FeedBACK by BeBeZEU from Romanian servers

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    • FeedBACK by BeBeZEU from Romanian servers

      I'd like you to consider what I'm going to tell you.
      I am BeBeZEU. Player on the Dragon server. From Romania. I have a SURA BM level 120 character.

      Make the difference between "Improvements" and "Changes".
      Improvements are always welcome. Changes are not improvements in the game.
      Does it bother you if one or more players have touched perfection?

      What is the purpose of the game? Wasting time and getting to perfection.
      When some have managed to make a zodiac yourself, do you think anyone can do?

      When one makes meley alone ... can anyone do it?
      etc examples
      Most are still suffer with colleagues to do a BIG RUN like Zodiac Temple.
      When you get to perfection in years, will you give it back?
      Try to make improvements. New challenges. New dungeons. something new. Not something changed.

      We did a lot of PVM tests on the BETA server but also on the OFICIAL server. For 2 days we tested what resists pvm.

      1) The rezistence
      I clearly noticed the slightly visible difference. One thing is certain. I do not like it.
      Why? too much impact. Too big difference of 70% - 80% dmg received due to modified resistance. Think about how long after such a change we as players will have all the same items and old alchemy. It is clear to me that with new alchemy and improved talismans we will do better. But before we get some improvements, we'll play old ones.
      The strange passion is that once fitted and made new alchemy and improved talsimans we get to the same point where it is easy to beat monsters in pvm style. We do what we do and we turn around the tail.
      We will go from an easy style at present, then it will be difficult for a while and it will be as easy as it is at first. so what is the purpose of the change?
      This is not an improvement or change that is not in our interest as a player. Not at all.
      Why leave a point and get to the same place?
      hm ...
      2) Alchemy: The intel is good, but the procedure is wrong. There should be a new clarity not a new class (mythical).
      The players had a big problem and pain. The excellent alchemy they worked for months ended with failure in 95% of cases. A player realizes he has lost money and time. Months. : |
      HINT: Solve the mythical or legendary excellences, however, to be reset between them. A new function or new button is required in which the same class and degree of clarity can be reset between them. To change or resell with EXCELENT to another EXCELLENT.
      You introduced MITICE and got to the same place. EXCELENT empty. This is not right. We are human and we do not have 10 years to lose in doing alchemy. Why do I say 10 years? Because you've blocked "dragon stone beads" they can no longer be negotiated, thrown or sold or taken by the group. Virtually 30 shards per day will be lost for years trying to make an excellent empty. Do we still have the patience for the second time? Do you think the first and old alchemy was easy to do? Do you think there are more than 5 players in Romania with "as-to-book" alchemy?
      I tell you 100% that there are still more than 50% of players wearing "Legendary Weak". (I refer to active players)
      Let's think of something. Do you think as a new player who understands that to have everything you need to lose for decades ... will he still play? :)
      Please calculate how many shards are needed and put the failure rate. Then understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE and we have not accepted to waste so much time (again)
      Who says he's okay this alchemy, he's a player without major investments. That's a short-distance player.
      A last example of alchemy. As an exercise of imagination.
      Imagine that 20 or 30 days ago I would have invested with MasterCard in creating a legendary EXCELLENT. I would have introduced dragon coins then I would have bought from Item Shop "Cor Dragon". I would have made a "legendary excellent" with a few hundred euros. Then we find out today that it will become too weak for what is next

      3) Resetting PET
      That's a good idea. I think without reproach. I have also seen the addition of new teachings. Ex: "Strong against monsters" etc.

      4) New emotions
      They are welcome. Late but beautiful. I think it would have been much more enjoyable for players not to have been so short of time. 10 or 15 days would have been much better.

      5) the scarf system
      I have not tested it yet but I hope it's not just moving bonuses from one scarf to another. just for design?

      Summary of ideas:

      I do not want and do not accept the reduction of pvm resistance.
      I am against a new class in alchemy. I want a new clarity. in the best case scenario. :thumbdown:

      I'm a longtime player. A player who spent over 25,000 euros in the last year alone. ( FOR PLEASURE)
      Small amount for some or much for others. What is certain is that the new version 18.4 scares me and I am tempted to stop playing. I'm not threatening. Do not misunderstand. I tell you this because I regret and I feel sorry to give up something that I like
    • Feedback version 18.4

      Hello ,Let me tell you the version of 18.4I will point out all the news gradually.

      Emotions - they are funny but they are not related to the game and besides that they are counter costs and lasts 12 hours, that is, they are not permanent, so do not forget that there is a chance to fail. Why so ? Why do we have to pay for real money lately?

      Alchemy - the sensible point of this update. It's good that GF was thinking about doing something with those excellent outs, but that was not the way it was. They could put something in itemshop (as they do more and more lately) like magic object and using this item to do something to bare excellence. They did not think of getting a new alchemy class to play our part and our work to make excellent alchemy. This mystical alchemy has no point in the game.Why are no longer tradable dragon shards? GF thought that in some communities alchemy and shards is the only way to make yang? We are many who do alchemy with 5 characters after the same account, we do battle on each account in different maps because that's what you want? You have increased the number of dragon corps from 3 to 5 that we use to prolong alchemy, so chances of raising alchemy only if you buy a dragon choir from the item shop.

      Elementary resistances-why do you go to them, you have not set this up with the class balance so you did what you wanted and did not take into account our opinion.Now that many have invested money and time for items with resistance to beat different maps without problems, you come to take us cool and walk to resist to buy costumes, helmets always. Why do not there come 30-day suits and only 15 in high price? Why is everything in your interest to make a profit, and we are being taken away by stupid players?

      Now close this post as the other because the truth hurts
    • GF has to remove the new alchemy or they will kill the game, I have been years and wasted so many € to make my EQ perfect and definitely and they will drop all my efford and the efford of the other players.

      If they dont know how to play Metin2, better ask the players before they make things like this.

      The only thing we asked for is that we can fussion excellent with excellent to make another excellent with a new probability of bonusses, NOTHIN ELSE.

      STOP 18.4
    • Removing new class and add a new clarity ? Yea is betther then have a new class ,but is still wrong and not fair ! And why adding a new class or clarity,they nerf critics because it waz too much damage in game,and now they want to increse damage even more.They want to boost boss and mobs because caracter can get too strong and they want to make a new alchimy that will make players even stronger ? .

      THE PROBLEM OF THE GAME IS... METIN2 is getting too much IMPREVISIBLE.No guarantee that the things you bought with a yang amount will not devalue over time due to updates.
      What abaut the people who spend over 80kkk to equip just 1 circle of excelent alchimy see that after an update, the alchemy they have equipped devalues and ends up worth somewhere at 40kkk.

      #STOP 18.4 UPDATE
    • Overall feedback of version 18.4

      First of all, hello ! Let me give you a quick intro about myself. I am a decent( pvm-wise ) level 120 dragon mage and I play on one of the Romanian servers. I am not interested in pvp, at least not for the moment ( although I don't find this information relevant to my feedback ). For the past couple of days I've been attempting to test the 18.4 version and I have a thing or two to say about it. As a disclaimer, this is my opinion, therefore this means you may not agree with it and that's okay. Still, I will ask you in advance to agree/disagree in a polite manner. Thank you !

      What seems to be the biggest issue I've noticed might actually be that the new standards are almost impossible, if not too high to reach ( to the point where it's not even fun to try and get there ). The new DS alchemy ( that you - whoever that is haven't even tried to name, mythical, mystical, is that it? all i've seen is "NoNAme" ) is a tremendously labourious process that people do not have time for on the official servers. The thing is nobody asked for it, it's what we call "extra" these days. Just too much. I figure it must serve as some kind or reward or compensation for the highly, and I wanna put an emphasis on highly noticeable decrease in the damage we give, and the increase in the one we take. Judging by the looks of it, leveling up is gonna be a real challenge from now on.

      Also, instances such as the Dragon's Lair or the Red Dragon's Fortress don't look like they're getting easier to do by yourself. I understand the need to promote the whole team-guild-friendship deal, but if one would rather go by himself, let him do it. Believe it or not, the market won't suffer because some people choose to play solitarily.

      Moving on, what baffles me is also the new, more or less slight addition to the pet system. It's not something we desperately needed, but it means no harm unlike the other ideas. I'll admit, this idea is innovative and we all welcome it with open arms no questions asked. The stash update I haven't tried, but I'm well aware it won't affect the game overall the way not being able to trade the dragon stone shards ( which is the cherry on top of the bad ideas this update offers ).

      This is all I have to say for now, I'll add more when it'll feel important enough to mention. Until then, thank you for your time. I wish you the best.
    • carahcara wrote:

      First of all, hello ! Let me give you a quick intro about myself. I am a decent( pvm-wise ) level 120 dragon mage and I play on one of the Romanian servers. I am not interested in pvp, at least not for the moment ( although I don't find this information relevant to my feedback ). For the past couple of days I've been attempting to test the 18.4 version and I have a thing or two to say about it. As a disclaimer, this is my opinion, therefore this means you may not agree with it and that's okay. Still, I will ask you in advance to agree/disagree in a polite manner. Thank you !

      What seems to be the biggest issue I've noticed might actually be that the new standards are almost impossible, if not too high to reach ( to the point where it's not even fun to try and get there ). The new DS alchemy ( that you - whoever that is haven't even tried to name, mythical, mystical, is that it? all i've seen is "NoNAme" ) is a tremendously labourious process that people do not have time for on the official servers. The thing is nobody asked for it, it's what we call "extra" these days. Just too much. I figure it must serve as some kind or reward or compensation for the highly, and I wanna put an emphasis on highly noticeable decrease in the damage we give, and the increase in the one we take. Judging by the looks of it, leveling up is gonna be a real challenge from now on.

      Also, instances such as the Dragon's Lair or the Red Dragon's Fortress don't look like they're getting easier to do by yourself. I understand the need to promote the whole team-guild-friendship deal, but if one would rather go by himself, let him do it. Believe it or not, the market won't suffer because some people choose to play solitarily.

      Moving on, what baffles me is also the new, more or less slight addition to the pet system. It's not something we desperately needed, but it means no harm unlike the other ideas. I'll admit, this idea is innovative and we all welcome it with open arms no questions asked. The stash update I haven't tried, but I'm well aware it won't affect the game overall the way not being able to trade the dragon stone shards ( which is the cherry on top of the bad ideas this update offers ).

      This is all I have to say for now, I'll add more when it'll feel important enough to mention. Until then, thank you for your time. I wish you the best.


      thank you for your feedback :)

      The "NoName" is because of the missing translation. You can see the texts in a client with german language.
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • FEEDBACK 18.4

      I'm testing the beta and I have to say with regret that this update does not excite me at all, in fact it only made me want to delete the pg, but we start gradually.NEW EMOTIONS, I have seen only two, however this aspect is not relevant for the purposes of the game, it can be useful to get just two laughs but then ends there, feed POSITIVESISTEMA STOLE, even here the same, irrelevant for the purposes of game play, useful for those who want to change their stole appearance, POSITIVE feedPET system, let's say that things get interesting here, the availability of eggs in the game is increasingly difficult, opening 9 times out of 10 the pet is to be thrown, have the chance to turn the statistics is not bad, you have to see how many millions of dr needed, but all in all I do not mind, ditto for new skills, I find them useful and with a pet reverti we can safely insert the new ones.The downside is that the market will be affected a little, but this only affects those who shoppa, who will not continue to open the eggs as long as they find the final pet, POSITIVE feedSCHAGGE DEL DRAGO here the issue becomes delicate, it is true that they have raised the cor dragonis from 3 to 5 but it is also true that now the shards are no longer comemrciabili and can not be left on the ground, many low-level players earn by selling splinters , now they will find themselves in difficulty, of course that things become a bit 'complicated for those who want to be alchemy, we must go and do the 5 cor with all the pg of the account and pass them in stock, laborious but not excessive damage, indeed before we could do 15 cor now 25 have become, let's say that this aspect in my opinion penalizes, as mentioned previously, only the low-level people who lived on this level, as far as I'm concerned the feed could also be positive, the question it does not touch me directly, but since I was level 30 too and I know how hard it is to allow yourself to go ahead and make money my feed is NEGATIVEELEMENTAL RESISTANCE here serious problems begin, I tested the undergrowth with all the possible and imaginable bonuses, a war at 115 with 100% wind resistance takes average 1k / 1.5kk of damage, with the current version almost no well, the annihilators with version 18.4 are unapproachable, despite the full wind and res abi a group of three sends you to the other world without much compliment, the same with the lycan 100, 114% res wind can not make a metin of 120 in serenity , we tried various combinations of bonuses, among which full res magic or full ass hp but nothing has changed, damage to no end, unplayable map alone, in a group is to be evaluated but anyway, those who wanted to spend two hours to get metin or keys for the jotun now can no longer do so, despite the use of the combo costume + cap + skin, automatically if you do not have the ability to shopparti all these little things here you can also turn off the PC and go for a walk.ALCHEMY OF STONES OF THE DRAGON new mythical class? here in my opinion someone has made a wrong idea about how to repopulate metin, increase monthly income or attract users; this new implementation of the mythical class will stop playing dozens if not hundreds of people, obviously all those who have a brilliant / excellent final alchemy will be penalized exponentially !! The legendary is achieved by adding two legendary of any grade, so to get a legendary opaque we can add two legendary opaque, two clear or even an excellent and an opaque (finally all those excellent from up now will have a utility ... but do not rejoice and now you will find out why), the result will be a mythical opaque to which a new bonus has been added, strong vs element of the stone in question (strong ruby vs fire, strong diamond vs ice and so on), this splendid mythical opaque will now be upped in clarity, then from opaque to clear and so on up to excellent, if you get an excellent from up but you can not do anything but keep it in inventory or sell it as you do now with the legendary, because you can not uppare with anything, so if on the one hand the legendary excellent now uppa, on the other the excellent legend has taken the place of the legendary, let's say that to put it this way it looks beautiful as a thing, an extra bonus makes everyone ... not certainly to those who have to disassemble a final brilliant diamond or a brilliant ruby, costing years and years of failed upkeep, call to hand and various curses.This is the thing that made me demoralize and want to finally stop, practically my current wheel will be totally useless and I'll have to take it all out to mount the legendary, on this aspect you have to find a solution that makes everyone happy, otherwise you have proclaimed the definitive end of metin, or at least of current users, and I want to clarify that 75% of shoppers are people who already have a perfect alchemy available, I would not think twice but two hundred times before doing something similar, so in light of all this my feed for the appearance of alchemy is TOTALLY NEGATIVE.I had read that the resistance would have been lowered gradually but the fall seems really drastic, ditto for Razador, Nemere, Meley and Zodiac, especially the latter, already difficult to complete in the current version, let alone with 18.4, will be inaccessible for everyone, so my feed for elemental resistances is NEGATIVISSIMO!I really hope this beta has been the confirmation that improving the game does not mean totally distorting years of "work" to build a proper pg to play, we have always accepted the new implementations, even if sometimes with a bitter taste, ( you sell update lican, the pvp have had to overturn all their defenses) but this time we can not really accept that something is changed that in itself is already sufficiently valid, the strong vs element we find them already on the talismans, I do not see why add a class, which in my opinion, except for the power of the bonuses made available, is absolutely useless and counterproductive for the company itself.The general update feed 18.4 is NEGATIVE.(I hope I was quite thorough and did not forget anything)
    • BestiaTDR wrote:

      Hello, I'm the BestiaTDR on the Nemesis server, Ro.
      In my opinion, version 18.4 has some "exaggeration", as resistance to damage or increased and 6 times versus 18.1 we also understand, if you have over 70% resistance, "dmg" mobs is under 100 in some cases intervenes alchemy and it has to be balanced, but it seems to me too much.
      In alchemy I do not think you need to add something extra and here I refer to the mythical one, it would be ok, be excellent + excellent and have the opportunity to have new bonuses if it goes or runs, for some it is enough hard to make an excellent / brilliant and here I refer to time and investment + as alchemy fails quite long, it took me four months to make an opaque wheel and not complete alchemy but for them? those with excellent / brilliant.

      Resetarea Sistemul Pet (Pet) este destul de bun venit, la fel ca emoțiile și eșarfă
    • we did not resist the zodiac anymore. if you modify the resistance it will be even harder for those who are now suffering. everything is welcome but not so. let the shards be negotiated if you want to do alchemy. do not bind us with the card. please
    • In my opinion, as a casual players , this update is kinda bad.Why is bad?
      First of all the alchemy should remain like in present, but with a minor rework= adding a button that can reset the bonuses on the legendary stone.EX- combine 2 excellents and get 1 new excellent with new bonuses with a higher chance of not gettin the same thing as before i.e an empty excellent.
      I don't agree with the dragon shards that can not be tradable.Those thing, right now on the server where i play, are the only way on making money at my level.Plus the alchemy will now take u ages to complete if u can do only 3 cores per day.With this update u will ruin the casual players that are trying to do their alchemy without investing real money into the game.
      With the resistance it's the same problem.I don't agree lowering the resistance, because players invested time and money to buy items with specific resistance, and now the items will be almost useless.I farmed almost a month so i can buy some items with resistance so i can level up, but now they are kinda useless.The only way i could resist now it's by buyin costums from IS?
      I like the pet skills that you implement, that's totaly fine, and the emotions are OK in my opinion.
      Overall this update:
      alchemy- :thumbdown:
      pvm resistance- :thumbdown:
      pet- :thumbsup:
    • Do not forghet Hydra = fail

      do you want to play in the team? Do you want to join forces? do we play more together?
      That must be an option. Do not bind us. that we want or do not lower the resistance. Have you posed the problem that it's easy today because we have costumes?
      Do you think everyone is performing superbly?
      what you see on youtube are heavyweight gamblers. do not generalize.
      if one makes meley alone, you take the carpet under everyone's feet. does it seem anormal that today we count on the auto attack and we no longer use potion?
      Well, it's normal. that's how perfection is. this is the reward if we work and we prepare.

      you recently introduced Hydra. great boss hydra.
      total failure.
      the weakest boss in gifts. the easiest to beat.
      3 minutes? this is boss?
      an army of players who get nothing. 1 run = some boxes with nothing.

      that reminds me that you are behind. Azrael with old gifts and other bosses. there you go.

      it's not a bad idea to make new challenges easier or harder to solve.
      leave what it is today. modify what's going to happen.
      my total disappointment is that we have no legendary alchimy gifts to the bosses of the dungeons.

      Version 18.4 becouse its not posible to trade or sell :thumbdown:
      Version 18.4 rezistence lower :thumbdown:
    • The 6th bonus

      do yogifts to the bosses of the dungeons.

      I noticed something weird. In alchemy, the 6 bonus appears only at the new alchemy. Legendary alchemy has 5 bonuses. The bonus STRONG AGAINST (lightning, ice, wind, etc.). That's what I think is not okay. I say it as observation and opinion. If that bonus is to be implemented, stay on any model of alchemy . On any alchemy.
    • Sunt Aga1iarept server polaris,deja am dat alchimia jos a puscat toata,ma las de joc,spor celor care mai raman la bataia asta de joc.
      Erea neceara o fuziune nu acest update,piata e moarta pe toate serverele toata lumea vinde nimeni nu cumpara.
      Erea prea mult deja update-ul cu cianit deja sa ajuns prea departe gameforge se vor autofalimenta de la mine din breasla jumate din playeri au zis ca se lasa.
      Din peste 50playeri care imi ereau prieteni buni anul trecut jumate sau lasat,cred ca a venit timpul sa o fac si eu.
    • Feedback 18.4

      Feedback 18.4 version

      Great update!But there are some things that need to be changed.


      Somehow disappointed about this Alchemy upgrade. It's clear that for those who already have invested a huge amount of money and managed to obtain excellent alchemy, it will only upset them. At the same time i'm happy if it will be implemented, but with one condition: let dragon stone shards remain negotiable/sale able. Let's be honest here, for those who already have full wheel excellent alchemy it's already an easy game. So if they wanted even more damage, well, this is their chance( in time, very long time perhaps/money), but for newcomers not being able to sale dragon stone shards will only make lot's of players to quit this game. It's not fair to all of a sudden stop dragon stone shards from being sold/negotiated.


      I noticed that only three resistances have been modified when it comes to received damage: lightning, fire and wind. Nothing changed for earth, darkness and ice, and that's because they can't be added on talismans. Meaning, we can play with no stress in DC, FOREST 1 AND 2, V 3(ice creatures) and the list can continue, you get the picture. Good update.

      Scarf system:

      Really happy that you can swap bonuses from one to other but the leveling part is not fair for new players.

      Kind Regards,
    • No one ..but no one with 100 mental capacity will accept this change in alchemy stone. There is no need for a new class when 70% of player play with rought or mixture of rought and shine alchemy. The worst update ever made. Just fire the one who came with this ideea .... Is a spy and want the end of metin 2. All playere who incest in game will quit ..and You will stay online with lvl 35 caracters farming in map 2. . Wake th f...k up . Thank you