Gameforge, what are you doing dear ?

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    • Gameforge, what are you doing dear ?


      This is a letter from a gamer, who has been a Game Master for you for more than 3 years. (Khastel, you know.)

      WTF are you doing ???
      I've never been ok with what you've done to Metin2 since you managed it.

      So that's why I became a Game Master for you. To understand why so many bad decisions were taken, and maybe try to change anything. Quickly, I understood there was nothing to do. Everything you were doing was for the money. This game is one of the more profitable you have. I quit because you were really awfull with the players, you were'nt managing the teams at all, because why does it need to be managed when it is so profitable ?
      I decided to stop care and play at this game to my own, and to do with your bad decision.

      BUT now, this update is the one WE CANNOT let you go with. It unforgivable. You cannot change everything, after you let players make a whole new stuff since the last update, and now just make them change for new.

      I know you don't look at the french Community at all, but let me inform you that every player is just disgust by this new update, many of them has already started to stop the game, and many other plan to stop juste after the update. With this game, you'll kill the Game in FR. That's for sure. It is really hard for us in France to continue to play because more and more of player are disgust by Gameforge, you must know, really. They are all stopping.

      So PLEASE, Gameforge, cancel this Update. You can't go on with this one.
      I speak about the reduction of the elementary defense, mainly. It's way too big.

      I saw a lot of player here who said : "Don't touch to anything, but add new content".
      That's all true. That's the key for you to make money.

      Add some new maps, with new defenses and offensives bonus, and we'll get new stuff with new bonuses to discover this new content. You'll get your money as usual.
      We'll definitely not going to change our stuffs for a content we already know.

      Gameforge, listen to us, your customer, WE are making you eating. Consider it.

      I hope my letter will go where she was meant to go.

      To all, have a nice Sunday, a nice week, and a nice life.

      A tired customer of Gameforge.


      EDIT :
      To facilitate your understanding, find below the different points you should not left in the 18.4 update :
      - The reduce of elementary defense
      - Untradable shard/fragment
      - New legendaries (or at least, swear that you'll not do that again for every player who want them, but I don't feel like they are neccessaries).

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Plume ().

    • I'm a french player and i'm agree with Khastel !

      I'm just disgust by gameforge ! Disgust by gameforge's strategy (communication, update to come)

      It's the first time since i play (2008), i tell myself i'm gonna stop ! It's pity after a good update like shaman upgrade !
    • Fine, you want the update.

      Why ? What will it bring to you ? Use fact.
      They can put this update but not in the way it is today.

      I will use fact :

      I buy some stuff for all the map of my level (100+). It based on the elementary resistance, as it was bring on one of the last update.
      It cost me a lot. But now I can play well on every map of my level. I don't want them to change every bonuses right now, so that it means I will have to rebuilt all my stuff ? Why I'll do it ? Sorry, I prefer to stop the game at this point.

      The new legendary stones ? For what ? Yes it's good for the excellent legendaries which have no bonus, so you can craft further. What will happend with the excellent mythics ? Same things.
      And what the point of this mythics legs ? To make some people who put their salaries in the game can do everything alone and steal every source of yangs from the other player ? Please.

      The pet system will be ok. Maybe they can let it, but I don't request for it.

      What's more ? What's your point ? What are your arguments ?

      There is nothing new in this update, nothing really good.

      EDIT : I forget the way to build your cors that change. How you'll make your legendaires if you can do less cor ?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Plume ().

    • Yes
      Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort

    • YES,they are destroing the game.Like i sayd in other topic,the simple fact that thay are thinking abaut such an aberrante changes,make wery much people already to quit the game.
      U cant come whit a beta metin2 and reset all the items to have no bonus ,and ask players if its ok if we implement this update. (its an exeple).

      Gameforge and websez should today to remove atleast the alchimy change on beta server.So people can focus on the things that are realy needet to change like rezistences.Why to make people spend 5 hours to make an excelent mistic alchimy to test something that never will come on live servers,because if it does, 80% of players will end the game.

      Why gameforge and webzen adding updates,and after few mounts they constant that update need to be nerfed.After a lot of people already has make the items,etc.

      Dear Gameforge and webzen ,please remove the alchimy changes from beta server ! Already 20% of players sell they account.Our friends are leaving the game ,and thats because u only thinking abaut this changes.
      In metin2 is no more garante that if u are investing an amoung of money in some items ... it will keep the price.
    • Fr,De,Arabia + Romania dont want this crap update If You want ti make more money add LIKE the ex fr GameMaster told add new maps new boss WITH new ofensive and defensive bonuses but dont change the elementary rezistance leave IT how is IT You sayd THAT IF YOU CHANGE ELEMENTARY REZISTACE IS QUOTE DANGEROUS WE PLAYERS ARE THE ONES WHO PAY YOUR CREW AND YOUR BILLS AMD YOUR SALARY SO STOP THE UPDATE IF YOU DONT WANNA LOSE YOUR PLAYERS WE ASKED TO COMBINE 2 EXCELENTS ALCHEMY NOT ADD NEW ALCHEMI OR ADS AN ITEM IN ITEMSHOP WHO COST 1K DR and the PLAYERS will buy i asure You why You ignore US listen to us WE play this game not webzen not GAMEFORGE se PLAYERS bring You money in YOUR pokets .You dont see that no community dont want this 18.4 crap update. You didnt see that PLAYERS FROM around the world make private shops Where say no to update 18.4 protest ...That mean something is wrong and PLAYERS are tired to shut up and dat YOUR crap updates . :thumbdown:
    • We must add the dances on the game
      Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort Je suis le plus fort