:

      I'd like to report something similar:

      Normally by right-clicking items from storeroom items will automatically go to inventory, but it doesn't.
      Adding information to this, so far from all the equipment and other itens in the storeroom that i tried, the "right-click" move to inventory only works on living pets to me xD
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • hugoW wrote:

      RabbitRun wrote:

      I'd like to report something similar:

      Normally by right-clicking items from storeroom items will automatically go to inventory, but it doesn't.
      Adding information to this, so far from all the equipment and other itens in the storeroom that i tried, the "right-click" move to inventory only works on living pets to me xD
      Yes it only works once and then it won't work anymore
    • RabbitRun wrote:

      hugoW wrote:

      RabbitRun wrote:

      I'd like to report something similar:

      Normally by right-clicking items from storeroom items will automatically go to inventory, but it doesn't.
      Adding information to this, so far from all the equipment and other itens in the storeroom that i tried, the "right-click" move to inventory only works on living pets to me xD
      Yes it only works once and then it won't work anymore
      Y was just coming here about to say that i was wrong, it's not the pet that works, and it's not about working 1 time and stop.

      As long as i have the FIRST SLOT of the inventory empty (and all the 3 slots below the first (2 if it sword, 3 if its 2 hand), i can "right-click" all the items i want, after the first "right-click" that first slot is fill so you can't click no more, but if you move the item in the first slot to the side you can right-click again.
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel

      The post was edited 2 times, last by hugoW ().

    • BlueShade wrote:

      By the way, it'd be great if they also applied the right-click system to move items from guild storage rooms to the character's inventory, as well.

      And if possible, it'd be great if the right-click would also work when loading Yu-Hwan and Huahn-So botanic inventories, in order to brew potions and dews more rapidly, rather than having to move every single potion in each slot.

      Thanks, @Salsie
      Thank you for the suggestion. :)

      hugoW wrote:

      RabbitRun wrote:

      hugoW wrote:

      RabbitRun wrote:

      I'd like to report something similar:

      Normally by right-clicking items from storeroom items will automatically go to inventory, but it doesn't.
      Adding information to this, so far from all the equipment and other itens in the storeroom that i tried, the "right-click" move to inventory only works on living pets to me xD
      Yes it only works once and then it won't work anymore
      Y was just coming here about to say that i was wrong, it's not the pet that works, and it's not about working 1 time and stop.
      As long as i have the FIRST SLOT of the inventory empty (and all the 3 slots below the first (2 if it sword, 3 if its 2 hand), i can "right-click" all the items i want, after the first "right-click" that first slot is fill so you can't click no more, but if you move the item in the first slot to the side you can right-click again.

      Thank you two for the additional information :)
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!