Pinned Pet System - Feedback

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    • Pet System - Feedback

      I like the system, altho it's kind of a roulette as usual in the game...

      The red item only serves to tell you what kind of pet do you have, if you hatch or have a "legendary" pet, nice duration, and 3 slot, lucky guy.

      The blue item serves to change the type of the pet:

      If you hatch a lv1 pet, the "inicial" HP will stay always the same, soo i guess that is the main reason to open eggs from now on to have 2.0HP+.
      The things that change with the blue item:
      1- The pet type (clever, legendary, aventurous, etc, being the Mythicsh and prismatisch the best ones i guess).
      1- Duration Days ( 24h to 504h). i got 21days on one change ... only know razadors to have 14days before... dont know if its bug or feature.
      1- Number of slots available ( 1 to 3 )

      You can have all the 3 diferent things changed, soo a legendary pet can have 1day of duration and 1 slot available.. bad luck.

      Part 2:

      If you use a lv81+ pet heroic on the system, the correspondent HP will change with the pet "type" by calculating randomly acording to the possible values.
      As well the other 3 thins also change.

      But be carefull if you aged your pet along your journey, the HP will correspond randomly to the type of the pet AT THAT AGE, but if you let your pet die somewere and have few days alive, you can lose those few HP points and can not be recovered... need to let your pet alive again 300days or so, and then use the blue item for better results than the ones you actually have now on your pet.

      Here also happens something strange, in the number of slots available:
      IF you have a pet with only one slot or 2, and had a SKILL on it, like berserk, the number of slots WILL NOT CHANGE, because you have 1 skill learned.
      You need to use "PET reverti/revertus" first and take of all the skills from your pet, and then use the blue item, NOW the number of Slots will vary from 1 to 3.

      This can be used in your benefit (dont know if bug or intended):
      Example: 1 guy had a bad pet with 3 slots, and already learned skills, by changing the pet status, he can now obtain (in a decently aged pet) a legendary pet with nice HP, and exclude the variable of the number of slots from its luck on using the system, because it will stay with 3 slots always.

      In general i liked the system, i think it will be a decrease of the prices of the eggs farmed ingame, but i have an heroic pet with one slot, previous to being able to see wich slots it would bring... now i can change the slots of the pet, it will give some € to the picture in order to change it, because i need to take out the berserk and than play the roulette of the changing stats and slots.
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel

      The post was edited 1 time, last by hugoW ().

    • Guest wrote:

      If i understood well we dont have option to change only the possible skill slots?
      You do, it changes the skill slots, but only changing the slots and leaving all the stats untouched it isn't possible that way.

      But if you have your pet on Heroic, and have skills learned you need to take out (revert/reset) the skills in order the slots be empty on the pet, and then it will change the possible slots.

      If you do that without taking the skills out it will not change

      Edit* above
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel

      The post was edited 2 times, last by hugoW ().

    • Guest wrote:

      Yeah but if i have pet that ups 0.5-0.6 every 5lvs and it have 1 skill only i cant change the skills and keeping the great up at same time :/
      That is correct, you have 1 of the variables good. in that case you have a "legendary" type pet, but only 1 slot.

      By changing the pet with the blue item, it will change the 3 variables at once, and you need it to be on "legendary" again and to have 3 slots its random "luck"... and also change the duration, and have like 24h alive.
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • I see that there are more than 3 types of pet - Clever,Legendary,Loyal,Tollpatsching,Abentuerlich and one more but i dont understand german to know what it means :D
      PS i need to put my client on german otherwise i dont see anything when i use the red item please make it visible for english language client

    • After like 600+ changes, i got something new, a Mythic pet, like the alchemy lol, i guess there is this extremely rare type (even made animation like the sash on the character after the click), this the type after the "legendary" but it gave me less hp than in legendary, i got 11.4% in the legendary, but here 9.5%hp (2 days alive) (maybe the skills are better, gona try)
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel

      The post was edited 1 time, last by hugoW ().

    • Guest wrote:

      If im not wrong, Loyal-clever-legendary are for pet who ups each 5lvs and Tollpatsching-Abentuerlich-Mitich are for those who ups each 6lvs
      I don't know, probably, but this Mytich was the most rare and the pet is slightly big than the others.

      LionKing wrote:

      How do you do that guys ? what i need to buy from stores?
      In the event helper, there is a blueish item
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • hugoW wrote:

      Guest wrote:

      If im not wrong, Loyal-clever-legendary are for pet who ups each 5lvs and Tollpatsching-Abentuerlich-Mitich are for those who ups each 6lvs
      I don't know, probably, but this Mytich was the most rare and the pet is slightly big than the others.

      LionKing wrote:

      How do you do that guys ? what i need to buy from stores?
      In the event helper, there is a blueish item
      oh thank you so the blue items it increases the LifeTime of the pet and the red item what do ?
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy
    • lmcdoss6 wrote:

      I used the new skill against monters in a razador of lv86 that has 12% rage and at lv20 the new skill gave 7%
      Could someone test with a new pet nemere spider, money etc
      I tested on perfect bashido and got 7% monsters too

      LionKing wrote:

      oh thank you so the blue items it increases the LifeTime of the pet and the red item what do
      Red on is to tell you what kind of pet you got
    • lmcdoss6 wrote:

      I used the new skill against monters in a razador of lv86 that has 12% rage and at lv20 the new skill gave 7%
      Could someone test with a new pet nemere spider, money etc

      Monkey it also gives 7% monster.

      BUG: I cannot see the information about the skill "Feather Walk" it is always counting the time and doesn't display nothing.
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • Guest wrote:

      Loyal means -> 0.2-0.3 every 5lv
      Clever means -> 0.3-0.4 every 5lv
      Legendar means -> 0.5-0.6 every 5lv
      I got this names out of the system:

      1. Loyal
      2. talentiert
      3. tollpatschig
      4. clever
      5. abenteuerlich
      6. Legendar
      7. mythisch

      As you see there are 7 types... and the only that has "animation result" is mythisch
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel

      The post was edited 5 times, last by hugoW ().

    • Guest wrote:

      lmcdoss6 wrote:

      I used the new skill against monters in a razador of lv86 that has 12% rage and at lv20 the new skill gave 7%
      Could someone test with a new pet nemere spider, money etc
      I tested on perfect bashido and got 7% monsters too

      LionKing wrote:

      oh thank you so the blue items it increases the LifeTime of the pet and the red item what do
      Red on is to tell you what kind of pet you got
      Thanks very much

      hugoW wrote:

      lmcdoss6 wrote:

      I used the new skill against monters in a razador of lv86 that has 12% rage and at lv20 the new skill gave 7%
      Could someone test with a new pet nemere spider, money etc

      Monkey it also gives 7% monster.

      BUG: I cannot see the information about the skill "Feather Walk" it is always counting the time and doesn't display nothing.
      Muito obrigado e obrigado também por todas as informações que desponiblizaste aqui no tópico
    • lmcdoss6 wrote:

      Guest wrote:

      lmcdoss6 wrote:

      I used the new skill against monters in a razador of lv86 that has 12% rage and at lv20 the new skill gave 7%
      Could someone test with a new pet nemere spider, money etc
      I tested on perfect bashido and got 7% monsters too

      LionKing wrote:

      oh thank you so the blue items it increases the LifeTime of the pet and the red item what do
      Red on is to tell you what kind of pet you got
      Thanks very much

      hugoW wrote:

      lmcdoss6 wrote:

      I used the new skill against monters in a razador of lv86 that has 12% rage and at lv20 the new skill gave 7%
      Could someone test with a new pet nemere spider, money etc
      Monkey it also gives 7% monster.

      BUG: I cannot see the information about the skill "Feather Walk" it is always counting the time and doesn't display nothing.
      Muito obrigado e obrigado também por todas as informações que desponiblizaste aqui no tópico
      lol how do you have tha TP ? what did you do ?
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy