Some Annoying Stuff in PvP

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    • Some Annoying Stuff in PvP

      Good Day all;
      I do not want to lengthen in writing , Let's get into the subject.

      1- Since last balance in 17.5 and we facing some issues in PvP Specially with Full Skills Resistance;

      if "Character A" having 90% Sword Defence ( or Claw , Dagger ..etc ) with full skills Resistance and Defence against "Character B" (Warrior/Lycan/Ninja/Sura).
      The DMG of "Character B" on "Character A" will be 0 for Skills and the normal hit about 400-900 ( Even with 5% Sword Break in Talisman and 90 HH ).

      The most appropriate way to solve it:
      GameForge can avoid it by adjusting the Limit of defences to be Maximum at 70% or 75% Sword , Claw , Dagger ...etc ).

      2- The Arrow Storm Skill of the Bow ,having the same issue with Spark before they fixed it in 17.5;

      if "Character A" having 90% Arrow Defence with 66% Defence against Ninja attacks and full skills Resistance.
      The Arrow Storm DMG on "Character A" will be more than 17K with full attack against "Character A".

      The most appropriate way to solve it:

      GameForge can resolve it by nerf it or increase the Recharge time.

      Warm Regards .

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Law G ().

    • Law G wrote:

      The most appropriate way to solve it:
      GameForge can resolve it by nerf it or increase the Recharge time.
      Or simply make the skill affected by the arrow defense
      + All characters must be balanced

      Especially defenses and magic skills

      Law G wrote:

      The most appropriate way to solve it:
      GameForge can avoid it by adjusting the Limit of defences to be Maximum at 70% or 75% Sword , Claw , Dagger ...etc ).
      Great suggestion
    • But this problem is only on Physical Chars, magical ones have their Magic Penetration and even with 0 magical penetration and an enemy with 100% + magic defense, they still do damage...
      I talked about this in other topic, but i think a lot more ppl need talk about to see if gameforge open the eyes.

      Let's make Sword/claws penetration stone, wee also need this now.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      I will just answer a bit regarding resistances:

      - They don't need a cap because the way they are calculated, the effectiveness is heavily reduced at higher levels (above 70% if I am not mistaken)
      Hi unforgiven ,
      Yes you are right and to be more clearly,I meaning by Defences Cap it to be only for physical Defences (sword, Claw, etc ...) above 75% defence with A the DMG of B will be disappointed , because it almost reach 100% impregnability.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Law G ().