Pinned Resistance - Feedback needed!

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    • Resistance - Feedback needed!

      Hello :)

      There is one more issue that needs your help and feedback: Resistance changes

      I know that some of you already tested this and find it too hard (I agree with you) but I need you be more specific.

      From what I already saw, there are some maps that uses the same resistance but the difference between damage in similar mobs (around same lvl) is very big.
      I would love if you can get me some damage values, which kind of mob, where did you do it (dungeon/map) and which class are you using and how much resistance you have with and without talisman.

      Ochao Temple you can die pretty easy now but if you go to Gautama, it seems almost nothing changed in the damage with the same gear

      Try it with and without DSS activated.

      Thank you so much for your attention, support and all the help :love:

      <3 Anayra of the House Metin2, the First of Her Name, Breaker of Servers,
      Queen of Bugs, Babysitter of Testers, Mother of Dragons! <3

      :love: Beran Meley Nemere Razador Hydra :love:
    • Hello i can give You a feedback im a 120 lykan i have 100+9 Helm 15 wind rezistance 20% orks 10 devil,i have 115+9 monster armour WITH 1k pv 15 wind rezistance +50 attack value i have heaven tear bracelet 15 wind rezistance +20 devil . Costume+Hairstyle 15+15 wind rezistance + silver necklance WHO give 10 wind + the silver ores 1+1+2 so let make a Little math .89 % Wind rezistance i have on live server the mobs cant kill me in enchanted forest on beta server WHEN i used a bravery cape i was dead instantly the mobs give to much dmg on beta servar or the rezistance was decreased a lot WITH 89% wind i take 800 dmg per monster WITH ALCHEMI withnout ALCHEMI 2.3k 1.5k dmg really ? Oo i forgot If i put the level 23 shoes wich give You 10% more wind i make 99% wind rezistance i try and suprise i get same dmg WITH/withnout ALCHEMY WHEN i have 89% wind but in reality i have 99%.
    • Can you tell me the damage value you get on live server when you do the same with the bravery cape?
      Just to see the difference you have from beta to live server :)

      <3 Anayra of the House Metin2, the First of Her Name, Breaker of Servers,
      Queen of Bugs, Babysitter of Testers, Mother of Dragons! <3

      :love: Beran Meley Nemere Razador Hydra :love:
    • Anayra wrote:

      Can you tell me the damage value you get on live server when you do the same with the bravery cape?
      Just to see the difference you have from beta to live server :)
      Hi again yes lady in live server WHEN i use bravey cape i get around 1- 20-50 per monster and rare WITH penetrațio IT five me 200 dmg while in beta server i was dead instantly WHEN i used a bravey cape
    • RabbitRun wrote:

      So it comes down you need to know the difference between beta and live servers? I'll make some tests later this weekend and post it here.
      When something is not right we need to see the differences and test all the classes in different situations :)
      Asking help is not a sign of weakness ;)
      I'll be waiting for your feedback

      IRobot wrote:

      Anayra wrote:

      Can you tell me the damage value you get on live server when you do the same with the bravery cape?
      Just to see the difference you have from beta to live server :)
      Hi again yes lady in live server WHEN i use bravey cape i get around 1- 20-50 per monster and rare WITH penetrațio IT five me 200 dmg while in beta server i was dead instantly WHEN i used a bravey cape
      Thank you for the Lycan feedback, you are the first :thumbsup:

      <3 Anayra of the House Metin2, the First of Her Name, Breaker of Servers,
      Queen of Bugs, Babysitter of Testers, Mother of Dragons! <3

      :love: Beran Meley Nemere Razador Hydra :love:
    • Hello @Anayra on the live server at the razador dungeon, they do like 1/2/3 or miss with 101% fire resistance and i already test the same set PVM on the beta server and the weaker monsters they do like 400, 500/600 dmg is insane.. i only tested this dungeon so i can't tell you more about the resistances.
      btw i'm warrior level 107

      Best Regards,
      The Legend returns :D
      Metin2 PT - RAGNAR Lv.107

      Youtube Channel:

      TwichTv Stream:

      First Lycan Lv.105 in Metin2(GF)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by RAGNAR ().

    • Tests Live and Beta Server same time:

      Test 1

      Map: Temple of Ochao
      Resistence: 64% Wind on Both Servers
      Items: Same itens and DSS Off
      Character: Lycan lv 117
      Ochao Soldier on Live Server: 0 Damage
      Ochao Soldier on Beta Server: 970-1200 Damage

      Test 2

      Map: Guatama Cliff
      Resistence: 64% Wind on Both Servers
      Items: Same items and DSS Off
      Character: Lycan Lv 117
      Lemures General on Live Server: 0 Damage
      Lemures General on Beta Server: 150-325 Damage

      Test 3

      Map: Guatama Cliff
      Resistence: 15% Wind on Both Servers
      Items: Same items and DSS Off
      Character: Lycan Lv 117
      Lemures General on Live Server: 130-260 Damage
      Lemures General on Beta Server: 350-500 Damage

    • Meley can also be an option for the Fire resistance since there are different mobs there.

      Thank you for the confirmation that I died A LOT for some reason in the Temple :D

      Thank you but I need you to be more specific on what you had when you checked that

      So far I have feedback from Lycans and Healers :whistling:

      <3 Anayra of the House Metin2, the First of Her Name, Breaker of Servers,
      Queen of Bugs, Babysitter of Testers, Mother of Dragons! <3

      :love: Beran Meley Nemere Razador Hydra :love:
    • Anayra wrote:

      RabbitRun wrote:

      So it comes down you need to know the difference between beta and live servers? I'll make some tests later this weekend and post it here.
      When something is not right we need to see the differences and test all the classes in different situations :) Asking help is not a sign of weakness ;)
      I'll be waiting for your feedback

      IRobot wrote:

      Anayra wrote:

      Can you tell me the damage value you get on live server when you do the same with the bravery cape?
      Just to see the difference you have from beta to live server :)
      Hi again yes lady in live server WHEN i use bravey cape i get around 1- 20-50 per monster and rare WITH penetrațio IT five me 200 dmg while in beta server i was dead instantly WHEN i used a bravey cape
      Thank you for the Lycan feedback, you are the first :thumbsup:
      in this case ofc asking for help is not a sign of weakness,
      Discount code : Alpha
    • Darling, you only have 2 options here:
      1 - help and give feedback
      2 - don't help, don't give feedback and don't spam the thread

      I will start removing posts if they are just spam and not related to the topic.
      Thank you for your attention.

      <3 Anayra of the House Metin2, the First of Her Name, Breaker of Servers,
      Queen of Bugs, Babysitter of Testers, Mother of Dragons! <3

      :love: Beran Meley Nemere Razador Hydra :love:
    • These are my tests being body warrior on both servers on the resistances without using berserker.

      Live server
      Map Ochao Temple
      With 60% wind, 10 magic resistance and 10% resistance to average, 11% skill resistance. and with 807 defense.
      Ochao soldier damage: 30 to 120.
      Ochao Wizard: 15 to 115

      Map: Enchanted forest
      Fighter in tai: 50 to 190.
      Fighter in strong tai: 150 to 280.
      Warrior in tai: 15 to 120.
      Warrior in strong tai: 150 to 240.
      Druid in tai: 1 to 50.
      Druid in strong tai: 90 to 150.
      Healer in tai: 45 to 110.
      Healer in strong tai: 110 to 190.
      Destroyer in tai:
      Normal Blows: 200 to 280
      Skill: 1.7k to 1.9k.
      Blows at little hp: Normal blows 1100 to 1300.
      Skill in low hp: 4400 to 4700
      Destroyer in strong tai: 310 to 400.
      Skill: 2050 to 2200
      Blows in little hp: Normal blows 1400 to 1500
      Skill in low hp :. 4700 to 5000.

      Server beta with the same setup than before.
      Map: Ochao Temple
      Ochao soldier damage: 800 to 950.
      Wizard ochao: 790 to 900.

      Map: Enchanted forest:
      Fighter in tai: 900 to 1050.
      Fighter in strong tai: 1300 to 1550.
      Warrior in tai: 800 to 900.
      Warrior in strong tai: 1050 to 1200.
      Druid in tai: 680 to 800.
      Druid in strong tai: 850 to 1000.
      Healer in tai: 750 to 900.
      Healer in strong tai: 900 to 1050.
      Destroyer in tai: 1100 to 1400.
      Skill: 4,6k at 5,1k.
      Blows in little hp: Normal blows3,7k to 4k.
      Skill in low hp :. 10000 to 11000.
      Destroyer in strong tai: 1400 to 1500
      Skills: 4,800 to 5,200.
      Blows at little hp: Normal blows 3,900 to 4,500.
      Skill in low hp :. 10000 to 11000

      Opinion: I think the elemental resistances in the beta should be raised between 10% and 15% since the change is very abrupt from one server to another and also the damages are very high in some cases of these tests as destroyers or druids .
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Blesenth ().

    • Live server 70% i get 150 - 300 dmg in room 21, now i get 1400 with 105% lightning resist.


      is that even activated?

      Dont change please or if you change, dont change like this..

      Put the shards tradeable too... will kill the metin2
    • Dear @Anayra,
      First of, I'd like to say something.

      We all have our bad days and that's only natural. But it was not needed to spit salt on our comments. By that I mean the way you responded to us was way beyond friendly. Yes you may be QA, you may have set up 'rules' to this thread and yes ofcourse everyone has to stick to it, but I almost was not going to give support anymore looking by this kind of behavior. But I decided to go on.

      We're going through a rough time here with these updates going on and we want it to be changed asap. So yea you could also just delete the nonsense without replying instead.

      Can we still walk through one door? I hope so... Anyways here are my testings, I hope you appreciate it.

      Class: Weaponry Sura level 113
      All bio's done (92&94 Attack Value)
      No pets/systems were activated unless written
      All testings were done with Wind Talisman ON (I did not encounter anything different while switching/unequip Talismans)
      My basic Alch consists of:
      • Legendary Diamond Matt +4 (Skill dmg/Skill dmg Res)
      • Legendary Onyx Matt +4 (Block/Arrow evade)
      • Legendary Granate Clear +4 (SP/SPAbsorb/SP Recover)
      • Legendary Saphire Matt +4 (Warrior/Lycan/Sura Def)
      • Legendary Jadeit Clear +4 (HP Absorb/HP/HP%)
      • Legendary Ruby Matt +4 (Average dmg/Attack Value/Average dmg Res)
      The first row of damages were done on live servers, the second row on beta server.

      Wind Resistance:20%27%55%70%77%89%
      Ochao Warrior900-950
      Ochao General1200-1300
      En-Tai Warrior900-1100
      En-Tai Druid700-800
      (+15% MA*)
      (+15% MA*)
      (+25% MA*)
      (+25% MA*)
      (No alch/70% wind/45% MA*)
      (+45% MA*)
      En-Tai Destroyer**~4200

      * MA = Magic Resistance
      ** It might sound stupid but sometimes I thought like En-Tai Destroyer is using skills so skill resistance would work aswell. But it doesn't so therefore no furter tests done with Skill Res
      BROWN = These tests were done with basic alch ON (remember: this Alch has Set Bonus and they were already calculated)

      The most right table shows tests which were done with the newest Mythic Alchemy. That Alch consists 6x Mythic Excellent +6 stones and all of the bonusses were perfectly made. I don't think I need to tell you which bonusses they have.

      But yea, you can easily see the difference between the live and beta servers.

      It's almost sad that I had to use Blessings of Life on beta server in order to get good testings, damn.

      This is just part one of my testings. I will make more tests on different types of mobs at your request. If you can tell me which mobs you'd like to get tests from me, just write it :)

      I had so many troubles while writing it on forums, so I had to code the entire table and therefore it took longer than expected.


      The post was edited 5 times, last by RabbitRun: Fixed some lines ().