Personal thinking about the new update!

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    • Personal thinking about the new update!

      Hi guys!
      I have managed to test most of the new improvements that will be made. And I want to mention that I am very disappointed with all the changes brought.

      First of all, the new evolution of alchemy is far too strong to legendary alchemy, a mythic matt ruby is much stronger than a perfect legendary ruby, and the SPD bonus is excessively high. I expect to be 1-2% more damage and 20 more attack than legendary, but no. This evolution does not please anyone, all the players have spent a lot of money and time getting to the alchemy they have now, and you are proposing something very exaggerated. The SPD Bonus can not be received unless you have all six stones of the same class, that's the first thing that seems to me unfair, the second is that you can not negotiate the dragon stone shards.
      I think this alchemical update is unfair to the entire Metin2 community of players, you can not simply play money, work and the time of gamblers this way, I'm sure you can find other solutions to even improve that current alchemy.

      Secondly, I would like to present my dissatisfaction with the elementary resistances, I tested with 89% wind and received about 600-800 damage from the mobs in the enchanted forest, it is exaggerated. How could someone grow up there when he gets such a damage? In addition, not everyone can afford to have all the time costumes. I think the elemental resistances on the costumes should be removed and that would solve the problem with the fact that some can let their account grow alone and not get damage from mobs. However, here we are talking about the players' investment, the fact that they have invested money in the equipment that allows them to be so strong on some maps is their merit, but yes it is exaggerated that in 100% wind resistence does not get damage from mobs, and I think eliminating the elemental resistance bonuses on the costumes would solve everything.

      In the third place, I would like to express my disagreement about reducing the damage to bosses. For example, on the official server, I personally get a 17500 damage in Beran-Setaou, yesterday I went to Beran-Setaou on the test server and did not pass 12500. Honestly to be, this boss maintains the game, it is the most accessible yang source, of course with a very large investment you can get to kill him alone or with the help of another player.

      Over the time, on this boss was made so many changes. And every time we had to spend more money to improve our equipment. I understand that you want the game to become a team one, but still there are these three bosses that we want to do alone or together with another player. These are the Razador. Nemere and Beran-Setaou. Here are some examples of why we prefer to go to them in a limited number to these bosses. On the server where i play, a twisted key is 10-15kk, a v2 ticket is 6-7kk, and at Nemere you can enter at every 4 hours. The Razador`s Chest is 2kk, you get between 8 and 10 chests, most often received from those: epolets, 61 shields and things that do not use anybody. I give 12kk so I can enter with 2 accounts and I get some objects that are worth nothing. The Blue Dragon is another story. To make it, I need 6 twisted keys, their price is 10-15kk/piece, or i can obtained from Captain Yonghan, which appears once at every 3 hours and offers between 1 and 3 keys, but I'm not the only one who wait for him. After I kill Beran-Setaou, I receive 24-48kk and 8-10 Beran-Setaou chests. A chest is 6.5kk so I can get between 52-65kk which is split at 2, because I do not beat it alone, so I get to 38-56.5kk / dragon without lowering the price of the keys I use to get in or out lower the price of zinc, sim, dock, or crystal energy. So the rewards are not so great. Still, if I had to come in with another player to kill that boss, so we will be 3 or 4 players, and that is unfair. I spend so much money in my current equipment to kill every boss that i talk about.

      Sure exist other dungeons who need a team with more then 2 players, like Meley or Jotun Thrym.I understand these because you do not invest money in keys or passage ticket to try to do them. But to the blue dragon and Razador, where you have to invest yang and time or MD to enter, it should not be such a reward, or at least not to change the damage that we are giving to these bosses.

      In the 4th row to the scarf system I do not see what improvement was brought, I used around 300 scarves to make one from 19-25%

      However, this update also comes with interesting parts, such as the new abilities of the pets, and the fact that if you have a good pet at PV, but with only one skill or 2, you can change your skills so that you can get 3. And the new emotions are very interesting too. I noticed that we can get them from Beran-Setaou`s Chests and we can change them at every 12h.

      So until now, that's my opinion about the new update.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by LHQentin ().

    • I agree with you, it seems that they always have to retouch and become stronger at the setaou beran in each update, when really it is already a boss of the past that still presents utility in front of other bosses that exist before.

      I think it's a boss that really should not be buffed anymore, we're talking now in the game where people are already 120 in 30% and they have a equipment far superior to what they could carry before. It is normal that as the game progresses, the bosses of the past are easier to do, so I do not understand the purpose of enhancing both the setaou beran outside of preventing players from farming yang or enchanting items and etc that release the chests that drops beran setaou.

      Also we are talking about a boss who can only enter 1 group per server every hour, it is not even like other bosses where one can enter when he wants while he meets the level requirements or some ticket or etc.

      About the opinion of the update I leave my post here if you want to see it.…ays/?postID=6912#post6912

      I think that the mythical alchemy should not go on because the only thing that has caused and that has not been implemented, is that people are discouraged to continue playing as many people had finally reached the goal of achieving their legendary excellent, and now with this update, they are telling you to try again. Which to my taste is very bad because alchemy is what takes more time and money than there is in the game and is the hardest thing to do.

      What we should have at this point of the game, is the opening to new maps and dungeons from 105 or 110 or higher since the game should progress and this same that you are explaining that the costs are high and prices are low is due that the game does not have a big update in terms of drops and things that can be done which take time to complete or that are really more difficult than what exists now.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.
    • New players are the most important for us. If a new player can't farm for upg item, or for buy medium equipament, he can't reach lvl up. Without fresh new player, market will rest frozen. A player who has build a good equipament( resistances and alchemy) who can't farm anymore his favorite bosses or zones will abord the game. Not everyone can buy things with MD! New weapons,alchemy can't be achive if players can't farm for it. Support from shamans is already weeck,resistants will drop, how can we play or funn on this game?
    • I dont saw all that new players that they spoke about, i never hear about someone who start to play as a new player on any server, all the community is stabie by old players who take a long period of rest and then they decided to play again this game, because is in some moments funny, nobody start as a beginner, in this game i think that all new player are around 5% on all communities, so they should hear our opinion about all those changes, because is not about improvement, is about changes.
      The price in market is made by the players, i don t think the market will freeze as long as there are players who participate in this game not only in pvp, but also in pvm. However in pvm rewards are worthy of contempt, it is not worth to go to an Azrael, Razador, Reaper or others Bosses that exist in this game with more then one comrade.
    • LHQentin wrote:

      Could anyone please explain to me how can we do this meley dungeon, when on full resistance i don t resist at one skill? I mean more than that what can I put on me to deal that damage?

      Watch the test!
      I think the double damage that you get in the video should not happen and it should be a bug of this update since in the normal server, those double 16000 or 17000 do not happen with the flare of the meley. Since that skill should hit only 1 time.
      Currently in summary watching the video, it seems that the defense is much more effective than resistance to fire.
      You should place that video as a test in the post of the elementary resistances as testers and etc. look at it. Here I leave the link of that post:…Feedback-needed/?pageNo=2
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.