what about pvp?

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    • what about pvp?

      Hello, I know I'm off topic, but I would like to express my concern about pvp in this game. At the moment Sura BM dominates in front of all the characters. It does not matter what items you have, you can have full resistance to magic, it's not enough to beat a BM. The two anti-Magic Stone stones is a joke, one for the weapon + 4 (Decreases the Magic Resistance of the opponent +25), and one for the armor +4 (Decreases the Magic Resistance of the opponent +25 !!) Seriously ... how did you thought this aspect? Even a blind can see this gap! Let's not take into account the Dark Protection skill (33% Damage Reduction! seriously!)

      At the moment a sura bm well equipped with mat alchemy he can beat a well-prepared character with excellent alchemy! Do you even realize what's going on in this game?
    • are u kidding me ? lycan nerf ? after first lycan nerf he is the worst chars for pvm now if u are talking about pvp u are noob bcs propably u don't even have claws resistance or anything else to pvp a lycan if u have defs lycans do 0 dmg and lycans all skills is hard to hit any target all other chars have atleast one lock skill to hit on their target sura weapon have mora attack balue from lycan with int items wtf let's nerf lycan bcs we don\t know what def claws means
    • I just made some tests with my Dragon Shaman (lv 100) and Lycan (lv 117)...
      With a 105 weapon +3 with no double hh and a total of 35 hh and no biologit missions, my dragon Shaman can easily beat my lycan (let's say my lycan have 33k hp and my shaman just 17k)...
      My lycan has all missions, lv 90 weap +9 and a total of 60hh... I equipped 103 magic resistence + shield
      With shaman i eqipped 92% Claw Defense + Shield

      My lycan is doing about 150-300 skill damage
      My Shaman about 2100-2500

      So here we can have a exemple how it are working right now, magic chars are broken with stones, but they do not see it... All magic chars need a big nerf, but let's instead nerf what not need nerf.