as you all most likely know, the grinding events such as catch the king, okey cards etc. encourage lots of players to use m2bob and other public hacks to get adventage on the market over the fair players. The solution for battling this would be adding different requirements such as starting level 30+, completing first or first two biologist missions. Once the hacker loses character, it will be much harder for him to replace it during the ongoing event. This way there will be less illegal items on the market, more space for legit players to farm.
as you all most likely know, the grinding events such as catch the king, okey cards etc. encourage lots of players to use m2bob and other public hacks to get adventage on the market over the fair players. The solution for battling this would be adding different requirements such as starting level 30+, completing first or first two biologist missions. Once the hacker loses character, it will be much harder for him to replace it during the ongoing event. This way there will be less illegal items on the market, more space for legit players to farm.