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  • Please solve an anoying BUG when mounting/dismounting any mount or horse. You may say this is not a BUG and is intended, but this is very disturbing and unfair.

    So ANY time you mount or dismount , the stats PV, Defence, etc are reseted and then maxed up. I guess this was made to avoid other bugs but this is a lousy implementation. Every time you mount unmount, the caracter is exposed for seconds as the pv drops from 30k to 3k sometimes. You can easily see this if you keep open the character's stats window and repeatedly mount a horse for ex. So if caught in a fight or by mobs and want to evade or use horse/mounts, a small hit will kill you instantly even if you were with full PV.

    Please find an alternate way of reseting the stats or eliminate it completely. Theoretically there should be a reason to reset the stats every time you mount/dismount