No more tradeable shards: collecting some opinions

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    • No more tradeable shards: collecting some opinions

      Hey guys,

      do you have any opinion about the new limit of 5 cor draconises per day, per single player?

      You've probably noticed that while dragon shards are no longer storable, cor draconises still are. This means that we've got the virtual chance of getting 25 total cors per day on a single character.

      However, in order to reach that result, we're supposed to use the other 4 characters of our account and play with them as if they were our main character, and that's pretty stressful.

      As I've already said in my feeback (here: A priori feedback) I'm not fully against this modification. In fact, I really didn't like that there were people who had to do the "though" work of farming shards and that someone could buy all of the shards without putting almost no effort into it.

      By the way: do not forget that cor draconises may be bought on Item Shop. So, it's fair that, if you want to accelerate the process of crafting alchemy, you'd direct yourself toward the itemshop and pay real money for it. I'm fine with that.

      The only problem is that now collecting cor draconises will be harder. Do not forget that you not only need alchemy for crafting but also to recharge your equipped stones! How are we supposed to do that, if shards are no longer tradeable?

      I'm pretty convinced that 5 cors per character aren't enough to cover for both alchemy replenishment and crafting.

      That's why I'm here to hear your opinion.

      By assuming that shards will no longer be tradeable, what would you prefer?

      1) leaving things as they are, so, up to 5 cors a day per single character: cors will be storable so you can virtually get 25 cors on a single character;

      2) applying 10-12 cors a day per single character, but removing the chance to store cor draconises: this way you cannot get all of the cors on a single PG, but if you really want to use all of your characters, you can still farm with them and hope to get antiques/legendaries, which then you will pass to your main character.

      I think that the second system would be better, because it gives you the chance to use your cors for both replenishment and crafting.

      What do you all think?
    • I totally agree with you. Currently, on my server, I farm the dragon shards on a mule account but I continue to do my 3 shards a day on my main character, only to reload the legendary. If the alchemy system is implemented as it is on the beta server, it will be impossible for me to continue to reload my legendary and to craft other ones.

      Like you, I am ready to make a compromise by choosing the solution n ° 2. It's a good solution.

      As a shaman, this is not the change that grieves me the most, but Enough is enough !
    • If I had to choose between the 2 options and the dragon stone shard would not be tradeables, I would prefer the 2nd option since at least with effort and time one could achieve getting good alchemy.

      But I think that the cost of this decision of the fragments dragon shard that are not tradeable, probably in the end will change it since it is what most impacted the trade in addition to the introduction of the mythic. We still have to wait longer to see what will really happen.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.