new maps for +120 lvl

    Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • The game needs to progress along this path. Currently they should incorporate a map with input from a level range of lv105 or lv110 onwards. This is because currently in most servers there are too many characters level 115 and really being higher than level 115 does not make sense since you do not achieve anything new except for a little more stats or skill points or kyanite armor (in +9 it requieres lv120)
      The problem that the game currently has in content:

      - Out of enchanted forest a character superior to lv110 practically does not have places to destroy metins stones except 2 metins that are lv105. For this problem, we should consider incorporating a new map with metins within a range of level 110 to 120 or more.

      - Equally if they were to add new content should have some new purpose to make players go for the new maps or metins, so it could probably be new equipment or accessories of higher level or something new that can not be achieved elsewhere . It can be also new biologic quest so the players can progress with their characters in some way.

      - It would be good to have in this new map, good drop for events from drop general since practically at high level there is almost no place for these events and we always have to play with characters of small levels in general. Also this would encourage people to fight for a zone or etc in order to get the best place and so on.

      -All the current content in the game can be accessed by a lv100 character, which in the absence of new maps that demand more level, makes many people stay in these ranges of levels. The only exception to this is certain equipment that requires a higher level, but even so, a 100-level character can participate in everything that exists today.

      In short: The game needs an update as it was that time the Cape Dragon Fire, which added a new place where players could do things and gave us access to many other things that were not there before.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.

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