This 18.4 update is NOT the answear. @sunsiK

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    • This 18.4 update is NOT the answear. @sunsiK

      Hy there , im sunsiK as most of the people know me and before i start to share my Feedback with you guys , i just want to say that i'm from Romania so therefore i will not be 100% to write correctly gramatical but i will try my best.

      First things first , i do appreciate your work and trying to do things better but i think you guys got into the wrong direction , rather that trying to get some updates to the game , to the actual gameplay and implemeting all this new things , i think that its time you take a step back and have a look at that is WRONG with this game , on things that other players complain about , as you may already know this game is OLD , you keep on adding things and adding and adding until its getting worst then before. Go back in 2008 and compare the bugs now and then , all of them . I'm not saying that is a bad thing you try to update the game but you doing it WRONG! The graphic is really bad , the PVP game is AS BAD AS IT GETS and then the RUNS and not only , they are FULL OF BUGS , and you do what ? you push us to spend more money for a game like this ? what are we getting back ? more BUGS? BUGS that you dont even know about them , that's not right guys .

      As i was spending time on the beta test server with some of my friends , we had the chance to test some things , well , most of the things you try to implement and i wans't really impressed by this update , on the opposite , it was a HUGE dissappoiment .

      1. We asked for a solution with the alchemy regarding the "excellent" clarity so you gave what instead? well , nothing .
      Your solution for this "problem" was to add another category , same as the one we already got , just to get the same way up to the top to get another empty "excellent" , then what ?
      We got the same issue and will remain the same , so , this is a HUGE NOPE from me , im not interested on spending more money to get the same thing i have now , witch is an EMPTY "excellent" and will be an EMPTY MITHIC "excellent" .

      2. What's the thing with the Dragon Stone Shards not beeing tradable anymore ? WHY ? so i can go on spend money so i can have alchemy ? thats one of the dumbest idea you had so far . Again , thats a HUGE NOPE from me .

      3. I really like the ideea with the new dance and emoticons . YES

      4. The new books for pets are good aswell . YES

      5. Now , i guess that the damage from monsters it's coming from the MITHIC alchemy with the bonus of the FIRE POWER , DARK POWER , ETC so you change that in order to be ballanced with the MITHIC ALCHEMY , witch , we go back , I'M NOT AGREEING WITH IT so as follow I'M NOT AGREEING WITH THIS . Is the same thing like the MITHIC alchemy , once you get full MITHIC alchemy its back to normal , using the "excellent" dragon alchemy you do (as an example) 20k damage to a monsters , afther the update , with the same alchemy you will do only 15k damage to the same monster and get more damage back from the monster , you change the alchemy from Dragon alchemy to the Mithical alchemy , you go back to 20k damage to the same monster , like you did in the first place , so , im asking you , WHY ? just to make us spend more for the same things we already have ? NO THANK YOU !

      As i was sayin' , the first step you need to do is to FIX the game instead of doing more harm to it .

      On the romanian comunity we had plenty of servers , when you saw that some servers aren't populated anymore , you started to merge them , afther that you released a new server with got us more BUGS just we can spend MORE MONEY and then merge them again . You do things that you think from your perspective looks good for the company , money in your pockets but what about US? WHAT ABOUT US , THE PLAYERS , THE ONE WHO'S PUTTING THOSE MONEY INTO YOUR POCKETS? You just do things and updates to the game without even CONSIDERING OUR OPPINIONS , and i know why you doing this , cause you know the feedback will be as negative as it gets .

      Manny players made a bussines of this game instead of haveing fun witch is affecting us and then you guys do the same thing , all you care is MONEY and not players really enjoying the game as it should be .

      I'm repeating myself again , take a step back and if you really care about us , the players , you should care about our feedback , cause , afther all is US that is playing the game and NOT YOU .