Hello, i have being testing the new emotions, and they are good, and the animations are funny!
I personaly don't like the design of some of the emoticons, poor background choose of colours, like strong yellow's, green or primary blue.
For me talking ballons shoud be white or non existent, there might be 2 or 3 ballon that work's well with colour, such as the moon, the sun, the rainbow, because it works well as an whole.
Now the others i don't think it works good, or the sensation they want to transmit with the use of that colours, why is a blue old phone on a blueish background, or a pink cake with a green background, at the maximum i understand the use of colour on the "feeling" emoticons, like stress, or danger as it is dificult to put that feeling on an emoticon.
But this is personal preferences... and its a minor thing, more of a picky situation there for me, there are more important things to be done.
About the testing:
Everyone knows about the free emotions from CTRL+1~9, and they work the same, as well as 21 premium animations works fine.
There are still 3 more emotions playable by introducing in the chat:
(!) (?) (fish)

This ones are missing in the beta, so there are less 3 free emotions than before (you can still se fishing only while fishing
New ones:

This emotions have visual efects while moving, like smoke, candle, spark.
As the emotions are getting out of the bag, they appear in the random order they got out, if you then change CH or relogin, appears a chat message from all the special emotions active and the emotions seems to be reorganized to it's default order, appearing the animations first, and then the emoticons.
Should exist a way of deleting the ones you don't want, like drag the emotion out of the window and apearing a popup to delete that emotion, in order to get new empty slot.
This is mandatory, as you are buying the mask of emotions for these to take effect, you should be able to use the ones you want right away and not wait 12h until having another chance to get them, even if it means to waste another emotion.
The 5 animations are well made... and funny.

And at the end the "pop" ballon as he wakes up.
Last things about this topic:
(BUG) You can activate animations while fishing -
The standart emoticons (ctrl+1~9) can be used on horse, but the new ones can't be used while mounted.
I'm still waiting for someone to marry, to see if y can use this special animations without mask on the wedding!
I personaly don't like the design of some of the emoticons, poor background choose of colours, like strong yellow's, green or primary blue.
For me talking ballons shoud be white or non existent, there might be 2 or 3 ballon that work's well with colour, such as the moon, the sun, the rainbow, because it works well as an whole.
Now the others i don't think it works good, or the sensation they want to transmit with the use of that colours, why is a blue old phone on a blueish background, or a pink cake with a green background, at the maximum i understand the use of colour on the "feeling" emoticons, like stress, or danger as it is dificult to put that feeling on an emoticon.
But this is personal preferences... and its a minor thing, more of a picky situation there for me, there are more important things to be done.
About the testing:
Everyone knows about the free emotions from CTRL+1~9, and they work the same, as well as 21 premium animations works fine.
There are still 3 more emotions playable by introducing in the chat:
(!) (?) (fish)
This ones are missing in the beta, so there are less 3 free emotions than before (you can still se fishing only while fishing

New ones:
This emotions have visual efects while moving, like smoke, candle, spark.
As the emotions are getting out of the bag, they appear in the random order they got out, if you then change CH or relogin, appears a chat message from all the special emotions active and the emotions seems to be reorganized to it's default order, appearing the animations first, and then the emoticons.
Should exist a way of deleting the ones you don't want, like drag the emotion out of the window and apearing a popup to delete that emotion, in order to get new empty slot.
This is mandatory, as you are buying the mask of emotions for these to take effect, you should be able to use the ones you want right away and not wait 12h until having another chance to get them, even if it means to waste another emotion.
The 5 animations are well made... and funny.
- The dance 7 makes my warrior a diva.
- But first a selfie
- Pushups as training.
- Stretching before a duel.
- That guy makes me sleep.
And at the end the "pop" ballon as he wakes up.
Last things about this topic:
(BUG) You can activate animations while fishing -
- waiting for the fish,
- activate animation and stop by itself, if not long enough character goes to idle animation,
- appear message of fishing bite as you are on idle,
- and then after a while the animation of losing fish appears.
The standart emoticons (ctrl+1~9) can be used on horse, but the new ones can't be used while mounted.
I'm still waiting for someone to marry, to see if y can use this special animations without mask on the wedding!

The post was edited 1 time, last by hugoW ().