Reverse this "Balance"

    Dear players,

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    • Reverse this "Balance"

      I have tested today the new changes, and the thing that I can say is that the game is completely unbalanced. Piercing hits are broken and I see most of people play using auto-attack because you hit more than 10k with a simple hit (you can easily kill someone with combo). The most harmed characters are magical (of course). Now my Shaman is useless, i'm bad at PvP and PvE, I hit more with a simple hit than an ability. The reason why I use Shaman is because I lilke the way they use to play, using ranged damage magical skills although they are horribly bad in PvE, but now I see that a Weaponary Sura hit harder than me with a basic attack (their basic attacks are more powerfull than mine) and they are absurdly OP in PvE.

      I can't see in this BETA any BALANCE, physical users are too OP and Magical users are the worst in everything they do (PvE and PvP).

      These are some of the reasons why i think this update should stop and it should be redone, if there is a "balance" it means that all characters are good, but it doesn't mean that all of the are good in PvE and all of them in PvP, if a BlackSura is worse in PvE and aweosme in PvP, ¿Why Weaponary Sura is as good in PvP and PvE? This is the real unbalance in this game and not is unbalance the situation we have now where Shamans and Black Sura are better than Warriors and and Weaponary Suras in PvP (and this different is not so high compared to the differences in PvE).

      With all of that I want to say that if there is a Balance in PvP, we need a Balance in PvE where my Shaman or an Archery Ninja can do the same as a Warrior or a Weaponary Sura.
    • "shaman is a support class"

      For you maybe, for some people it is their main character. I think that if warriors and blade Suras are better in PvP then shamans and BM Suras should be better in PvE, which makes no sense and that's why the beta server is established, so that the classes are somewhat balanced, for now they are not balanced at all ..
    • Let's go through some points:
      - This is the first iteration of Balancing. The Beta server isn't meant to solve every single little detail at once. This needs to be done over time.
      - If you feel that something is not correct, you should explain what is wrong and why is wrong.
      - There is no need to "reverse" the balance in a beta server. We will, from time to time, change some things and get a new version (usually once per week).

      Thank you for testing and for providing feedback.
    • Comkra wrote:

      New PvP Armour Set and Buffed Class Weapons (Kyanite equipment)
      • New PvP armour sets (Kyanite armour) contain the ‘Half human resistance’ bonus
        • Farm crafting material by defeating specific monsters (Razador, Nemere, Jotun Thrym, Bagjanamu or in the Red Dragon Fortress and in Erebos)
        • Go to Seon-Pyeong and drag the armour (+9 Lvl115 armour) onto him to start crafting
        • If the crafting fails, only the materials you used will be destroyed, not the armour itself.
        • You only need one of the following armors as base material:
          • Warrior -> Aurora Armour+9, Magma Glow Armour+9, Whalebone Armour+9 or Fallout Armour+9
          • Ninja -> Ambush Suit+9, Blood Moon Suit+9, Metamorphosis Suit+9 or Night of Death Suit+9
          • Sura -> Devil Claw Armour+9, Hellrider Armour+9, Ghost Lantern Armour+9 or Black Fire Armour+9
          • Shaman -> Clothing of Faith+9, Fire Clothing+9, Clothing of Harmony+9 or Moon Clothing+9
          • Lycan: Shadow Warrior Armour+9, Agate Plate Armour+9, Moonstone Plate Armour+9 or Onyx Plate Armour+9
      • New Buffed Class Weapons (Kyanite weapons)
        • Can be created by the same method as the PvP armour
        • Crafting materials can also be found with the monsters and in the same dungeons listed above.
        • Only class specific weapons can be upgraded:
          • Warrior’s Two Handed Weapons – Solar Blade +9
          • Sura’s Sword -> Dragon Tooth Blade +9
          • Ninja’s Dagger -> Five Element Blade +9
          • Ninja’s Bow -> Phoenix Bow +9
          • Shaman’s Bell -> Dragon Ghost Bell +9
          • Shaman’s Fan -> Lying Dragon Fan+9
          • Lycan’s Claw -> Dragon Lord+9

      Regarding the bonus listing, this was the only way to add it. I will request it again but it would, then, take up most of the screen's space.
    • I'd be totally fine with your reasoning, if it weren't for the "little" detail that Blue Armors were introduced WAY before the golden ones. I'm rather convinced they forgot to adapt them to the new contents and/or they're too lazy to revise them.

      Or maybe, they didn't receive enough feedbacks concerning this matter, from players. :)

      So, an answer like "it was intended this way" sounds pretty lame to me, sorry.

      The fact is that, back to 2010, Blue armors were intended to be final and they got a useless bonus (hp regen.) in order not to affect gameplay.

      Nowadays they are no longer useful, since the level cap shifted to 120 and better armors have been introduced.

      However, I still don't get it. Firstly, high level items should allow better chances for improvements than lower level ones: blue armors should have got - at least - a chance to turn to golden ones.

      Secondly, it's kinda hard getting a Blue armor +9, considering the needing of dragon artifacts and rare item such as quartz sand and blue crystals. What's the point into this?

      The post was edited 6 times, last by BlueShade ().

    • Piercing Hits are huge problem in my opinion as well. I think they've done it this way for Body Warriors as they were pretty weak in PVP. If they want to buff Body Warriors they should change their Aura of Sword gain from STR. If i'm not mistaken, every 12 STR gives 7-8 AoS which is pretty low when it's compared to what Lycans and Weaponry Suras get from INT. Piercing Hits can remain the way it was and STR gain for AoS can be increased a bit. It also can be made similar to Enchanted Blade, activating and deactivating it whenever we want would be fair enough. Because it goes off sometimes on it's own, without any reason.