Password Protection in game.

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    • Password Protection in game.

      I just want to say that in application metin2 isn't protection for password. Haven't captcha, two-confirmed method or other. In this case is still so much take-over account from owners to hackers... People lose a lot of items. That's poor and crazy. That's the most important issue should be corrected !!!
    • Vezuvia wrote:

      I just want to say that in application metin2 isn't protection for password. Haven't captcha, two-confirmed method or other. In this case is still so much take-over account from owners to hackers... People lose a lot of items. That's poor and crazy. That's the most important issue should be corrected !!!
      I disagree. As long as you don't share account info, nothing will happen. Is someone should 'hack' then the lack of protection is within GameForge DB and not user's.

      And there is captcha if you failed to enter a password 2-3 times.
    • Vezuvia wrote:

      I just want to say that in application metin2 isn't protection for password. Haven't captcha, two-confirmed method or other. In this case is still so much take-over account from owners to hackers... People lose a lot of items. That's poor and crazy. That's the most important issue should be corrected !!!

      Please focus on feedback for 18.4.

      When you have a suggestion like this please use your the board of your com and create a thread with this suggestion.
      Thank you :)
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

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