Pinned Pet System - Feedback

    Dear players,

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    • BlueShade wrote:

      In my country, mod4 are pets which improve their HPs constantly every 5 level (the best ones having 0.5-0.6 raises).

      We call mod6 the pets that randomly increases HP every 6 levels.
      Legendary is the one that levelups every 5 levels (0.5-0.6) - your mod4
      abenteuer (adventurous) is the one that levels up every 6 levels (0.1-0.9) - your mod6 ( i myself confirmed this one)

      Mythish is the one better than the abenteuer, i guess it will randomly gives (0.1- to 1%).
      Prismatish is the one better than the legendary, is sligthly bigger and sligtly better at stats (instead of 0.5-0.6 it gives 0.6-0.7).

      prismatish gived 11% on strong against moobs on a lv93 meley, instead of 10% on legendary, and better stats hp 16.4 to 17.6 on prismatich
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • Patriickx wrote:

      Hello, I leave this capture of my Beeshido lv 105
      Initial HP was 1.8 and rose 0.5-0.6 every 5 levels
      The hp of 19.2% was obtained in the beta, in the original version is 14.1%

      Google Translate xD
      Hi im going to ask you a favor reroll your pet atributes until you get a prispatish class e and then say how much your berserk and monster hunt give.
      Please :3
      edit: to see the class you have to use the german language.
      dont forget to relogin when you get this class in order to see the actual value of beserk and monster hunt
    • Kr8g wrote:

      I suggest, that items to change value and check them give to game for yang. But that must be enough high price to get rid of yang from servers. Of course in ItemShop will be to.
      I don't think that this will ever be sold on NPC to take yang out from servers. Probably will be tradable ingame, but only sellable on itemshop...
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • hugoW wrote:

      Dont know if its intended or not, but i think it should be the way it is now.

      You have a aged pet over 700 days... and by some reason you let it die... forgot or something, the time of the pet continues to count even dead, so it reaches 800 days dead, you put it in the new system being dead, it is revived with that age, 800 days, and it gives the correspondent stats.

      If you use any pet with any age, DEAD in the new system, the system will revive it, and stay with the correspondent age. in my case it has over 814 days, so it gives pretty good stats.

      In the other hand, somebody can have a pet dead since that time aswell, there is no distinction over someone who let the pet die a day ago, and one year ago. It is revived the same way.
      It can be good in one way, it can be bad and unfair for someone who let its pet alive over that time giving him snacks, but that same person if its uncarefull and let its own pet die, he/she would love that way to revive its pet whitout reseting the days.

      Bug reported :)
      It should not work in this way.
      A dead pet should not possible to put in the UI :)

      Game and Wiki Admin at
      Metin2 tester with love :love:
    • Olthir wrote:

      hugoW wrote:

      Dont know if its intended or not, but i think it should be the way it is now.

      You have a aged pet over 700 days... and by some reason you let it die... forgot or something, the time of the pet continues to count even dead, so it reaches 800 days dead, you put it in the new system being dead, it is revived with that age, 800 days, and it gives the correspondent stats.

      If you use any pet with any age, DEAD in the new system, the system will revive it, and stay with the correspondent age. in my case it has over 814 days, so it gives pretty good stats.

      In the other hand, somebody can have a pet dead since that time aswell, there is no distinction over someone who let the pet die a day ago, and one year ago. It is revived the same way.
      It can be good in one way, it can be bad and unfair for someone who let its pet alive over that time giving him snacks, but that same person if its uncarefull and let its own pet die, he/she would love that way to revive its pet whitout reseting the days.
      Bug reported :)
      It should not work in this way.
      A dead pet should not possible to put in the UI :)
      The only thing favourable to the players in this update, it was worth the shot, in my opinion should exist something that revives the pet without losing its days... not the snack, something else, because it is a really slow process of aging and by some reason or unability to go to the game, it dies and all is lost, beetween the range of lets say 15 to 30 days after the pet died, after that only the snack should work

      Report all the mytic alchemy as a bug then, should not exist xD
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel

      The post was edited 1 time, last by hugoW ().

    • hugoW wrote:

      Olthir wrote:

      hugoW wrote:

      Dont know if its intended or not, but i think it should be the way it is now.

      You have a aged pet over 700 days... and by some reason you let it die... forgot or something, the time of the pet continues to count even dead, so it reaches 800 days dead, you put it in the new system being dead, it is revived with that age, 800 days, and it gives the correspondent stats.

      If you use any pet with any age, DEAD in the new system, the system will revive it, and stay with the correspondent age. in my case it has over 814 days, so it gives pretty good stats.

      In the other hand, somebody can have a pet dead since that time aswell, there is no distinction over someone who let the pet die a day ago, and one year ago. It is revived the same way.
      It can be good in one way, it can be bad and unfair for someone who let its pet alive over that time giving him snacks, but that same person if its uncarefull and let its own pet die, he/she would love that way to revive its pet whitout reseting the days.
      Bug reported :) It should not work in this way.
      A dead pet should not possible to put in the UI :)
      The only thing favourable to the players in this update, it was worth the shot, in my opinion should exist something that revives the pet without losing its days... not the snack, something else, because it is a really slow process of aging and by some reason or unability to go to the game, it dies and all is lost, beetween the range of lets say 15 to 30 days after the pet died, after that only the snack should work
      Report all the mytic alchemy as a bug then, should not exist xD
      If What you guys fear is that we let the pet die and wait 2 years to use the blue item to re-roll the atributes, you just have to make the time that the pet is death not count to his age...
      I think this is fair.
      Just like in dragon ball al the 9999 that kuririn died and was revived , he revived with the same age that he had when he died xDDD
    • lmcdoss6 wrote:

      Patriickx wrote:

      Hello, I leave this capture of my Beeshido lv 105
      Initial HP was 1.8 and rose 0.5-0.6 every 5 levels
      The hp of 19.2% was obtained in the beta, in the original version is 14.1%

      Google Translate xD
      Hi im going to ask you a favor reroll your pet atributes until you get a prispatish class e and then say how much your berserk and monster hunt give.Please :3
      edit: to see the class you have to use the german language.
      dont forget to relogin when you get this class in order to see the actual value of beserk and monster hunt

      I leave for later the prismatish because the truth I ended up stressed so many changes that I made to the beeshido xD
      Patriickx Ninja Dagger lv 120
    • Olthir wrote:

      I'm here to say to what is indeed and what is not.
      Thanks for your feedback!
      I'm not in charge to say, what we should put or not in the game: i'm not a game designer ;)
      Yes i reported that, wasn't sure if it should be that way, thanks for the answer!

      But could foward the other information aswell, and the idea of the @lmcdoss6 that is better than mine, wich is a concearn of every player, not to lose the aging of its pet.

      Thanks @Patriickx well i guess the theory that gives 14% its slowly prove to not be true, then im not sure about this "rarity" pets that we need to change over 1000 times to get them, just a little better hp stats... proves absolutely not to be worty of the time and possible money to make them, lets just be happy with legendary and adventurous pets xD
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel

      The post was edited 1 time, last by hugoW ().

    • hugoW wrote:

      Thanks @Patriickx well i guess the theory that gives 14% its slowly prove to not be true, then im not sure about this "rarity" pets that we need to change over 1000 times to get them, just a little better hp stats... proves absolutely not to be worty of the time and possible money to make them, lets just be happy with legendary and adventurous pets xD
      I'm still not convinced. I need to see a Razador pet. The Baashido pet can be different because it is an event pet.

      Why did WebZen create two super rare pet sub-types? They must have something special. Maybe it affects another characteristic of the pet? For example the age cycle?
    • Charradas wrote:

      hugoW wrote:

      Thanks @Patriickx well i guess the theory that gives 14% its slowly prove to not be true, then im not sure about this "rarity" pets that we need to change over 1000 times to get them, just a little better hp stats... proves absolutely not to be worty of the time and possible money to make them, lets just be happy with legendary and adventurous pets xD
      I'm still not convinced. I need to see a Razador pet. The Baashido pet can be different because it is an event pet.
      Why did WebZen create two super rare pet sub-types? They must have something special. Maybe it affects another characteristic of the pet? For example the age cycle?
      The aging cycle? so it ages fast? i don't think so... the prismatich that i have since yesterday only aged 1 day.

      And still all the other 2 variables are random, you can have 1 prismatich and 1day duration and 1 slot... but very good hp, maybe the skills of the pet are afected by also by the other 2 variables, if you have all 3 at the maximum only then it unlocks that 1%... or maybe its nerfed like the mini-executor on live servers.
      Probably just a strategy to make some crazy guys to change constantly the pets xD
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • Charradas wrote:

      hugoW wrote:

      The aging cycle? so it ages fast? i don't think so... the prismatich that i have since yesterday only aged 1 day.
      Not this way.
      The age cycle of the regular subtype layout 0.5% - 0.6% is +/- 100 days = + 0.1% HP

      The age cycle of the regular subtype layout 0.6% - 0.7% clould be for example +/- 50 days = + 0.1% or +/- 100 days = + 0.2%
      No, because the legendary pet, it gives like 25,4%hp with 759days
      And the prismatish pet, it gives like 26.1% hp with 759days, if that was the variable the prismatish should have the "double hp" than the legendary and not just a little more like now, i mean, the diferences of hp if the aging % was that better should be bigger.
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel

      The post was edited 2 times, last by hugoW ().