there is nothing good about complains without solutions so
there is nothing good about complains without solutions so
my solutions are going on different parts that"i'm hoping" will help the players and will be a better improve to the game , cause if the game didn't get updates and new things it will die slowly
i get what gameforge and webzen wanna do but webzen is doing it wrong
1- I have no problem actually with the company introducing a new class but why me and other players around the world are mad ?
cause they trashed our old alchemy which means all of our work in those years went for nothing
So what they could do ?
- Introducing a new item in the NPC "alchemy" or in the game-shop that is able to remove 1 alchemy with 100% guarantee
- Introducing a new page in the alchemy where you can combine
- Your main alchemy whatever it's clarity but with your main stats "full" (the one you dropped using the item I mentioned above)
- 1 useless of the same clarity , why 1 ? cause making a mythic is x2 what you going to pay for legendary , so I have worked already and got my set of legendary (50% of the work) why I gotta work again from 0 to upgrade mine ? therefore I did what I'm supposed to do and this is how the game is improving since a long time "i can explain this point later if you didn't get what i mean"
When you combine those you will get a mythic from the same clarity with the same stats you combined at first
I'ma show it to you in pictures in case you didn't understand it
So this way we found a solution for the useless legendary excellent also a solution for the useless mythic excellent cause using this way u will be happy if you got a useless legendary excellent that will help you if you used it with another Full excellent to make a mythic excellent with the same stats , therefore there wont be useless mythic excellents at all !!
and if this has a failure percentage by any chance , it should be the same % to when you upgrade the clarity not the % when you change the class
also if it failed the main alchemy "top row" stays untouched
2-Dragon soul fragments , being not tradeable is gonna kill the low levels that are depending on this way to get there needs
So what webzen wanted to do with this move ? they wanted to end the black market farmers that are making hundreds of cor draconis daily , so what's the solution ??
- Changing the mission in the alchemy that will work on the whole account , he will ask you to collect the fragments and you have a maximum number of 100 a Day and once you finish it you have to wait for 24 hours and the 24 counts from the moment you finished the mission not once you started it
- Each account (5 chars) are only able to drop a maximum of 100 fragments daily And it will counts even if it's dropped on the floor and he doesn't pick it up or if he takes it from the trade windows " once he goes over the limit it will tell him that you can't take those fragment and they will be highlighted in red color on the trade window
This way the low levels are going to keep up with the game with a small increase on the fragments price , and what happened to the black market farmers ? this way they are only able to store 100 fragments from each account, so if they gotta keep going with what they are doin now they gotta make 3-4 other accounts that are able to drop this many fragments 300-400 , and the same number of accounts to store them and give it to his other chars
In conclusion with this way we still have the low levels alive and we made it hard to the black market farmers to keep up with there work
In conclusion with this way we still have the low levels alive and we made it hard to the black market farmers to keep up with there work
3- Yang sellers , there are so many ways to get yang those days , Gatun meley razador nemyer the blue dragon devils catacomb and alchemy Where is the main problem and one who make yang the most ?
Gatun needs 5 people to go in , the blue dragon asks for 3 twisted keys for each person , nemyer you can go in every 4 hours , razador you can go in every hour and it's exhausting due to the many mission you have to do to kill the boss , and meley there are barley 1-2 players in each server that can do it solo otherwise it's done with 4 players at least , so it's not a main source here , the unbalanced thing here is the devil catacomb and auto hunting , they simply keep there pc open with 3-4 level 75 accounts at least activating the auto hunting and making 50-60 million per hour which is over what they need , so they begin to sell it on players in the black markets
When the other farmers got a lot of gears and must of the farms can't be done solo it gotta be in a group therefore you can't go and farm meley as example whenever you like cause doing it solo costs a lot compared to what you get back that's why mostly it's done in groups and it's actually hard to keep doing it with your friends , so there will be days you wont get yang at all cause you wont be able to group up
The simple solution here – auto hunting is not activatable in some maps like devils catacomb cause it's unfair to other farmers and unbalanced thing which kills the game
4- the element resistance – you changed the way it works cause now 100 lightning as example in the beta is the same as 30-35% on the official servers , why not just keep it the way it's and remove it from the sets and add other elements that are missing from gears ?
15% Lightning Resistance
15% Wind Resistance
15% Fire Resistance
Are removed from costumes and then you add those to the costumes
15% Earth Resistance
15% Dark Resistance
15% Ice Resistance
and make sure you don't touch the magic resistance cause it's needed in the pvp
you don't wanna fix something and ruin another
This way we are capable of getting 65% (15 Armour 15 helmet 15 bracelet 10 shoes and 10 necklaces) from the main elements" Light Wind and Fire" and 55% ( 25% on the talismans and 30% on costumes ) of "Earth Dark and Ice" so it's balanced this way and the resistances are still useful
I'm hoping you take those solutions in mind and thank you for your time
The post was edited 4 times, last by abu7med ().