Expert Chest I / Green Magic

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    • Expert Chest I / Green Magic

      Hello I have a suggestion, the Green Magic in the Expert Chest II is very bad for the new player because they can not enjoy of the Green Magic, the level 40 is hard to reach, several years players enjoy for the Green Magic in the Chest 20 why you go from one extreme to the other ?

      ok with the exp bonus in the chest justified a change but not this change, i know that it is not planned but i ask for me and the new players change that and put them Green Magic in the Expert Chest I
    • Hey,
      thank you for the suggestion.

      This is not part of the beta but can you give some further information?
      Reaching lvl 40 is not hard in my personal opinion.

      You have the new weapons each 10 lvl and the exp bonus.
      What will it take to get 40? Maybe 6 hours?

      Do other want the same change or have the same opinion that this should be changed?
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • It would be nice to get lv 30 since lv 20 was too low ans lv 40 is too high so it make a big difference i guess lv 30 is the perfect level since low levels players get theirs weapons 30 i mean real not heros weapons they can instantly switch it could be really strategical and logic for them.

      And people can't level black orcs in 6h i mean for new players ... so try to make this in live it gonna improve the game